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Word Meanings - DEBAUCHMENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The act of corrupting; the act of seducing from virtue or duty.

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    1. The act of seducing. 2. The means employed to seduce, as flattery, promises, deception, etc.; arts of enticing or corrupting. Pope.
    One who corrupts, or who upholds corruption. Sydney Smith.
    1. Capable of being made corrupt; subject to decay. "Our corruptible bodies." Hooker. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold. 1 Pet. i. 18. 2. Capable of being corrupted, or morally vitiated; susceptible of depravation.
    Capable of being seduced; corruptible.
    Seductive. "Thy sweet seducing charms." Cowper. -- Se*du"cing*ly, adv.
    One who, or that which, seduces; specifically, one who prevails over the chastity of a woman by enticements and persuasions. He whose firm faith no reason could remove, Will melt before that soft seducer, love. Dryden.
    1. The act of corrupting or making putrid, or state of being corrupt or putrid; decomposition or disorganization, in the process of putrefaction; putrefaction; deterioration. The inducing and accelerating of putrefaction is a subject
    Having the quality of taining or vitiating; tending to produce corruption. It should be endued with some corruptive quality for so speedy a dissolution of the meat. Ray.
    Destitute of virtue; without efficacy or operating qualities; powerless. Virtueless she wished all herbs and charms. Fairfax.
    1. To draw aside from the path of rectitude and duty in any manner; to entice to evil; to lead astray; to tempt and lead to iniquity; to corrupt. For me, the gold of France did not seduce. Shak. 2. Specifically, to induce to surrender chastity;
    In a seductive manner.
    The quality of being corrupt.
    The quality of being corruptible; the possibility or liability of being corrupted; corruptibleness. Burke.
    One of the orders of the celestial hierarchy. Thrones, dominations, princedoms, virtues, powers. Milton. Cardinal virtues. See under Cardinal, a. -- In, or By, virtue of, through the force of; by authority of. "He used to travel through Greece by
    In a manner that corrupts.
    In a corrupt manner; by means of corruption or corrupting influences; wronfully.
    1. Changed from a sound to a putrid state; spoiled; tainted; vitiated; unsound. Who with such corrupt and pestilent bread would feed them. Knolles. 2. Changed from a state of uprightness, correctness, truth, etc., to a worse state; vitiated;
    A woman who corrupts. Thou studied old corruptress. Beau & Fl.
    Tending to lead astray; apt to mislead by flattering appearances; tempting; alluring; as, a seductive offer. This may enable us to understand how seductive is the influence of example. Sir W. Hamilton.
    Not susceptible of corruption or decay; incorruptible. Dryden.
    Incorruptible. "The glory of the uncorruptible God." Rom. i.
    To educate in a wrong manner.
    The condition or quality of being incorrupt or incorruptible; absence of, or exemption from, corruption. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption. 1 Cor. xv.
    Uncorrupted. Breathed into their incorrupted breasts. Sir J. Davies.
    1. Not corruptible; incapable of corruption, decay, or dissolution; as, gold is incorruptible. Our bodies shall be changed into incorruptible and immortal substances. Wake. 2. Incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted; inflexibly just and
    The quality or state of being incorruptible. Boyle.
    Without corruption. To demean themselves incorruptly. Milton.


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