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Read Ebook: Astronomy in a nutshell by Serviss Garrett Putman

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Ebook has 360 lines and 55610 words, and 8 pages









Astronomy teaches us that everything in the universe, from the sun and the moon to the most remote star or the most extraordinary nebula, is related to the earth. All are made of similar elementary substances and all obey similar physical laws. The same substance which is a solid upon the earth may be a gas or a vapour in the sun, but that does not alter its essential nature. Iron appears in the sun in the form of a hot vapour, but fundamentally it is the same substance which exists on the earth as a hard, tough, and heavy metal. Its different states depend upon the temperature to which it is subjected. The earth is a cool body, while the sun is an intensely hot one; consequently iron is solid on the earth and vaporous in the sun, just as in winter water is solid ice on the surface of a pond and steamy vapour over the boiler in the kitchen. Even on the earth we can make iron liquid in a blast furnace, and with the still greater temperatures obtainable in a laboratory we can turn it into vapour, thus reducing it to something like the state in which it regularly exists in the sun.

This fact, that the entire universe is made up of similar substances, differing only in state according to the local circumstances affecting them, is the greatest thing that astronomy has to tell us. It may be regarded as the fundamental law of the stars.

The actual facts, revealed by many centuries of observation and reasoning, are that the earth is a rotating globe, turning once on its axis every twenty-four hours and revolving once round the sun every three hundred and sixty-five days. The sun is also a globe, 1,300,000 times larger than the earth, but so hot that it glows with intense brilliance, while the substances of which it consists are kept in a gaseous or vaporous state. Besides the earth there are seven other principal globes, or planets, which revolve round the sun, at various distances and in various periods, and, in addition to these, there are hundreds of smaller bodies, called asteroids or small planets. There are also many singular bodies called comets, and swarms of still smaller ones called meteors, which likewise revolve round the sun.

Now, in order to make a general picture in the mind of the earth's situation, let the reader suppose himself to be placed out in space as far from the sun as from the other stars. Then, if he could see it, he would observe the earth as a little speck, shining like a mote in the sunlight, and circling in its orbit close around the sun. The universe would appear to him to be somewhat like an immense spherical room filled with scattered electric-light bulbs, suspended above, below, and all around him, each of these bulbs representing a sun, and if there were minute insects flying around each light, these insects would represent the planets belonging to the various suns. One of the glowing bulbs among the multitude would stand for our sun, and one of the insects circling round it would be the earth.

We now turn our attention to the centre of that dome, which, of course, is the point directly overhead. This point, which is of primary importance, is called the zenith. The position of the zenith is indicated by the direction of a plumb-line. If we imagine a plumb-line to be suspended from the centre of the sky overhead, and to pass into the earth at our feet, it would run through the centre of the earth, and, if it were continued onward in the same direction, it would, after emerging from the other side of the earth, reach the centre of the invisible half of the sky-dome at a point diametrically opposite to the zenith. This central point of the invisible half of the celestial sphere, lying under our feet, is called the nadir.

Keeping in mind the definitions of zenith and nadir that have just been given, we are in a position to understand what the rational horizon is. It is a great circle whose plane cuts through the centre of the earth, and which is situated exactly half-way between the zenith and the nadir. This plane is necessarily perpendicular, or at right angles, to the plumb-line joining the zenith and the nadir. In other words, the rational horizon divides the celestial sphere into two precisely equal halves, an upper and a lower half. In a hilly or mountainous country the sensible or visible horizon differs widely from the rational, or true horizon, but at sea the two are nearly identical. This arises from the fact, that the earth is so excessively small in comparison with the distances of most of the heavenly bodies that it may be regarded as a mere point in the midst of the celestial sphere.

Besides the horizon and the zenith there is one other thing of fundamental importance which we must learn about before proceeding further,--the meridian. The meridian is an imaginary line, or semicircle, beginning at the north point on the horizon, running up through the zenith, and then curving down to the south point. It thus divides the visible sky into two exactly equal halves, an eastern and a western half. In the ordinary affairs of life we usually think only of that part of the meridian which extends from the zenith to the south point on the horizon , but in astronomy the northern half of the meridian is as important as the southern.

