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Word Meanings - DISCUSSIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Able or tending to discuss or disperse tumors or coagulated matter. 2. Doubt-dispelling; decisive. A kind of peremptory and discussive voice. Hopkins.

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    A vessel employed to attend other vessels, to supply them with provisions and other stores, to convey intelligence, or the like. 3. A car attached to a locomotive, for carrying a supply of fuel and water. (more info) 1. One who tends; one who takes
    Coagulated. Shak. (more info) coagulate, fr. coagulum means of coagulation, fr. cogere, coactum, to
    In a tender manner; with tenderness; mildly; gently; softly; in a manner not to injure or give pain; with pity or affection; kindly. Chaucer.
    1. The act of attending or waiting; attendance. Spenser. The breath Of her sweet tendance hovering over him. Tennyson. 2. Persons in attendance; attendants. Shak.
    The quality or state of being tender (in any sense of the adjective). Syn. -- Benignity; humanity; sensibility; benevolence; kindness; pity; clemency; mildness; mercy.
    In a doubtful manner. Nor did the goddess doubtfully declare. Dryden.
    1. Having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy; putting an end to contest or controversy; final; conclusive. "A decisive, irrevocable doom." Bates. "Decisive campaign." Macaulay. "Decisive proof." Hallam. 2. Marked
    Tender feeling; fondness.
    Scattered. -- Dis*pers"ed*ly, adv. -- Dis*pers"ed*ness, n. Dispersed harmony , harmony in which the tones composing the chord are widely separated, as by an octave or more.
    A tough insensible cord, bundle, or band of fibrous connective tissue uniting a muscle with some other part; a sinew. Tendon reflex , a kind of reflex act in which a muscle is made to contract by a blow upon its tendon. Its absence is generally
    That which causes coagulation. Hixley.
    duten, douten, OF. duter, doter, douter, F. douter, fr. L. dubitare; 1. To waver in opinion or judgment; to be in uncertainty as to belief respecting anything; to hesitate in belief; to be undecided as to the truth of the negative or
    Pertaining to discussion.
    Furnished with tendrils, or with such or so many, tendrils. "The thousand tendriled vine." Southey.
    A slender, leafless portion of a plant by which it becomes attached to a supporting body, after which the tendril usually contracts by coiling spirally. Note: Tendrils may represent the end of a stem, as in the grapevine; an axillary branch, as
    1. State of being doubtful. 2. Uncertainty of meaning; ambiguity; indefiniteness. " The doubtfulness of his expressions." Locke. 3. Uncertainty of event or issue. Bacon.
    1. To scatter abroad; to drive to different parts; to distribute; to diffuse; to spread; as, the Jews are dispersed among all nations. The lips of the wise disperse knowledge. Prov. xv. 7. Two lions, in the still, dark night, A herd of
    Having great sensibility; susceptible of impressions or influence; affectionate; pitying; sensitive. -- Ten"der-heart`ed*ly, adv. -- Ten"der-heart`ed*ness, n. Rehoboam was young and tender-hearted, and could not withstand them. 2 Chron. xiii. 7.
    A tendril. Holland.
    1. Not being, or having, matter; as, matterless spirits. Davies 2. Unimportant; immaterial.
    Formidable; dread; terrible to foes; as, a redoubtable hero;
    A written account of the particulars of merchandise shipped or sent to a purchaser, consignee, factor, etc., with the value or prices and charges annexed. Wharton. 2. The lot or set of goods as shipped or received; as, the merchant receives a large
    See N
    Attention; consideration; knowledge; understanding. Spenser.
    1. To oppose; to hold out in opposition. Dryden. 2. To offer as the reason of anything; to pretend. Dryden
    Unlimited extension. An . . . extendlessness of excursions. Sir. M. Hale.
    To attend to; to apply one's self to. Chaucer.
    The pretender , the son or the grandson of James II., the heir of the royal family of Stuart, who laid claim to the throne of Great Britain, from which the house was excluded by law. It is the shallow, unimproved intellects that are the confident
    A pretender; a claimant.
    to impend, from an old preposition used in comp. + tendere to 1. To indicate as in future; to foreshow; to foretoken; to bode; -- now used esp. of unpropitious signs. Bacon. Many signs portended a dark and stormy day. Macaulay. 2. To stretch
    An attendant circumstance. The uncomfortable attendments of hell. Sir T. Browne.
    reductus, literally, a retreat, from L. reductus drawn back, retired, p. p. of reducere to lead or draw back; cf. F. réduit, also fr. LL. A small, and usually a roughly constructed, fort or outwork of varying shape, commonly erected
    The highest class in society; the upper ten. See Upper ten, under Upper.


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