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Read Ebook: Sir John Oldcastle by Shakespeare Spurious And Doubtful Works

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Ebook has 912 lines and 21580 words, and 19 pages

The doubtful Title prefixt Upon the Argument we have in hand, May breed suspence, and wrongfully disturb The peaceful quiet of your settled thoughts. To stop which scruple, let this brief suffice: It is no pampered glutton we present, Nor aged Counsellor to youthful sin, But one, whose virtue shone above the rest, A valiant Martyr and a virtuous peer; In whose true faith and loyalty expressed Unto his sovereign, and his country's weal, We strive to pay that tribute of our Love, Your favours merit. Let fair Truth be graced, Since forged invention former time defaced.

SHERIFF. My Lords, I charge ye in his Highness' name, To keep the peace, you, and your followers.

HERBERT. Good Master Sheriff, look unto your self.

POWIS. Do so, for we have other business.

SHERIFF. Will ye disturb the Judges, and the Assize? Hear the King's proclamation, ye were best.

POWIS. Hold then, let's hear it.

HERBERT. But be brief, ye were best.


DAVY. Cousin, make shorter O, or shall mar your Yes.


OWEN. What, has her nothing to say but O yes?


DAVY. O nay! pye Cosse plut down with her, down with her! A Pawesse! a Pawesse!

GOUGH. A Herbert! a Herbert! and down with Powis!

SHERIFF. Hold, in the King's name, hold.

OWEN. Down i' tha knave's name, down.

HERBERT. Powesse, I think thy Welsh and thou do smart.

POWIS. Herbert, I think my sword came near thy heart.

HERBERT. Thy heart's best blood shall pay the loss of mine.

GOUGH. A Herbert! a Herbert!

DAVY. A Pawesse! a Pawesse!

MAYOR. My Lords, as you are liege men to the Crown, True noblemen, and subjects to the King, Attend his Highness' proclamation, Commanded by the Judges of Assize, For keeping peace at this assembly.

HERBERT. Good Master Mayor of Hereford be brief.

MAYOR. Sergeant, without the ceremony of Oyes, Pronounce aloud the proclamation.

SERVANT. The King's Justices, perceiving what public mischief may ensue this private quarrel, in his majesty's name do straightly charge and command all persons, of what degree soever, to depart this city of Hereford, except such as are bound to give attendance at this Assize, and that no man presume to wear any weapon, especially welsh-hooks, forest bills--

OWEN. Haw, no pill nor wells hoog? ha?

MAYOR. Peace, and hear the proclamation.

SERVANT. And that the Lord Powesse do presently disperse and discharge his retinue, and depart the city in the King's peace, he and his followers, on pain of imprisonment.

DAVY. Haw? pud her Lord Pawesse in prison? A Pawes! A Pawesse! cossone live and tie with her Lord.

GOUGH. A Herbert! a Herbert!

FIRST JUDGE. Where's the Lord Herbert? is he hurt or slain?

SHERIFF. He's here, my Lord.

SECOND JUDGE. How fares his Lordship, friends?

GOUGH. Mortally wounded, speechless; he cannot live.

FIRST JUDGE. Convey him hence; let not his wounds take air, And get him dressed with expedition.

Master Mayor of Hereford, Master Shrieve o' the shire, Commit Lord Powesse to safe custody, To answer the disturbance of the peace, Lord Herbert's peril, and his high contempt Of us, and you the King's commissioners. See it be done with care and diligence.

SHERIFF. Please it your Lordship, my Lord Powesse is gone Past all recovery.

SECOND JUDGE. Yet let search be made, To apprehend his followers that are left.

SHERIFF. There are some of them. Sirs, lay hold of them.

OWEN. Of us? and why? what has her done, I pray you?

SHERIFF. Disarm them, Bailiffs.

MAYOR. Officers, assist.

DAVY. Hear you, Lor shudge, what resson is for this?

OWEN. Cosson pe puse for fighting for our Lord?

FIRST JUDGE. Away with them.

DAVY. Harg you, my Lord.

OWEN. Gough my Lord Herbert's man's a shitten kanave.

DAVY. Ise live and tie in good quarrel.

OWEN. Pray you do shustice; let all be preson.

DAVY. Prison! no. Lord shudge, I wool give you pale, good suerty.

SECOND JUDGE. What Bail? what sureties?

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