Then another set of circles is drawn perpendicular to the horizon, and all intersecting at the zenith and the nadir. These are called vertical circles, from the fact that they are upright to the horizon. That one of the vertical circles which cuts the horizon at the north-and-south points coincides with the meridian, which we have already described. The vertical circle at right angles to the meridian is called the prime vertical. It cuts the horizon at the east and west points, dividing the visible sky into a northern and a southern half. Like the altitude circles, vertical circles may be drawn anywhere we please so as to pass through a star in any quarter of the sky--but the meridian and the prime vertical are fixed.

With the two sets of circles that have just been described, it is possible to indicate accurately the location of any heavenly body, at any particular moment. Its altitude is ascertained by measuring, along the vertical circle passing through it, its distance from the horizon.

Every circle, no matter how large or how small, is divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees, usually indicated by the sign ; each degree is subdivided into 60 equal parts called minutes, indicated by the sign ; and each minute is subdivided into 60 equal parts called seconds, indicated by the sign . Thus there are 360?, or 21,600?, or 1,296,000? in every complete circle. The actual length of a degree in inches, yards, or miles, depends upon the size of the circle, but no circle ever has more than 360?, and a degree of any particular circle is precisely equal to any other degree of that same circle. Thus, if a circle is 360 miles in circumference, every one of its degrees will be one mile long. In mathematics, a degree usually means not a distance measured along the circumference of a circle, but an angle formed at the centre of the circle between two lines called radii , which lines, where they intersect the circumference, are separated by a distance equal to one 360th of the entire circle. But, for ordinary purposes, it is simpler to think of a degree as an arc equal in length to one 360th of the circle. Now, since the horizon, and the other imaginary lines drawn in the sky, are all circles, it is evident that the principle of circular measure may be applied to them, and indeed must be so applied in order that they shall be of use to us in indicating the position of a star.

To return, then, to the measurement of the azimuth of a star. Since the south point is the place of beginning, we mark it 0?, and we divide the circle of the horizon into 360?, counting round westward. Suppose we see a star somewhere in the south-western quarter of the sky; then the point where the vertical circle passing through that star intersects the horizon will indicate its azimuth. Suppose that this point is found to be 25? west of south; then 25? will be the star's azimuth. Suppose it is 90?; then the azimuth is 90?, and the star must be on the prime vertical in the west, because west, being one quarter of the way round the horizon from south, is 90? in angular distance from the south point. Suppose the azimuth is 180?; then the star must be on the meridian north of the zenith, because north is exactly half-way, or 180? round the horizon from the south point. Suppose the azimuth is 270?; then the star must be on the prime vertical in the east, because east is 270?, or three quarters of the way round from the south point. If the star is on the meridian in the south its azimuth may be called either 0? or 360?, because on any graduated circle the mark indicating 360? coincides in position with 0?, that being at the same time the point of beginning and the point of ending.

The same system of angular measure is applied in ascertaining a star's altitude. Since the horizon is half-way between the zenith and the nadir it must be just 90? from either. If a star is in the zenith, then its altitude is 90?, and if it is below the zenith its altitude lies somewhere between 0? and 90?. In any case it cannot be less than 0? nor more than 90?. Having measured the altitude and the azimuth we have the two co-ordinates which are needed to indicate accurately the place of a star in the sky. But, as we shall see in a moment, other co-ordinates beside altitude and azimuth are needed for a complete description of the places of the stars on the celestial sphere. Owing to the apparent revolution of the heavens round the earth, the altitudes and azimuths of the celestial bodies are continually changing. We shall now study the causes of these changes.

