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Word Meanings - CALLOSE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Furnished with protuberant or hardened spots.

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    The act of furnishing, or of supplying furniture; also, furniture. Daniel.
    Prominent, or excessively prominent; bulging beyond the surrounding or adjacent surface; swelling; as, a protuberant joint; a protuberant eye. -- Pro*tu"ber*ant*ly, adv.
    Pr. formir, furmir, fromir, to accomplish, satisfy, fr. OHG. frumjan to further, execute, do, akin to E. frame. See Frame, v. t., and - 1. To supply with anything necessary, useful, or appropriate; to provide; to equip; to fit out, or fit up; to
    One who supplies or fits out.
    Etym: 1. To make hard or harder; to make firm or compact; to indurate; as, to harden clay or iron. 2. To accustom by labor or suffering to endure with constancy; to strengthen; to stiffen; to inure; also, to confirm in wickedness or shame; to make
    1. Making hard or harder. 2. That which hardens, as a material used for converting the surface of iron into steel.
    One who, or that which, hardens; specif., one who tempers tools.
    Made hard, or compact; made unfeeling or callous; made obstinate or obdurate; confirmed in error or vice. Syn. -- Impenetrable; hard; obdurate; callous; unfeeling; unsusceptible; insensible. See Obdurate.
    To harden too much; to make too hard. Boyle.
    Designating, or pert. to, any of various steels that harden when heated to above a red heat and cooled in air, usually in a blast of cold air with moderate rapidity, without quenching. Such steels are alloys of iron and carbon with manganese,
    To deprive of that with which anything is furnished (furniture, equipments, etc.); to strip; to render destitute; to divest. I am a thing obscure, disfurnished of All merit, that can raise me higher. Massinger.
    1. To subject to a process which converts the surface of iron into steel. 2. To render insensible to good influences.
    To harden; to embolden. Howell.
    The act of refurnishing, or state of being refurnished. The refurnishment was in a style richer than before. L. Wallace.
    To strip of furniture; to divest; to strip.
    1. Having the surface hardened, as iron tools. 2. Hardened against, or insusceptible to, good influences; rendered callous by persistence in wrongdoing or resistance of good influences; -- said of persons.
    To supply with less than enough; to furnish insufficiently. Collier.
    The act or process of converting the surface of iron into steel. Ure. Note: Casehardening is now commonly effected by cementation with charcoal or other carbonizing material, the depth and degree of hardening depending on the time during which
    To furnish again.
    The act of disfurnishing, or the state of being disfurnished. Daniel.


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