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Word Meanings - BEZOAR - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A calculous concretion found in the intestines of certain ruminant animals (as the wild goat, the gazelle, and the Peruvian llama) formerly regarded as an unfailing antidote for poison, and a certain remedy for eruptive, pestilential, or putrid

Additional info about word: BEZOAR

A calculous concretion found in the intestines of certain ruminant animals (as the wild goat, the gazelle, and the Peruvian llama) formerly regarded as an unfailing antidote for poison, and a certain remedy for eruptive, pestilential, or putrid diseases. Hence: Any antidote or panacea. Note: Two kinds were particularly esteemed, the Bezoar orientale of India, and the Bezoar occidentale of Peru. Bezoar antelope. See Antelope. -- Bezoar goat , the wild goat . -- Bezoar mineral, an old preparation of oxide of antimony. Ure.

Related words: (words related to BEZOAR)

    The lowest and supporting part or member of a wall, including the base course , under Base, n.) and footing courses; in a frame house, the whole substructure of masonry. 4. A donation or legacy appropriated to support a charitable institution,
    One who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author; one from whom anything originates; one who endows.
    In time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.
    Pertaining to, or formed by, concretion or aggregation; producing or containing concretions.
    One of several small, swift, elegantly formed species of antelope, of the genus Gazella, esp. G. dorcas; -- called also algazel, corinne, korin, and kevel. The gazelles are celebrated for the luster and soft expression of their eyes. Note:
    1. Of the nature of a calculus; like stone; gritty; as, a calculous concretion. Sir T. Browne. 2. Caused, or characterized, by the presence of a calculus or calculi; a, a calculous disorder; affected with gravel or stone; as, a calculous person.
    imp. & p. p. of Find.
    One who derives support from the funds or foundation of a college or school.
    or putris, rotten, fr. putere to stink, to be rotten: cf. F. putride. 1. Tending to decomposition or decay; decomposed; rotten; -- said of animal or vegetable matter; as, putrid flesh. See Putrefaction. 2. Indicating or proceeding from a decayed
    1. A cup containing poison. 2. A cup that was supposed to break on having poison put into it.
    Poisonous. Holland.
    Difficult to travel; likely to trip one up; as, a founderous road. Burke.
    Putridity. Floyer.
    A female founder; a woman who founds or establishes, or who endows with a fund.
    Clearness; freedom from ambiguity; lucidity. Of a certainty, certainly. (more info) 1. The quality, state, or condition, of being certain. The certainty of punishment is the truest security against crimes. Fisher Ames. 2. A fact or truth
    A deserted or exposed infant; a child found without a parent or owner. Foundling hospital, a hospital for foundlings.
    1. Having no regard; heedless; careless; as, regardless of life, consequences, dignity. Regardless of the bliss wherein he sat. Milton. 2. Not regarded; slighted. Spectator. Syn. -- Heedless; negligent; careless; indifferent; unconcerned;
    The quality of being putrid; putrefaction; rottenness.
    Negligently; heedlessly.
    1. Confused; perplexed. A cloudy and confounded philosopher. Cudworth. 2. Excessive; extreme; abominable. He was a most confounded tory. Swift. The tongue of that confounded woman. Sir. W. Scott.
    The act of ascertaining; a reducing to certainty; a finding out by investigation; discovery. The positive ascertainment of its limits. Burke.
    That may be ascertained. -- As`cer*tain"a*ble*ness, n. -- As`cer*tain"a*bly, adv.
    The act of poisoning. Bacon.
    1. The quality or state of being uncertain. 2. That which is uncertain; something unknown. Our shepherd's case is every man's case that quits a moral certainty for an uncertainty. L'Estrange.
    The quality or state of being profound; profundity; depth. Hooker.


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