It is best to begin by finding the North Star, or pole star. If you are living not far from latitude 40? north, which is the median latitude of the United States, you must, after determining as closely as you can the situation of the north point, look upward along the meridian in the north until your eyes are directed to a point about 40? above the horizon. Forty degrees is somewhat less than half-way from the horizon to the zenith, which, as we have seen, are separated by an arc of 90?. At that point you will notice a lone star of what astronomers call the second magnitude. This is the celebrated North Star. It is the most useful to man of all the stars, except the sun, and it differs from all the others in a way presently to be explained. But first it is essential that you should make no mistake in identifying it. There are certain landmarks in the sky which make such identification certain. In the first place, it is always so close to the meridian in the north, that by naked-eye observation you would probably never suspect that it was not exactly on the meridian. Then, its altitude is always equal, or very nearly equal, to the latitude of the place where you happen to be on the earth, so that if you know your latitude you know how high to carry your eye above the northern horizon. If you are in latitude 50?, the star will be at 50? altitude, and if your latitude is 30?, the altitude of the star will be 30?. Next you will notice that the North Star is situated at the end of the handle of a kind of dipper-shaped figure formed by stars, the handle being bent the wrong way. All of the stars forming this "dipper" are faint, except the two which are farthest from the North Star, in the outer edge of the bowl, one of which is about as bright as the North Star itself. Again, if you carry your eye along the handle to the bowl, and then continue onward about as much farther, you will be led to another, larger, more conspicuous, and more perfect, dipper-shaped figure, which is in the famous constellation of Ursa Major, or the Great Bear. This striking figure is called the Great Dipper . It contains seven conspicuous stars, all of which, with one exception, are equal in brightness to the North Star. Now, look particularly at the two stars which indicate the outer side of the bowl of this dipper, and you will find that if you draw an imaginary line through them toward the meridian in the north, it will lead your eye directly back to the North Star. These two significant stars are often called The Pointers. With their aid you can make sure that you have really found the North Star.

Having found it, begin by noting the various groups of stars, or constellations, in the northern part of the sky, and, as the night wears on, observe whether any change takes place in their position. To make our description more definite, we will suppose that the observations begin at nine o'clock P.M. about the 1st of July. At that hour and date, and from the middle latitudes of the United States, the Great Dipper is seen in a south-westerly direction from the North Star, with its handle pointing overhead. At the same time, on the opposite side of the North Star, and low in the north-east, appears the remarkable constellation of Cassiopeia, easily recognisable by a zigzag figure, roughly resembling the letter W, formed by its five principal stars. Fix the relative positions of these constellations in the memory, and an hour later, at 10 P.M., look at them again. You will find that they have moved, the Great Dipper sinking, while Cassiopeia rises. Make a third observation at 11 P.M., and you will perceive that the motion has continued, The Pointers having descended in the north-west, until they are on a level with the North Star, while Cassiopeia has risen to nearly the same level in the north-east. In the meantime, the North Star has remained apparently motionless in its original position. If you repeat the observation at midnight, you will find that the Great Dipper has descended so far that its centre is on a level with the North Star, and that Cassiopeia has proportionally risen in the north-east. It is just as if the two constellations were attached to the ends of a rod pivoted at the centre upon the North Star and twirling about it.

In the meantime you will have noticed that the figure of the "Little Dipper," attached to the North Star, which had its bowl toward the zenith at 9 P.M., has swung round so that at midnight it is extended toward the south-west. Thus, you will perceive that the North Star is like a hub round which the heavens appear to turn, carrying the other stars with them.

To convince yourself that this motion is common to the stars in all parts of the sky, you should also watch the conduct of those which pass overhead, and those which are in the southern quarter of the heavens. For instance, at 9 P.M. , you will see near the zenith a beautiful coronet which makes a striking appearance although all but one of its stars are relatively faint. This is the constellation Corona Borealis, or the Northern Crown. As the hours pass you will see the Crown swing slowly westward, descending gradually toward the horizon, and if you persevere in your observations until about 5 A.M., you will see it set in the north-west. The curve that it describes is concentric with those followed by the Great Dipper and Cassiopeia, but, being farther from the North Star than they are, and at a distance greater than the altitude of the North Star, it sinks below the horizon before it can arrive at a point directly underneath that star. Then take a star far in the south. At 9 o'clock, you will perceive the bright reddish star Antares, in the constellation Scorpio, rather low in the south and considerably east of the meridian. Hour after hour it will move westward, in a curve larger than that of the Northern Crown, but still concentric with it. A little before 10 P.M., it will cross the meridian, and between 1 and 2 A.M., it will sink beneath the horizon at a point south of west.

