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Publisher vocabulary

    The theory which likens the course of certain diseases (esp. infectious diseases) to the process of fermentation, and attributes them to the organized ferments in the body. It does not differ materially from the accepted germ theory .
  • MARA
    The Patagonian cavy
    An instrument for examining the depth or other circumstances of a wound, ulcer, or cavity, or the direction of a sinus, of for exploring for bullets, for stones in the bladder, etc. Parr. Probe, or Probe-pointed, scissors , scissors used to open
    1. The act of objecting; as, to prevent agreement, or action, by objection. Johnson. 2. That which is, or may be, presented in opposition; an adverse reason or argument; a reason for objecting; obstacle; impediment; as, I have no objection
    A steward or butler of a monastery or chapter; one who has charge of procuring and keeping the provisions.
    Having a long life; having constitutional peculiarities which make long life probable; lasting long; as, a long-lived tree; they are a longlived family; long-lived prejudices.
    One of the bones of either the forearm or shank, the epipodialia being the radius, ulna, tibia, and fibula.

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