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Word Meanings - ACCOUNTANCY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The art or employment of an accountant.

Related words: (words related to ACCOUNTANCY)

    The office or employment of an accountant.
    1. The act of employing or using; also, the state of being employed. 2. That which engages or occupies; that which consumes time or attention; office or post of business; service; as, agricultural employments; mechanical employments;
    1. One who renders account; one accountable. 2. A reckoner. 3. One who is skilled in, keeps, or adjusts, accounts; an officer in a public office, who has charge of the accounts. Accountatn general, the head or superintending accountant in certain
    Quality or state of being not employed; -- used esp. in economics, of the condition of various social classes when temporarily thrown out of employment, as those engaged for short periods, those whose trade is decaying, and those least competent.
    The state of being disemployed, or deprived of employment. This glut of leisure and disemployment. Jer. Taylor.
    Wrong or mistaken employment. Johnson.


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