So, no matter in what part of the heavens you watch the stars, you will see not only that they move from east to west, but that this motion is performed in curves concentric round the North Star, which alone appears to maintain its place unchanged. Along the eastern horizon you will perceive stars continually rising; in the middle of the sky you will see others continually crossing the meridian--a majestic march of constellations,--and along the western horizon you will find still others continually setting. If you could watch the stars uninterruptedly throughout the twenty-four hours , you would perceive that they go entirely round the celestial sphere, or rather that it goes round with them, and that at the end of twenty-four hours they return to their original positions. But you can do this just as well by looking at them on two successive nights, when you will find that at the same hour on the second night they are back again, practically in the places where you saw them on the first night.

Of course, what happens on a July night happens on any other night of the year. We have taken a particular date merely in order to make the description clearer. It is only necessary to find the North Star, the Great Dipper, and Cassiopeia, and you can observe the apparent revolution of the heavens at any time of the year. These constellations, being so near the North Star that they never go entirely below the horizon in middle northern latitudes, are always visible on one side or another of the North Star.

Now, call upon your imagination to deal with what you have been observing, and you will have no difficulty in explaining what all this apparent motion of the stars means. You already know that the heavens form a sphere surrounding the earth. You have simply to suppose the North Star to be situated at, or close to, the north end, or north pole, of an imaginary axle, or axis, round which the celestial sphere seems to turn, and instantly the whole series of phenomena will fall into order, and the explanation will stare you in the face. That explanation is that the motion of all the stars in concentric circles round the North Star is due to an apparent revolution of the whole celestial sphere, like a huge hollow ball, about an axis, the position of one of whose poles is graphically indicated in the sky by the North Star. The circles in which the stars seem to move are perpendicular to this axis, and inclined to the horizon at an angle depending upon the altitude of the North Star at the place on the earth where the observations are made.

Another important fact demands our attention, although the thoughtful reader will already have guessed it--the north pole of the celestial sphere, whose position in the sky is closely indicated by the North Star, is situated directly over the north pole of the earth. This follows from the fact that the apparent revolution of the celestial sphere is due to the real rotation of the earth. You can see that the two poles, that of the earth and that of the heavens, must necessarily coincide, by taking a school globe and imagining that you are an intelligent little being dwelling on its surface. As the globe turned on its axis you would see the walls of the room revolving round you, and the poles of the apparent axis round which the room turned, would, evidently, be directly over the corresponding poles of the globe itself. Another thing which you could make clear by this experiment is that, as the poles of the celestial sphere are over the earth's poles, so the celestial equator, or equator of the heavens, must be directly over the equator of the earth.

We can determine the location of the poles of the heavens by watching the revolution of the stars around them, and we can fix the position of the circle of the equator of the heavens, by drawing an imaginary line round the celestial sphere, half-way between the two poles. We have spoken specifically only of the north pole, but, of course, there is a corresponding south pole situated over the south pole of the earth, but whose position is invisible from the northern hemisphere. It happens that the place of the south celestial pole is not indicated to the eye, like that of the northern, by a conspicuous star.

In locating any place on the earth, then, we ascertain by means of the parallel of latitude passing through it how far in degrees, it is north or south of the equator, and by means of its meridian of longitude how far it is east or west of the prime meridian, or meridian of Greenwich. These two things being known, we have the exact location of the place on the earth. Let us now see how a similar system is applied to ascertain the location of a heavenly body on the celestial sphere.

