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Read Ebook: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary: Section T U V and W by Project Gutenberg Webster Noah

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Ebook has 17895 lines and 426987 words, and 358 pages

Begin file 10 of 11: T, U, V, and W. of An electronic field-marked version of:

This electronic version was prepared by MICRA, Inc. of Plainfield, NJ. Last edit February 11, 1999.

This version is only a first typing, and has numerous typographic errors, including errors in the field-marks. Assistance in bringing this dictionary to a more accurate and useful state will be greatly appreciated. This electronic dictionary is made available as a potential starting point for development of a modern on-line comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary, by the efforts of all individuals willing to help build a large and freely available knowledge base. Anyone willing to assist in any way in constructing such a knowledge base should contact:

Patrick Cassidy 735 Belvidere Ave. Office: 668-5252 Plainfield, NJ 07062 561-3416

T , the twentieth letter of the English alphabet, is a nonvocal consonant. With the letter h it forms the digraph th, which has two distinct sounds, as in thin, then. See Guide to Pronunciation, ??262-264, and also ??153, 156, 169, 172, 176, 178-180.

The letter derives its name and form from the Latin, the form of the Latin letter being further derived through the Greek from the Ph?nician. The ultimate origin is probably Egyptian. It is etymologically most nearly related to d, s, th; as in tug, duke; two, dual, L. duo; resin, L. resina, Gr. "rhti`nh, tent, tense, a., tenuous, thin; nostril, thrill. See D, S.

T bandage , a bandage shaped like the letter T, and used principally for application to the groin, or perineum. -- T cart, a kind of fashionable two seated wagon for pleasure driving. -- T iron. A rod with a short crosspiece at the end, -- used as a hook. Iron in bars, having a cross section formed like the letter T, -- used in structures. -- T rail, a kind of rail for railroad tracks, having no flange at the bottom so that a section resembles the letter T. -- T square, a ruler having a crosspiece or head at one end, for the purpose of making parallel lines; -- so called from its shape. It is laid on a drawing board and guided by the crosspiece, which is pressed against the straight edge of the board. Sometimes the head is arranged to be set at different angles. -- To a T, exactly, perfectly; as, to suit to a T.

Ta , v. t. To take. Cursor Mundi.

Used by Chaucer to represent a peculiarity of the Northern dialect.

Taas , n. A heap. See Tas. Chaucer.

Tab , n. 1. The flap or latchet of a shoe fastened with a string or a buckle.

Tab"ard , n. A sort of tunic or mantle formerly worn for protection from the weather. When worn over the armor it was commonly emblazoned with the arms of the wearer, and from this the name was given to the garment adopted for heralds.

In a tabard he rode upon a mare.


Tab"by , n.; pl. Tabbies . 1. A kind of waved silk, usually called watered silk, manufactured like taffeta, but thicker and stronger. The watering is given to it by calendering.

Tab"by , a. 1. Having a wavy or watered appearance; as, a tabby waistcoat. Pepys.

Tabby moth , the grease moth. See under Grease.

Tab"by, v. t. To water; to cause to look wavy, by the process of calendering; to calender; as, to tabby silk, mohair, ribbon, etc.

Ta"ber , v. i. Same as Tabor. Nahum ii. 7.

Tab"erd , n. See Tabard.

Dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob.

Heb. xi. 9.

Orange trees planted in the ground, and secured in winter with a wooden tabernacle and stoves.


Shortly I must put off this my tabernacle.

The ornamental receptacle for the pyx, or for the consecrated elements, whether a part of a building or movable.

A niche for the image of a saint, or for any sacred painting or sculpture.

Hence, a work of art of sacred subject, having a partially architectural character, as a solid frame resting on a bracket, or the like.

A tryptich for sacred imagery.

A seat or stall in a choir, with its canopy.

Feast of Tabernacles , one of the three principal festivals of the Jews, lasting seven days, during which the people dwelt in booths formed of the boughs of trees, in commemoration of the habitation of their ancestors in similar dwellings during their pilgrimage in the wilderness. -- Tabernacle work, rich canopy work like that over the head of niches, used over seats or stalls, or over sepulchral monuments. Oxf. Gloss.

He assumed our nature, and tabernacled among us in the flesh.

Dr. J. Scott.

||Ta"bes , n. Progressive emaciation of the body, accompanied with hectic fever, with no well-marked local symptoms.

||Tabes dorsalis , locomotor ataxia; -- sometimes called simply tabes. -- ||Tabes mesenterica , a wasting disease of childhood characterized by chronic inflammation of the lymphatic glands of the mesentery, attended with caseous degeneration.

Tab"id , a. Affected by tabes; tabetic.

In tabid persons, milk is the bset restorative.


a. Producing tabes; wasting; tabefying.

Tab"inet , n. See Tabbinet. Thackeray.

The chimes of bells are so rarely managed that I went up to that of Sir Nicholas, where I found who played all sorts of compositions from the tablature before him as if he had fingered an organ.


Ta"ble , n. 1. A smooth, flat surface, like the side of a board; a thin, flat, smooth piece of anything; a slab.

A bagnio paved with fair tables of marble.


And the Lord said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest.

Ex. xxxiv. 1.

And stand there with your tables to glean The golden sentences.

Beau. & Fl.

The opposite walls are painted by Rubens, which, with that other of the Infanta taking leave of Don Philip, is a most incomparable table.

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