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Word Meanings - COMMISSIONNAIRE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. An agent or factor; a commission merchant. 2. One of a class of attendants, in some European cities, who perform miscellaneous services for travelers.

Related words: (words related to COMMISSIONNAIRE)

    Characterizing a class or classes; relating to classification.
    Pertaining to classification; admitting of classification. "A classificatory system." Earle.
    A classic idiom or expression; a classicalism. C. Kingsley.
    An ecclesiastical body or judicat (more info) 1. A class or order; sort; kind. His opinion of that classis of men. Clarendon.
    One who is in the same class with another, as at school or college.
    1. The body of merchants taken collectively; as, the merchantry of a country. 2. The business of a merchant; merchandise. Walpole.
    1. One intrusted with a commission, now only a small commission, as an errand; esp., an attendant or subordinate employee in a public office, hotel, or the like. The commissionaire familiar to European travelers performs miscellaneous services
    To give warning to; -- said of a person in whose hands the effects of another are attached, the warning being to the effect that he shall not pay the money or deliver the property of the defendant in his hands to him, but appear and answer the
    The act of performing; the carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action; as, the performance of an undertaking of a duty. Promises are not binding where the performance is impossible. Paley.
    Merchantlike; suitable to the character or business of a merchant. Gauden.
    Actingpatient, or sustaining, action. "The body agent." Bacon. (more info) Gr. aka to drive, Skr. aj.
    1. The act of committing, doing, or performing; the act of perpetrating. Every commission of sin introduces into the soul a certain degree of hardness. South. 2. The act of intrusting; a charge; instructions as to how a trust shall be executed.
    A name given to the factors of a continued product when the former are derivable from one and the same function F by successively imparting a constant increment or decrement h to the independent variable. Thus the product F .F .F . .
    1. A work of acknowledged excellence and authrity, or its author; -- originally used of Greek and Latin works or authors, but now applied to authors and works of a like character in any language. In is once raised him to the rank of a legitimate
    The quality of being classical.
    To distribute into classes; to arrange according to a system; to arrnge in sets according to some method founded on common properties or characters. Syn. -- To arrange; distibute; rank.
    The act of forming into a class or classes; a distibution into groups, as classes, orders, families, etc., according to some common relations or affinities. Artificial classification. See under Artifitial.
    Capable of being classed.
    Of pertaining to, or conferring, a commission; conferred by a commission or warrant. Delegate or commissionary authority. Bp. Hall.
    Agency. Beau. & Fl.
    A smelling organ; a nose.
    An intermediate agent.
    A heater; one who, or that which, makes hot, as a stove, etc.
    1. An evil doer; one who commits a crime; one subject to public prosecution and punishment; a criminal. 2. One who does wrong by injuring another, although not a criminal. H. Brooke. Fuller. Syn. -- Evil doer; criminal; culprit; felon; convict.
    1. Giving or producing satisfaction; yielding content; especially, relieving the mind from doubt or uncertainty, and enabling it to rest with confidence; sufficient; as, a satisfactory account or explanation. 2. Making amends, indemnification,
    Of, pertaining to, or connected with, the sense of smell; as, the olfactory nerves; the olfactory cells. Olfactory organ , an organ for smelling. In vertebrates the olfactory organs are more or less complicated sacs, situated in the front part
    Not having a commission. Noncommissioned officer , a subordinate officer not appointed by a commission from the chief executive or supreme authority of the State; but by the Secretary of War or by the commanding officer of the regiment.
    Not merchantable; not fit for market; being of a kind, quality, or quantity that is unsalable. McElrath.
    Of the rank or degree below the best highest; inferior; second- rate; as, a second-class house; a second-class passage.
    Causing dissatisfaction; unable to give content; unsatisfactory; displeasing. To have reduced the different qualifications in the different States to one uniform rule, would probably have been as dissatisfactory to some of the States, as difficult


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