We have observed that the poles of the heavens correspond in position, or direction, with those of the earth, and that the equator of the heavens runs round the sky directly over the earth's equator. It follows that we can divide the celestial sphere just as we do the surface of the earth by means of parallels and meridians, corresponding to the similar circles of the earth. On the earth, distance from the equator is called latitude, and distance from the prime meridian, longitude. In the heavens, distance from the equator is called declination, and distance from the prime meridian, right ascension; but they are essentially the same things as latitude and longitude, and are measured virtually in the same way. In place of parallels of latitude, we have on the celestial sphere circles drawn parallel to the equator and centring about the celestial poles, which are called parallels of declination, and in place of meridians of longitude, we have circles perpendicular to the equator, and drawn through the celestial poles, which are called hour circles. The origin of this name will be explained in a moment. For the present it is only necessary to fix firmly in the mind the fact that these two systems of circles, one on the earth and the other in the heavens, are fundamentally identical.

Just as on the earth geographers have chosen a particular place, viz. Greenwich, to fix the location of the terrestrial prime meridian, so astronomers have agreed upon a particular point in the heavens which serves to determine the location of the celestial prime meridian. This point, which lies on the celestial equator, is known as the vernal equinox. We shall explain its origin after having indicated its use. The hour circle which passes through the vernal equinox is the prime meridian of the heavens, and the vernal equinox itself is sometimes called the "Greenwich of the Sky."

If, now, we wish to ascertain the exact location of a star on the celestial sphere, as we would that of New York, London, or Paris, on the earth, we measure along the hour circle running through it, its declination, or distance from the celestial equator, and then, along its parallel of declination, we measure its right ascension, or distance from the vernal equinox. Having these two co-ordinates, we possess all that is necessary to enable us to describe the position of the star, so that someone else looking for it, may find it in the sky, as a navigator finds some lone island in the sea by knowing its latitude and longitude.

Now, suppose that we should go to the north pole. The celestial north pole would then be in our zenith, and the equator would correspond with the horizon. Thus, for an observer at the north pole the two systems of circles that we have described would fall into coincidence. The zenith would correspond with the pole of the heavens; the horizon would correspond with the celestial equator; the vertical circles would correspond with the hour circles; and the altitude circles would correspond with the circles of declination. The North Star, being close to the pole of the heavens, would appear directly overhead. Being at the zenith, its altitude would be 90? . Peary, if he had visited the pole during the polar night, would have seen the North Star overhead, and it would have enabled him with relatively little trouble to determine his exact place on the earth, or, in other words, the exact location of the north terrestrial pole. With the pole star in the zenith, it is evident that the other stars would be seen revolving round it in circles parallel to the horizon. All the stars situated north of the celestial equator would be simultaneously and continuously visible. None of them would either rise or set, but all, in the course of twenty-four hours, would appear to make a complete circuit horizontally round the sky. This polar presentation of the celestial sphere is called the parallel sphere, because the stars appear to move parallel to the horizon. No man has yet beheld the nocturnal phenomena of the parallel sphere, but if in the future some explorer should visit one of the earth's poles during the polar night, he would behold the spectacle in all its strange splendour.

Next, suppose that you are somewhere on the earth's equator. Since the equator is everywhere 90?, or one quarter of a circle, from each pole, it is evident that looking at the sky from the equator you would see the two poles lying on the horizon one exactly in the north and the other exactly in the south. The celestial equator would correspond with the prime vertical, passing east and west directly over your head, and all the stars would rise and set perpendicularly to the horizon, each describing a semicircle in the sky in the course of twelve hours. During the other twelve hours, the same stars would be below the horizon. Stars situated near either of the poles would describe little semi-circles near the north or the south point; those farther away would describe larger semi-circles; those close to the celestial equator would describe semi-circles passing overhead. But all, no matter where situated, would describe their visible courses in the same period of time. This equatorial presentation of the celestial sphere is called the right sphere, because the stars rise and set at a right angle to the plane of the horizon. Comparing it with the system of circles on which right ascension and declination are based, we see that, as the prime vertical corresponds with the celestial equator, so the horizon must represent an hour circle. The meridian also represents an hour circle. It may require a little thought to make this clear, but it will be a good exercise.

