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Word Meanings - DISSEMINATED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Occurring in small portions scattered through some other substance.

Related words: (words related to DISSEMINATED)

    In every part; as, the cloth was of a piece throughout.
    To furnish or endow with substance; to supply property to; to make rich.
    Of another kind or sort; in another way. "Otherguess arguments." Berkeley.
    Somewhat small. G. W. Cable.
    1. One who meets; hence, an adversary. Holland. 2. Anything that happens; an occurrence. These we must meet with in obvious occurrents of the world. Sir T. Browne.
    andar, Icel. annarr, Sw. annan, Dan. anden, Goth. an, Skr. antara: cf. L. alter; all orig. comparatives: cf. Skr. anya other. sq. 1. Different from that which, or the one who, has been specified; not the same; not identical; additional; second
    One who has no fixed habitation or residence; a vagabond. "Foreign scatterlings." Spenser.
    A man's garment for the hips and thighs; breeches. See Breeches.
    The quality or state of being other or different; alterity; oppositeness.
    A contagious, constitutional, febrile disease characterized by a peculiar eruption; variola. The cutaneous eruption is at first a collection of papules which become vesicles (first flat, subsequently umbilicated) and then pustules, and finally thick
    A giddy or thoughtless person; one incapable of concentration or attention.
    1. From one end or side to the other; as, to pierce a thing through. 2. From beginning to end; as, to read a letter through. 3. To the end; to a conclusion; to the ultimate purpose; as, to carry a project through. Note: Through was formerly used
    One who wastes; a spendthrift.
    In another manner. He would have tickled you othergates. Shak.
    A biennial umbelliferous plant native of the seacoats of Europe and Asia. When deprived of its acrid and even poisonous properties by cultivation, it becomes celery.
    In a small quantity or degree; with minuteness. Ascham.
    Act of strewing about; something scattered. South.
    1. A coming or happening; as, the occurence of a railway collision. Voyages detain the mind by the perpetual occurrence and expectation of something new. I. Watts. 2. Any incident or event; esp., one which happens without being designed
    Etym: 1. To strew about; to sprinkle around; to throw down loosely; to deposit or place here and there, esp. in an open or sparse order. And some are scattered all the floor about. Chaucer. Why should my muse enlarge on Libyan swains,
    1. In a different manner; in another way, or in other ways; differently; contrarily. Chaucer. Thy father was a worthy prince, And merited, alas! a better fate; But Heaven thought otherwise. Addison. 2. In other respects. It is said, truly, that
    An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.
    1. To scatter over. 2. To cover sparsely by scattering ; to strew. "With flowers bescattered." Spenser.
    Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart. -- n.
    Etym: 1. To destroy the life of by suffocation; to deprive of the air necessary for life; to cover up closely so as to prevent breathing; to suffocate; as, to smother a child. 2. To affect as by suffocation; to stife; to deprive of air by a thick
    A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface, which have the same mean summer rainfall.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    Deprived of a mother; motherless.
    Relating to equality of temperature. Having reference to the geographical distribution of temperature, as exhibited by means of isotherms; as, an isothermal line; an isothermal chart. Isothermal line. An isotherm. A line drawn on a diagram
    The eelpout.
    In a dismal manner; gloomily; sorrowfully; uncomfortably.
    Of or pertaining to an isothermobath; possessing or indicating equal temperatures in a vertical section, as of the ocean.
    The hard pearly internal layer of several kinds of shells, esp. of pearl oysters, river mussels, and the abalone shells; nacre. See Pearl.
    A day appointed for the honor and uplift of motherhood by the loving remembrance of each person of his mother through the performance of some act of kindness, visit, tribute, or letter. The founder of the day is Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, who
    The wife of one's father by a subsequent marriage.
    A large extinct proboscidean mammal from the miocene beds of Europe and Asia. It is remarkable fora pair of tusks directed downward from the decurved apex of the lower jaw.
    A rural custom in England, of visiting one's parents on Midlent Sunday, -- supposed to have been originally visiting the mother church to make offerings at the high altar.
    Destitute of a mother; having lost a mother; as, motherless children.
    fuder a cartload, a unit of measure, OHG. fuodar, D. voeder, and perh. to E. fathom, or cf. Skr. patra vessel, dish. Cf. Fodder a 1. A wagonload; a load of any sort. Of dung full many a fother. Chaucer. 2. See Fodder, a unit of weight.


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