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Word Meanings - CONDUCTANCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Conducting power; -- the reciprocal of resistance. A suggested unit is the mho, the reciprocal of the ohm. Conductance is an attribute of any specified conductor, and refers to its shape, length, and other factors. Conductivity is an attribute of

Additional info about word: CONDUCTANCE

Conducting power; -- the reciprocal of resistance. A suggested unit is the mho, the reciprocal of the ohm. Conductance is an attribute of any specified conductor, and refers to its shape, length, and other factors. Conductivity is an attribute of any specified material without direct reference to its shape or other factors. Sloane's Elec. Dict.

Related words: (words related to CONDUCTANCE)

    The quality or state of being specific.
    One who suggests. Beau. & Fl.
    1. To introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of, usually by the agency of other objects. Some ideas . . . are suggested to the mind by all the ways of sensation and reflection. Locke. 2. To propose with difference or modesty;
    is from the strong verb, AS. scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, p. p. 1. To form or create; especially, to mold or make into a particular form; to give proper form or figure to. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps. li. 5. Grace shaped her limbs, and
    Of another kind or sort; in another way. "Otherguess arguments." Berkeley.
    Large; capacious; -- said of veins of ore. Syn. -- Mighty; strong; potent; forcible; efficacious; energetic; intense. -- Pow"er*ful*ly, adv. -- Pow"er*ful*ness, n. (more info) 1. Full of power; capable of producing great effects of any
    1. Capable of being effected or accomplished by the application of power; possible. J. Young. 2. Capable of exerting power; powerful. Camden.
    A woman who suggests. "The suggestress of suicides." De Quincey.
    Information without oath; an entry of a material fact or circumstance on the record for the information of the court, at the death or insolvency of a party. (more info) 1. The act of suggesting; presentation of an idea. 2. That which is suggested;
    To extent in length; to make longer in extent or duration; as, to lengthen a line or a road; to lengthen life; -- sometimes followed by out. What if I please to lengthen out his date. Dryden.
    In a specific manner.
    Long. Pope.
    In the manner of reciprocals. Reciprocally proportional (Arith. & Alg.), proportional, as two variable quantities, so that the one shall have a constant ratio to the reciprocal of the other. (more info) 1. In a reciprocal manner; so that
    The state or quality of being lengthy; prolixity.
    The quality or power of conducting, or of receiving and transmitting, as, the conductivity of a nerve. Thermal conductivity , the quantity of heat that passes in unit time through unit area of plate whose thickness is unity, when its opposite faces
    Either; -- used with other or or for its correlative (as either . . . or are now used). Other of chalk, other of glass. Chaucer.
    The quality or state of being other or different; alterity; oppositeness.
    1. One who shapes; as, the shaper of one's fortunes. The secret of those old shapers died with them. Lowell. 2. That which shapes; a machine for giving a particular form or outline to an object. Specifically; A kind of planer in which the tool,
    In the direction of the length; in a longitudinal direction.
    1. Well-formed; having a regular shape; comely; symmetrical. T. Warton. Waste sandy valleys, once perplexed with thorn, The spiry fir and shapely box adorn. Pope. Where the shapely column stood. Couper. 2. Fit; suitable. Shaply for to
    An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.
    That which gives a safe, passage; either a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country, or a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety. Shak.
    Nonresistance; passive submission; irresistance. Bp. Hall.
    Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart. -- n.
    Thickest in the middle, and tapering to both ends; fusiform; -- applied chiefly to roots. (more info) 1. Having the shape of a spindle.
    Etym: 1. To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. 2. To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick
    A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface, which have the same mean summer rainfall.
    Shaped like a diamond or rhombus.
    Shaped like a strap; ligulate; as, a strap-shaped corolla.
    Illuminating power, as of a lamp, or gas flame, reckoned in terms of the light of a standard candle.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    Deprived of a mother; motherless.
    Relating to equality of temperature. Having reference to the geographical distribution of temperature, as exhibited by means of isotherms; as, an isothermal line; an isothermal chart. Isothermal line. An isotherm. A line drawn on a diagram
    The eelpout.


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