Finally, if you are somewhere between the equator and one of the poles, which is the actual situation of the vast majority of mankind, you see either the north or the south pole of the heavens elevated to an altitude corresponding with your latitude, and the stars apparently revolving round it in circles inclined to the horizon at an angle depending upon the latitude. The nearer you are to the equator, the steeper this angle will be. This ordinary presentation of the celestial sphere is called the oblique sphere. Its horizon does not correspond with either the equator or the prime vertical, and its zenith and nadir lie at points situated between the celestial poles and the celestial equator.

As the apparent motion of the sun round the ecliptic is caused by the real motion of the earth round the sun, we may regard the ecliptic as a circle marking the intersection of the plane of the earth's orbit with the celestial sphere. In other words, if we were situated on the sun instead of on the earth, we would see the earth travelling round the sky in the circle of the ecliptic. We must keep this fact, that the ecliptic indicates the plane of the earth's orbit, firmly in mind, in order to understand what follows.

The ecliptic is not coincident with the celestial equator, for the following reason: The axis of the earth's daily rotation is not parallel to, or does not point in the same direction as, the axis of its yearly revolution round the sun. As the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the equator, so the axis of the yearly revolution is perpendicular to the ecliptic, and since these two axes are inclined to one another, it results that the equator and the ecliptic must lie in different planes. The inclination of the plane of the ecliptic to that of the equator amounts to about 23 1/2 ?.

As it is very important to have a clear conception of this subject, we may illustrate it in this way: Take a ball to represent the earth, and around it draw a circle to represent the equator. Then, through the centre of the ball, and at right angles to its equator, put a long pin to represent the axis. Set it afloat in a tub of water, weighting it so that it will be half submerged, and placing it in such a position that the pin will be not upright but inclined at a considerable angle from the vertical. Now, imagine that the sun is situated in the centre of the tub, and cause the ball to circle slowly round it, while maintaining the pin always in the same position. Then the surface of the water will represent the plane of the ecliptic, or plane of the earth's orbit, and you will see that, in consequence of the inclination of the pin, the plane of the equator does not coincide with that of the ecliptic , but is tipped with regard to it in such a manner that one half of the equator is below and the other half above it. Instead of actually trying this experiment, it will be a useful exercise of the imagination to represent it to the mind's eye just as if it were tried.

Now, just as there are two opposite points in the sky at equal distances from the equator, which mark the poles of the imaginary axis about which the celestial sphere makes its diurnal revolution, so there are two opposite points at equal distances from the ecliptic which mark the poles of the imaginary axis about which the yearly revolution of the sun takes place. These are called the poles of the ecliptic, and they are situated 23 1/2 ? from the celestial poles--a distance necessarily corresponding with the inclination of the ecliptic to the equator. The northern pole of the ecliptic is in the constellation Draco, which you may see any night circling round the North Star, together with the Great Dipper and Cassiopeia.

Celestial latitude and longitude then, instead of being based upon the equator and the poles, are based upon the ecliptic and the poles of the ecliptic. Celestial latitude means distance north or south of the ecliptic , and celestial longitude means distance from the vernal equinox reckoned along the ecliptic . Celestial longitude runs, the same as right ascension, from west toward east, but it is reckoned in degrees instead of hours. Celestial latitude is measured the same as declination, but along circles running through the poles of the ecliptic instead of the celestial poles, and drawn perpendicular to the ecliptic instead of to the equator. Circles of celestial latitude are drawn parallel to the ecliptic and centring round the poles of the ecliptic, and meridians of celestial longitude are drawn through the poles of the ecliptic and perpendicular to the ecliptic itself. The meridian of celestial longitude that passes through the two equinoxes is the ecliptic prime meridian. This intersects the equinoctial colure at the equinoctial points, making with it an angle of 23 1/2 ?. The solstitial colure, which it will be remembered runs round the celestial sphere half-way between the equinoxes, is perpendicular to the ecliptic as well as to the equator, and so is common to the two systems of circles. It passes alike through the celestial poles and the poles of the ecliptic. It will also be observed that the vernal equinox is common to the two systems of co-ordinates, because it lies at one of the intersections of the ecliptic and the equator. In passing from one system to the other, the astronomer employs the methods of spherical trigonometry.

