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Word Meanings - AMERCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To punish by a pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion of the court; as, the amerced the criminal in the sum on the hundred dollars. Note: The penalty of fine may be expressed without a preposition,

Additional info about word: AMERCE

1. To punish by a pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion of the court; as, the amerced the criminal in the sum on the hundred dollars. Note: The penalty of fine may be expressed without a preposition, or it may be introduced by in, with, or of. 2. To punish, in general; to mulct. Millions of spirits for his fault amerced Of Heaven. Milton. Shall by him be amerced with penance due. Spenser.

Related words: (words related to AMERCE)

    One who inflicts punishment.
    A woman who prostitutes herself for hire; a prostitute; a harlot. Lasciviously decked like a courtesan. Sir H. Wotton. (more info) courtier, It. cortigiano; or directly fr. It. cortigiana, or Sp.
    Anything of an accessory character annexed to houses and lands, so as to constitute a part of them. This term is, however, quite frequently used in the peculiar sense of personal chattels annexed to lands and tenements, but removable by the person
    See TENNIS
    Deserving of, or liable to, punishment; capable of being punished by law or right; -- said of person or offenses. That time was, when to be a Protestant, to be a Christian, was by law as punishable as to be a traitor. Milton. -- Pun"ish*a*ble*ness,
    A movable sideboard or buffet, on which plate and other articles of luxury were displayed on special ocasions. A way with the joint stools, remove the court-cupboard, look to the plate. Shak.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    Outdoor; exterior. "Her without-door form." Shak.
    A short coat of coarse cloth. Full threadbare was his overeste courtepy. Chaucer.
    Without; outside' outwardly. Cf. Withinforth. Chaucer.
    Bred, or educated, at court; polished; courtly.
    The quality or state of being criminal; that which constitutes a crime; guiltiness; guilt. This is by no means the only criterion of criminality. Blackstone.
    Arrangements; embellishments; trimmings; accompaniments. (more info) 1. The act or process of making fixed. 2. That which is fixed; a fixture. 3. pl.
    1. Guilty of crime or sin. The neglect of any of the relative duties renders us criminal in the sight of God. Rogers. 2. Involving a crime; of the nature of a crime; -- said of an act or of conduct; as, criminal carelessness. Foppish and fantastic
    A court consisting of military or naval officers, for the trial of one belonging to the army or navy, or of offenses against military or naval law.
  • FIX
    Fixed; solidified. Chaucer.
    The act of expressing; expression; utterance; representation. An operation more divine Than breath or pen can give expressure to. Shak.
    difference, discernment, fr. discernere, discretum. See Discreet, 1. Disjunction; separation. Mede. 2. The quality of being discreet; wise conduct and management; cautious discernment, especially as to matters of propriety and self- control;
    Liable to be amerced.
    A word formerly used to express thankfulness, with surprise; many thanks. Gramercy, Mammon, said the gentle knight. Spenser.
    To fix again or anew; to establish anew. Fuller.
    figere to fasten: cf. OE. affichen, F. afficher, ultimately fr. L. 1. To subjoin, annex, or add at the close or end; to append to; to fix to any part of; as, to affix a syllable to a word; to affix a seal to an instrument; to affix one's name to
    To fix; to fasten; to establish. "To defix their princely seat . . . in that extreme province." Hakluyt.
    Affixture. T. Adams.
    In an inexpressible manner or degree; unspeakably; unutterably. Spectator.
    Act of fastening.
    prae before + figere to fix: cf. F. préfix fixed beforehand, 1. To put or fix before, or at the beginning of, another thing; as, to prefix a syllable to a word, or a condition to an agreement. 2. To set or appoint beforehand; to settle
    An outer or exterior court. The skirts and outcourts of heaven. South.


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