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Read Ebook: The Bible Douay-Rheims Old Testament — Part 1 by

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Ebook has 1082 lines and 423954 words, and 22 pages

Abram marrieth Agar, who bringeth forth Ismael.

To wife. . .Plurality of wives, though contrary to the primitive institution of marriage, Gen. 2.24, was by divine dispensation allowed to the patriarchs: which allowance seems to have continued during the time of the law of Moses. But Christ our Lord reduced marriage to its primitive institution. Matt. 19.

The Covenant of circumcision.

Abram. . .in the Hebrew, signifies a high father: but Abraham, the father of the multitude; Sarai signifies my Lady, but Sara absolutely Lady.

Angels are entertained by Abraham. They foretell the birth of Isaac. Abraham's prayer for the men of Sodom.

I will go down, etc. . .The Lord here accommodates his discourse to the way of speaking and acting amongst men; for he knoweth all things, and needeth not to go anywhere for information. Note here, that two of the three angels went away immediately for Sodom; whilst the third, who represented the Lord, remained with Abraham.

Lot, entertaining Angels in his house, is delivered from Sodom, which is destroyed: his wife for looking back is turned into a statue of salt.

Segor. . .That is, a little one.

And his wife. . .As a standing memorial to the servants of God to proceed in virtue, and not to look back to vice or its allurements.

Abraham sojourned in Gerara: Sara is taken into king Abimelech's house, but by God's commandment is restored untouched.

Isaac is born. Agar and Ismael are cast forth.

Isaac. . .This word signifies laughter.

Bersabee. . .That is, the well of oath.

The faith and obedience of Abraham is proved in his readiness to sacrifice his son Isaac. He is stayed from the act by an angel. Former promises are renewed to him. His brother Nachor's issue.

God tempted, etc. . .God tempteth no man to evil, James 1.13; but by trial and experiment maketh known to the world, and to ourselves, what we are, as here by this trial the singular faith and obedience of Abraham was made manifest.

Sara's death and burial in the field bought of Ephron.

Bowed down to the people. . .Adoravit, literally adored. But this word here, as well as in many other places in the Latin scriptures, is used to signify only an inferior honour and reverence paid to men, expressed by a bowing down of the body.

Abraham's servant, sent by him into Mesopotamia, bringeth from thence Rebecca, who is married to Isaac.

He will send his angel before thee. . .This shows that the Hebrews believed that God gave them guardian angels for their protection.

Let us call the maid, and ask her will. . .Not as to her marriage, as she had already consented, but of her quitting her parents and going to her husband.

Abraham's children by Cetura; his death and that of Ismael. Isaac hath Esau and Jacob twins. Esau selleth his first birthright to Jacob.

Concubines. . .Agar and Cetura are here called concubines, because they were of an inferior degree, and such in scripture are usually called concubines.

Isaac sojourneth in Gerara, where God reneweth to him the promise made to Abraham. King Abimelech maketh league with him.

Torrent. . .That is, a channel where sometimes a torrent or violent stream had run.

Latitude. . .That is, wideness, or room.

Jacob, by him mother's counsel, obtaineth his father's blessing instead of Esau. And by her is advised to fly to his uncle Laban.

I am Esau thy firstborn. . .St. Augustine , treating at large upon this place, excuseth Jacob from a lie, because this whole passage was mysterious, as relating to the preference which was afterwards to be given to the Gentiles before the carnal Jews, which Jacob by prophetic light might understand. So far is certain, that the first birthright, both by divine election and by Esau's free cession belonged to Jacob: so that if there were any lie in the case, it could be no more than an officious and venial one.

Jacob. . .That is, a supplanter.

Jacob's journey to Mesopotamia: his vision and vow.

Bethel. . .This name signifies the house of God.

Jacob serveth Laban seven years for Rachel: but is deceived with Lia: he afterwards marrieth Rachel. Lia bears him four sons.

Rachel, being barren, delivereth her handmaid to Jacob; she beareth two sons. Lia ceasing to bear, giveth also her handmaid, and she beareth two more. Then Lia beareth other two sons and one daughter. Rachel beareth Joseph. Jacob, desirous to return home, is hired to stay for a certain part of the flock's increase, whereby he becometh exceeding rich.

Jacob's departure: he is pursued and overtaken by Laban. They make a covenant.

Jacob's vision of angels; his message and presents to Esau; his wrestling with an angel.

A man, etc. . .This was an angel in human shape, as we learn from Osee 12.4. He is called God, ver. 28 and 30, because he represented the person of the Son of God. This wrestling, in which Jacob, assisted by God, was a match for an angel, was so ordered that he might learn by this experiment of the divine assistance, that neither Esau, nor any other man, should have power to hurt him.--It was also spiritual, as appeareth by his earnest prayer, urging and at last obtaining the angel's blessing.

Phanuel. . .This word signifies the face of God, or the sight, or seeing of God.

Jacob and Esau meet: Jacob goeth to Salem, where he raiseth an altar.

Dina is ravished, for which the Sichemites are destroyed.

Deceitfully. . .The sons of Jacob, on this occasion, were guilty of a grievous sin, as well by falsely pretending religion, as by excess of revenge: though otherwise their zeal against so foul a crime was commendable.

Jacob purgeth his family from idols: goeth by God's commandment to Bethel, and there buildeth an altar. God appearing again to Jacob blesseth him, and changeth his name into Israel. Rachel dieth in childbirth. Isaac also dieth.

Israel. . .This name signifieth one that prevaileth with God.

The concubine. . .She was his lawful wife; but, according to the style of the Hebrews, is called concubine, because of her servile extraction.

Esau with his wives and children parteth from Jacob. An account of his descendants, and of the first kings of Edom.

Ada. . .These wives of Esau are called by other names, Gen. 26. But it was very common amongst the ancients for the same persons to have two names, as Esau himself was also called Edom.

Joseph's dreams: he is sold by his brethren, and carried into Egypt.

A dream. . .These dreams of Joseph were prophetical, and sent from God; as were also those which he interpreted, Gen. 40. and 41.; otherwise generally speaking, the observing of dreams is condemned in the Scripture, as superstitious and sinful. See Deut. 18.10; Eccli. 34.2,3.

Worship. . .This word is not used here to signify divine worship, but an inferior veneration, expressed by the bowing of the body, and that, according to the manner of the eastern nations, down to the ground.

Into hell. . .That is, into limbo, the place where the souls of the just were received before the death of our Redeemer. For allowing that the word hell sometimes is taken for the grave, it cannot be so taken in this place; since Jacob did not believe his son to be in the grave, and therefore could not mean to go down to him thither: but certainly meant the place of rest where he believed his soul to be.

An eunuch. . .This word sometimes signifies a chamberlain, courtier, or officer of the king: and so it is taken in this place.

The sons of Juda: the death of Her and Onan: the birth of Phares and Zara.

Phares. . .That is, a breach or division.

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