Even the early astronomers noticed these facts, and in ancient times they gave to the apparent road round the sky in which the sun and planets travel, in tracks relatively as close together as the parallel marks of wheels on a highway, the name zodiac. They assigned to it a certain arbitrary width, sufficient to include the orbits of all the planets known to them. This width is 8? on each side of the circle of the ecliptic, or 16? in all. They also divided the ring of the zodiac into twelve equal parts, corresponding with the number of months in a year, and each part was called a sign of the zodiac. Since there are 360? in a circle, each sign of the zodiac has a length of just 30?. To indicate the course of the zodiac to the eye, its inventors observed the constellations lying along it, assigning one constellation to each sign. Beginning at the vernal equinox, and running round eastward, they gave to these zodiacal constellations, as well as to the corresponding signs, names drawn from fancy resemblances of the figures formed by the stars to men, animals, or other objects. The first sign and constellation were called Aries, the Ram, indicated by the symbol ?; the second, Taurus, the Bull, ?; the third, Gemini, the Twins, ?; the fourth, Cancer, the Crab, ?; the fifth, Leo, the Lion, ?; the sixth, Virgo, the Virgin, ?; the seventh, Libra, the Balance, ?; the eighth, Scorpio, the Scorpion, ?; the ninth, Sagittarius, the Archer, ?; the tenth, Capricornus, the Goat, ?; the eleventh, Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, ?; and the twelfth, Pisces, the Fishes, ?. The name zodiac comes from a Greek word for animal, since most of the imaginary figures formed by the stars of the zodiacal constellations are those of animals. The signs and their corresponding constellations being supposed fixed in the sky, the planets, together with the sun and the moon, were observed to run through them in succession from west to east.

When this system was invented, the signs and their constellations coincided in position, but in the course of time it was found that they were drifting apart, the signs, whose starting point remained the vernal equinox, backing westward through the sky until they became disjoined from their proper constellations. At present the sign Aries is found in the constellation next west of its original position, viz., Pisces, and so on round the entire circle. This motion, as already intimated, carries the equinoxes along with the signs, so that the vernal equinox, which was once at the beginning of the constellation Aries , is now found in the constellation Pisces.

We cannot too often recall the fact that the axis of the earth is coincident in direction with that of the celestial sphere, so that the earth's poles are situated directly under the celestial poles. But the poles of the ecliptic are 23 1/2 ? aside from the celestial poles. If the direction of the earth's axis and with it that of the celestial sphere, did not change at all, then the celestial poles and the poles of the ecliptic would always retain the same relative positions in the sky; but, in fact, an exterior force, acting upon the earth, causes a gradual change in the direction of its axis, and in consequence of this change the celestial poles, whose position depends upon that of the earth's poles, have a slow motion of revolution about the poles of the ecliptic, in a circle of 23 1/2 ? radius. The force which produces this effect is the attraction of the sun and the moon upon the protuberant part of the earth round its equator. If the earth were a perfect sphere, this force could not act, or would not exist, but since the earth is an oblate spheroid, slightly flattened at the poles, and bulged round the equator, the attraction acts upon the equatorial protuberance in such a way as to strive to pull the earth's axis into an upright position with respect to the plane of the ecliptic. But, in consequence of its spinning motion, the earth resists this pull, and tries, so to speak, to keep the inclination of its axis unchanged. The result is that the axis swings slowly round while maintaining nearly the same inclination to the plane of the ecliptic.

