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Word Meanings - DIFFUSIVITY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Tendency to become diffused; tendency, as of heat, to become equalized by spreading through a conducting medium.

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    , adv. Increasingly. The best times were spreadingly infected. Milton.
    One who, or that which, equalizes anything.
    The quality or state of being diffusive or diffuse; extensiveness; expansion; dispersion. Especially of style: Diffuseness; want of conciseness; prolixity. The fault that I find with a modern legend, it its diffusiveness. Addison.
    1. To make equal; to cause to correspond, or be like, in amount or degree as compared; as, to equalize accounts, burdens, or taxes. One poor moment can suffice To equalize the lofty and the low. Wordsworth. No system of instruction will completely
    To pour out and cause to spread, as a fluid; to cause to flow on all sides; to send out, or extend, in all directions; to spread; to circulate; to disseminate; to scatter; as to diffuse information. Thence diffuse His good to worlds and
    Spread abroad; dispersed; loose; flowing; diffuse. It grew to be a widely diffused opinion. Hawthorne. -- Dif*fus"ed*ly, adv. -- Dif*fus"ed*ness, n.
    Material which, in the process of catalysis, has diffused or passed through the separating membrane.
    happen; akin to D. bekomen, OHG.a piquëman, Goth. biquiman to come 1. To pass from one state to another; to enter into some state or condition, by a change from another state, or by assuming or receiving new properties or qualities, additional
    The quality or power of conducting, or of receiving and transmitting, as, the conductivity of a nerve. Thermal conductivity , the quantity of heat that passes in unit time through unit area of plate whose thickness is unity, when its opposite faces
    1. To place in a spread-eagle position, especially as a means of punishment. 2. being in a position with the arms and legs extended fully.
    thuru, OFries. thruch, D. door, OHG. durh, duruh, G. durch, Goth. ; 1. From end to end of, or from side to side of; from one surface or limit of, to the opposite; into and out of at the opposite, or at another, point; as, to bore through a piece
    Characterized by a pretentious, boastful, exaggerated style; defiantly or extravagantly bombastic; as, a spread-eagle orator; a spread-eagle speech.
    One who, or that which, diffuses.
    The quality of being diffuse; especially, in writing, the use of a great or excessive number of word to express the meaning; copiousness; verbosity; prolixity.
    A woman who leads or directs; a directress.
    The leader or director of an orchestra or chorus. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, conducts; a leader; a commander; a guide; a manager; a director. Zeal, the blind conductor of the will. Dryden. 2. One in charge of a public conveyance, as
    Capable of passing through animal membranes by osmosis. (more info) 1. Capable of flowing or spreading in all directions; that may be diffused.
    Proper; decorous. And gave him what becomed love I might. Shak.
    1. Capability of being conducted; as, the conductibility of heat or electricity. 2. Conductivity; capacity for receiving and transmitting.
    In a diffusive manner.
    That which gives a safe, passage; either a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country, or a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety. Shak.
    A bedquilt; a counterpane; a coverlet.
    To spread abroad, or different ways; to spread apart; to open; as, the sun dispreads his beams. Spenser.
    To spread out; to expand; -- usually as a past part. or adj.
    To misbecome. Bp. Sherlock.
    Not conducting; not transmitting a fluid or force; thus, in electricity, wax is a nonconducting substance.
    Through which. "Wherethrough that I may know." Chaucer. Windows . . . wherethrough the sun Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee. Shak.
    Wrong conduct; bad behavior; mismanagement. Addison. Syn. -- Misbehavior; misdemeanor; mismanagement; misdeed; delinquency; offense.


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