Read Ebook: Coloured engravings of heaths; vol. 2 by Andrews Henry Cranke Active
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Ebook has 1922 lines and 28194 words, and 39 pages
ERICA antheris muticis, inclusis, stylo exserto; floribus subterminalibus, verticillatis; corollis tubuloso-clavatis, villosis, rubro-purpureis, pollicaribus; foliolis senis, rigidis, serrato-ciliatis.
CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis; rami erecti, simplices; ramuli pauci, patento-erecti.
FOLIA sena, linearia, rigida, patentia, margine serrato-ciliata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
FLORES in summitate ramorum subterminales, verticillati, patenti; pedunculi brevi, bracteis tribus instructi.
COROLLA tubuloso-clavata, pollicaris, villosa, rubro-purpurea, viscosa; laciniis erectis.
STAMINA. Filamento octo, capillaria, apice incurvata. Antherae muticae, inclusae.
PISTILLUM. Germen subovatum, octo-sulcatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonae Spei.
Floret ab Augusto, in Novembrem.
HEATH with beardless tips, within the blossom, shaft without; flowers nearly terminate the branches in whorls; blossoms tubularly club-shaped, hairy, of a red-purple colour, and an inch long; leaves grow by sixes, harsh, and sawed at the edge as if fringed.
STEM shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high; branches upright, simple; small branches few, grow upright-spreading.
LEAVES grow by sixes, linear, harsh, spreading, sawed like a fringe at margin; with very short foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
FLOWERS grow nearly terminal at the top of the branches in whorls, spreading; foot-stalks short, with three floral leaves.
EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets between egg and lance-shaped, points a little reflexed, hairy and clammy.
BLOSSOM tubularly club-shaped, an inch long, hairy, of a red-purple colour, and clammy; segments upright.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads turned inwards at the top. Tips beardless, within the blossom.
POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly egg-shaped, eight-furrowed, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August, till November.
ERICA ardens.
ERICA, antheris cristatis inclusis, floribus lateralibus subternis cernuis subglobosis, laciniis erecto-incurvis, foliis ternis subulatis reflexis.
CAULIS fruticosus, semipedalis et ultra, flexuosus, ramulis erectis, patentibusque.
FOLIA ternata, subulata, reflexa, petiolis brevibus, adpressis.
FLORES laterales, saepe ternati, cernui, speciosi; pedunculi floribus sere duplo longiores, bracteis tribus, distantibus, coloratis, instructi.
CALYX tetraphyllus, foliolis ovato-acuminatis, concavis, incurvatis.
COROLLA subglobosa, ignea, laciniis erecto-incurvis.
STAMINA octo, capillaria; antherae cristatae inclusae.
PISTILLUM. Germen tiaraeforme; stylus inclusus; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonae Spei.
Floret a mense Aprili in Junium.
HEATH, with crested tips within the blossom, flowers lateral chiefly in threes bowing nearly globose, with the segments erect-incurved, leaves in threes awl-shaped and bent backwards.
STEM shrubby, half a foot high and upwards, flexuose, with branches erect, and spreading.
LEAVES, in threes, awl-shaped, bent backwards, with short footstalks pressed to the stems.
FLOWERS lateral, chiefly in threes, bowing, showy; the peduncles almost twice as long as the flowers, with three distant, coloured, floral leaves.
EMPALEMENT four-leaved, with the leaves egg-acuminated, concave, and incurved.
BLOSSOM somewhat globular, of a fiery colour, with segments erect-incurved.
CHIVES. Eight, hair-like; tips crested within the blossom.
POINTAL. Germen turban-shaped; shaft within the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April till June.
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