Now, as we have said, this slow swinging round of the axis of the earth produces the so-called precession of the equinoxes. In a period of about 25,800 years, the axis makes one complete swing round, so that in that space of time the celestial poles describe a revolution about the poles of the ecliptic, which remain fixed. But since the equator is a circle situated half-way between the poles, it is evident that it must turn also. To illustrate this, take a round flat disk of tin, or pasteboard, to represent the equator and its plane, and perpendicularly through its centre run a straight rod to represent the axis. Put one end of the axis on the table, and, holding it at a fixed inclination, turn the upper end round in a circle. You will see that as the axis thus revolves, the disk revolves with it, and if you imagine a plane, parallel to the surface of the table, passing through the centre of the disk at the point where the rod pierces it, you will perceive that the two opposite points, where the edge of the disk intersects this imaginary plane, revolve with the disk. In one position of the axis, for instance, these points may lie in the direction of the north-and-south sides of the room. When you have revolved the axis, and with it the disk, one quarter way round, the points will lie toward the east and west sides of the room. When you have produced a half revolution they will once more lie toward the north-and-south, but now the direction of the slope of the disk will be the reverse of that which it had at the beginning. Finally, when the revolution is completed, the two points will again lie north-and-south and the slope of the disk will be in the same direction as at the start. In this illustration the disk stands for the plane of the celestial equator, the rod for the axis of the celestial sphere, the imaginary plane parallel to the surface of the table for the plane of the ecliptic, and the two opposite points where this plane is intersected by the edge of the disk for the equinoxes. The motion of these points as the inclined disk revolves represents the precession of the equinoxes. This term means that the direction of the motion of the equinoxes, as they shift their place on the ecliptic, is such that they seem to precess, or move forward, as if to meet the sun in its annual journey round the ecliptic. The direction is from east to west, and thus the zodiacal signs are carried farther and farther westward from the constellations originally associated with them; for these signs, as we have said, are so arranged that they begin at the vernal equinox, and if the equinox moves, the whole system of signs must move with it. The amount of the motion is about 50?.2 per year, and since there are 1,296,000? in a circle, simple division shows that the time required for one complete revolution of the equinoxes must be, as already stated in reference to the poles, about 25,800 years. A little over 2000 years ago the signs and the constellations were in accord; it follows, then, that about 23,800 years in the future, they will be in accord again. In the meanwhile the signs will have backed entirely round the circle of the ecliptic.

About 11,500 years in the future, the extremely brilliant star Vega, or Alpha Lyrae, will serve as a pole star, although it will not be as near the pole as the North Star now is. At that time the North Star will be nearly 50? from the pole. In about 21,000 years the pole will have come round again to the neighbourhood of Alpha Draconis, the star of the pyramid, and in about 25,800 years the North Star will have been restored to its present prestige as the apparent hub of the heavens.

One curious irregularity in the motion of the earth's poles must be mentioned in connection with the precession of the equinoxes. This is a kind of "nodding," known as nutation. It arises from variation in the effect of the attraction of the sun and the moon, due to the varying directions in which the attraction is exercised. As far as the sun is concerned, the precession is slower near the time of the equinoxes than in other parts of the year; in other words, it is most rapid in mid-summer and mid-winter when one or the other of the poles is turned sunward. A similar, but much larger, change takes place in the effect of the moon's attraction owing to the inclination of her orbit to the ecliptic. During about nine and a half years, or half the period of revolution of her nodes , the moon tends to hasten the precession, and during the next nine and a half years to retard it. The general effect of the combination of these irregularities is to cause the earth's poles to describe a slightly waving curve instead of a smooth circle round the poles of the ecliptic. There are about 1400 of these "waves," or "nods," in the motion of the poles in the course of their 26,000-year circuit. In accurate observation the astronomer is compelled to take account of the effects of nutation upon the apparent places of the stars.

A very remarkable general consequence of the change in the direction of the earth's axis will be mentioned when we come to deal with the seasons.



It is believed that at the beginning of its history the earth was a molten mass, or perhaps a mass of hot gases and vapours like the sun, and that it assumed its present shape in obedience to mechanical laws, as it cooled off. The rotation caused it to swell round the equator and draw in at the poles.

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