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Word Meanings - CHAUD-MEDLEY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The killing of a person in an affray, in the heat of blood, and while under the influence of passion, thus distinguished from chance- medley or killing in self-defense, or in a casual affray. Burrill.

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    One who underdoes; a shirk.
    Not thoroughly bred; ill-bred; as, an underbred fellow. Goldsmith.
    Any animal that sucks blood; esp., the leech (Hirudo medicinalis), and related species. 2. One who sheds blood; a cruel, bloodthirsty man; one guilty of bloodshed; a murderer. Shak. 3. A hard and exacting master, landlord, or money lender; an
    A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury.
    1. A series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it. Dryden. 2. A clandestine scheme; a trick. Addison.
    A want of niceness; indelicacy; impropriety.
    Chancellorship. Gower.
    p. p. of Underdelve.
    The soil beneath the surface; understratum; subsoil.
    One who sheds blood; a manslayer; a murderer.
    Literally, that kills; having power to kill; fatal; in a colloquial sense, conquering; captivating; irresistible. -- Kill"ing*ly, adv. Those eyes are made so killing. Pope. Nothing could be more killingly spoken. Milton.
    1. To receive; to perceive. He the savor undernom Which that the roses and the lilies cast. Chaucer. 2. To reprove; to reprehend. Piers Plowman.
    To prop from beneath; to put a prop under; to support; to uphold. Underprop the head that bears the crown. Fenton.
    To support as a crest; to bear. Shak.
    To say by way of derogation or contradiction. Spenser.
    Wildcat insurance.
    1. Meanwhile; meantime. The good knight whiles humming to himself the lay of some majored troubadour. Sir. W. Scott. 2. sometimes; at times. Sir W. Scott. The whiles. See under While, n.
    Assistant to a tapster.
    The body of persons employed in some public service, as the army, navy, etc.; -- distinguished from matériel.
    A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstract idea is represented as animated, or endowed with personality; prosopopas, the floods clap their hands. "Confusion heards his voice." Milton. (more info) 1. The act of personifying;
    An abbreviation of God's blood; -- used as an oath. Shak.
    To distinguish by a contrast of opposite qualities. These are our complex ideas of soul and body, as contradistinguished. Locke.
    wigl, G. weile, OHG. wila, hwila, hwil, Icel. hvila a bed, hvild rest, Sw. hvila, Dan. hvile, Goth. hweila a time, and probably to L. 1. Space of time, or continued duration, esp. when short; a time; as, one while we thought him innocent. "All
    In a compassionate manner; mercifully. Clarendon.
    Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct; hence, not capable of being perceived or known; as, in the distance the flagship was indisguishable; the two copies were indisguishable in form
    One who plunders or pillages.
    1. Discerning; reasonable; judicious; cunning. "Of skillful judgment." Chaucer. 2. Possessed of, or displaying, skill; knowing and ready; expert; well-versed; able in management; as, a skillful mechanic; -- often followed by at, in, or of; as,


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