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Word Meanings - CORSELET - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The thorax of an insect. (more info) 1. Armor for the body, as, the body breastplate and backpiece taken together; -- also, used for the entire suit of the day, including breastplate and backpiece, tasset and headpiece.

Related words: (words related to CORSELET)

    A pursuer; a persecutor; a censorious critic. Bailey.
    The part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen, containing that part of the body cavity the walls of which are supported by the dorsal vertebræ, the ribs, and the sternum, and which the heart and lungs are situated; the chest. Note: In
    fr. L. armarium place for keeping arms; but confused with F. 1. A place where arms and instruments of war are deposited for safe keeping. 2. Armor: defensive and offensive arms. Celestial armory, shields, helms, and spears. Milton. 3. A manufactory
    Clad with armor.
    A man-of-war carrying a large coal supply, and more or less protected from the enemy's shot by iron or steel armor. There is no distinct and accepted classification distinguishing armored and protected cruisers from each other, except that the first
    1. In an entire manner; wholly; completely; fully; as, the trace is entirely lost. Euphrates falls not entirely into the Persian Sea. Raleigh. 2. Without alloy or mixture; truly; sincerely. To highest God entirely pray. Spenser.
    A part of the vestment of the high priest, worn upon the front of the ephod. It was a double piece of richly embroidered stuff, a span square, set with twelve precious stones, on which were engraved the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. See
    A piece, or plate which forms the back of anything, or which covers the back; armor for the back.
    A cutting in; incisure; incision.
    Inclosed; confined. Included stamens , such as are shorter than the floral envelopes, or are concealed within them.
    The act of pursuing; pursuit; harassment; persecution. Sir T. More.
    One who carries the armor or arms of another; an armiger. Judg. ix. 54.
    An entomologist.
    1. An order of mammals which feed principally upon insects. Note: They are mostly of small size, and their molar teeth have sharp cusps. Most of the species burrow in the earth, and many of those of cold climates hibernate in winter. The order
    Feeding or subsisting on insects; carnivorous. The term is applied: to
    Belonging to armor, or to the heraldic arms or escutcheon of a family. Figures with armorial signs of race and birth. Wordsworth. Armorial bearings. See Arms, 4. (more info) arms, for armoieries, fr. OF. armoier to paint arms, coats of arms,
    Pertaining to, or having the nature of, insects. Bacon.
    1. The state of being entire; completeness; as, entirely of interest. Blackstone. 2. That which is entire; the whole. Bacon.
    1. Head. In his headpiece he felt a sore pain. Spenser. 2. A cap of defense; especially, an open one, as distinguished from the closed helmet of the Middle Ages. 3. Understanding; mental faculty. Eumenes had the best headpiece of all Alexander's
    entire; pref. in-, negative + the root of tangere to touch. See 1. Complete in all parts; undivided; undiminished; whole; full and perfect; not deficient; as, the entire control of a business; entire confidence, ignorance. That ye may be perfect
    The first or anterior segment of the thorax in insects. See Illusts. of Butterfly and Coleoptera.
    The anterior portion of any one of the Arachnida and higher Crustacea, consisting of the united head and thorax.
    Pertaining to, or like, marble.
    1. Being in error; judging wrongly; having a wrong opinion or a misconception; as, a mistaken man; he is mistaken. 2. Erroneous; wrong; as, a mistaken notion.
    A top railing supported by stanchions and equipped with netting.
    or prep. Excepted; save. Wyclif. Chaucer.
    A covering or incrusting with marble; a casing of marble; a variegating so as to resemble marble.


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