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Word Meanings - BUTTERFISH - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A name given to several different fishes, in allusion to their slippery coating of mucus, as the Stromateus triacanthus of the Atlantic coast, the Epinephelus punctatus of the southern coast, the rock eel, and the kelpfish of New Zealand.

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    1. A figurative or symbolical reference. 2. A reference to something supposed to be known, but not explicitly mentioned; a covert indication; indirect reference; a hint.
    In the way of differentiation.
    Not wearing a coat; also, not possessing a coat.
    1. A coat or covering; a layer of any substance, as a cover or protection; as, the coating of a retort or vial. 2. Cloth for coats; as, an assortment of coatings.
    A viscid fluid secreted by mucous membranes, which it serves to moisten and protect. It covers the lining membranes of all the cavities which open externally, such as those of the mouth, nose, lungs, intestinal canal, urinary passages, etc.
    In a different manner; variously.
    1. Distinct; separate; not the same; other. "Five different churches." Addison. 2. Of various or contrary nature, form, or quality; partially or totally unlike; dissimilar; as, different kinds of food or drink; different states of health; different
    A mammal of tropical America of the genus Nasua, allied to the raccoon, but with a longer body, tail, and nose. Note: The red coati , called also coati mondi, inhabits Mexico and Central America. The brown coati is found in Surinam and Brazil.
    Sailing along or near a coast, or running between ports along a coast. Coasting trade, trade carried on by water between neighboring ports of the same country, as distinguished fron foreign trade or trade involving long voyages. -- Coasting vessel,
    1. The side of a thing. Sir I. Newton. 2. The exterior line, limit, or border of a country; frontier border. From the river, the river Euphrates, even to the uttermost sea, shall your coast be. Deut. xi. 24. 3. The seashore, or land near it.
  • COAT
    coat of arms, cotte de mailles coat of mail, LL. cota, cotta, tunic, prob. of German origin; cf. OHG. chozzo coarse mantle, G. klotze, D. 1. An outer garment fitting the upper part of the body; especially, such a garment worn by men. Let each His
    A shrubby species of wormwood having aromatic foliage. It is sometimes used in making beer.
    Each particular taken singly; distinction. Bp. Hall.
    Separately; distinctly; apart from others; individually. There must be an auditor to check and revise each severally by itself. De Quincey.
    1. Separate; distinct; particular; single. Each several ship a victory did gain. Dryden. Each might his several province well command, Would all but stoop to what they understand. Pope. 2. Diverse; different; various. Spenser. Habits and faculties,
    The formal or distinguishing part of the essence of a species; the characteristic attribute of a species; specific difference.
    A state of separation from the rest, or from all others; a holding by individual right. Forests which had never been owned in severalty. Bancroft. Estate in severalty , an estate which the tenant holds in his own right, without being joined in
    By way of, or along, the coast.
    To obtain the differential, or differential coefficient, of; as, to differentiate an algebraic expression, or an equation. (more info) 1. To distinguish or mark by a specific difference; to effect a difference in, as regards classification; to
    The first coat in plastering; -- called also scratchwork. See Pricking-up.
    A coat worn over the other clothing; a greatcoat; a topcoat.
    A kind of black coat for evening dress made without skirts; -- so named after a fashionable country club at Tuxedo Park, New York.
    1. A coat worn under another; a light coat, as distinguished from an overcoat, or a greatcoat. 2. A growth of short hair or fur partially concealed by a longer growth; as, a dog's undercoat.
    In an indifferent manner; without distinction or preference; impartially; without concern, wish, affection, or aversion; tolerably; passably. That they may truly and indifferently minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice, and to
    1. Lying or being beyond the Atlantic Ocean. Note: When used by a person in Europe or Africa, transatlantic signifies being in America; when by a person in America, it denotes being or lying in Europe or Africa, especially the former. 2. Crossing
    One who forsakes his party or his principles; a renegade; an apostate. He is a turncoat, he was not true to his profession. Bunyan.
    One wearing a waistcoat; esp., a woman wearing one uncovered, or thought fit for such a habit; hence, a loose woman; strumpet. Do you think you are here, sir, Amongst your waistcoateers, your base wenches Beau. & Fl.
    A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean. New Zealand flax. A tall, liliaceous herb , having very long, sword-shaped, distichous leaves which furnish a fine, strong fiber very valuable for cordage and the like. The fiber itself. -- New
    Formerly, a close coat or waistcoat with sleeves.


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