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Word Meanings - AUXOMETER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An instrument for measuring the magnifying power of a lens or system of lenses.

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    To reduce to system or regular method; to arrange methodically; to methodize; as, to systematize a collection of plants or minerals; to systematize one's work; to systematize one's ideas. Diseases were healed, and buildings erected, before medicine
    Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, esp. a musical instrument; as, instrumental music, distinguished from vocal music. "He defended the use of instrumental music in public worship." Macaulay. Sweet voices mix'd with instrumental
    Large; capacious; -- said of veins of ore. Syn. -- Mighty; strong; potent; forcible; efficacious; energetic; intense. -- Pow"er*ful*ly, adv. -- Pow"er*ful*ness, n. (more info) 1. Full of power; capable of producing great effects of any
    1. Capable of being effected or accomplished by the application of power; possible. J. Young. 2. Capable of exerting power; powerful. Camden.
    Used in, or adapted for, ascertaining measurements, or dividing by measure. Measuring faucet, a faucet which permits only a given quantity of liquid to pass each time it is opened, or one by means of which the liquid which passes can be measured.
    Not agreeing with some artificial system of classification. (more info) 1. Being without system.
    The act or process of systematizing; systematization.
    One who measures; one whose occupation or duty is to measure commondities in market.
    The reduction of facts or principles to a system. Dunglison.
    1. To make great, or greater; to increase the dimensions of; to amplify; to enlarge, either in fact or in appearance; as, the microscope magnifies the object by a thousand diameters. The least error in a small quantity . . . will in a great one
    1. One who forms a system, or reduces to system. 2. One who adheres to a system.
    1. Capable of being measured; susceptible of mensuration or computation. 2. Moderate; temperate; not excessive. Of his diet measurable was he. Chaucer. -- Meas"ur*a*ble*ness, n. -- Meas"ur*a*bly, adv. Yet do it measurably, as it becometh
    The quality or condition of being instrumental; that which is instrumental; anything used as a means; medium; agency. The instrumentality of faith in justification. Bp. Burnet. The discovery of gunpowder developed the science of attack and defense
    The act or operation of systematizing.
    1. The act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or combination of instruments; means; agency. Otherwise we have no sufficient instrumentation for our human use or handling of so great a fact. H. Bushnell. The arrangement of a musical
    Without measure; unlimited; immeasurable. -- Meas"ure*less*ness, n. Syn. -- Boundless; limitless; endless; unbounded; unlimited; vast; immense; infinite; immeasurable. Where Alf, the sacred river ran, Through canyons measureless to man, Down to
    1. By means of an instrument or agency; as means to an end. South. They will argue that the end being essentially beneficial, the means become instrumentally so. Burke. 2. With instruments of music; as, a song instrumentally accompanied. Mason.
    A writing, as the means of giving formal expression to some act; a writing expressive of some act, contract, process, as a deed, contract, writ, etc. Burrill. 4. One who, or that which, is made a means, or is caused to serve a purpose; a medium,
    Affecting successively the different parts of the system or set of nervous fibres; as, systematic degeneration. Systematic theology. See under Theology. (more info) 1. Of or pertaining to system; consisting in system; methodical; formed
    Destitute of power, force, or energy; weak; impotent; not able to produce any effect. -- Pow"er*less*ly, adv. -- Pow"er*less*ness, n.
    Illuminating power, as of a lamp, or gas flame, reckoned in terms of the light of a standard candle.
    A system for the identification of persons by a physical description based upon anthropometric measurements, notes of markings, deformities, color, impression of thumb lines, etc.
    The system of commercial blockade aiming to exclude England from commerce with the Continent instituted by the Berlin decree, which Napoleon I. issued from Berlin Nov. 21, 1806, declaring the British Isles to be in a state of blockade, and British
    In an immeasurable manner or degree. "Immeasurably distant." Wordsworth.
    Immeasurable. Spenser.
    The system of home study established in connection with the summer schools assembled at Chautauqua, N. Y., by the Methodist Episcopal bishop, J. H. Vincent.
    To determine the proper share of, or the proper apportionment; as, to admeasure dower; to admeasure common of pasture. Blackstone. 2. The measure of a thing; dimensions; size. (more info) 1. To measure.
    To measure again; to retrace. They followed him . . . The way they came, their steps remeasured right. Fairfax.
    To exceed in measure or extent; to measure more than. Sir T. Browne.
    A measure formerly used for articles brought by water, as coals, oysters, etc. The water-measure bushel was three gallons larger than the Winchester bushel. Cowell.


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