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Word Meanings - ALLICIENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That attracts; attracting. -- n.

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    The quality or fact of being attractable. Sir W. Jones.
    Having power to attract.
    1. Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as, the attractive force of bodies. Sir I. Newton. 2. Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing. "Attractive graces." Milton. "Attractive
    One who, or that which, attracts. Sir T. Browne
    Capable of being attracted; subject to attraction. -- At*tract"a*ble*ness, n.
    One who, or that which, attracts.
    1. To draw to, or cause to tend to; esp. to cause to approach, adhere, or combine; or to cause to resist divulsion, separation, or decomposition. All bodies and all parts of bodies mutually attract themselves and one another. Derham. 2. To draw
    An invisible power in a body by which it draws anything to itself; the power in nature acting mutually between bodies or ultimate particles, tending to draw them together, or to produce their cohesion or combination, and conversely resisting
    The quality or degree of attractive power.
    That attracts. -- At*tract"ing*ly, adv.
    The central mass of the aster in mitotic cell division; centrosphere. Less often, the mass of archoplasm left by the aster in the resting cell. 2. A small body situated on or near the nucleus in the cells of some of the lower plants, consisting


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