Word Meanings - DRUGGIST - Book Publishers vocabulary database
One who deals in drugs; especially, one who buys and sells drugs without compounding them; also, a pharmaceutist or apothecary. Note: The same person often carries on the business of the druggist and the apothecary. See the Note under Apothecary.
Related words: (words related to DRUGGIST)
One who underdoes; a shirk. - UNDERBRED
Not thoroughly bred; ill-bred; as, an underbred fellow. Goldsmith. - UNDERSECRETARY
A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury. - UNDERPLOT
1. A series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it. Dryden. 2. A clandestine scheme; a trick. Addison. - UNDERNICENESS
A want of niceness; indelicacy; impropriety. - UNDERSOIL
The soil beneath the surface; understratum; subsoil. - UNDERDOLVEN
p. p. of Underdelve. - UNDERNIME
1. To receive; to perceive. He the savor undernom Which that the roses and the lilies cast. Chaucer. 2. To reprove; to reprehend. Piers Plowman. - UNDERPROP
To prop from beneath; to put a prop under; to support; to uphold. Underprop the head that bears the crown. Fenton. - UNDERCREST
To support as a crest; to bear. Shak. - UNDERGROUND INSURANCE
Wildcat insurance. - UNDERSAY
To say by way of derogation or contradiction. Spenser. - UNDERTAPSTER
Assistant to a tapster. - PERSONNEL
The body of persons employed in some public service, as the army, navy, etc.; -- distinguished from matériel. - PERSONIFICATION
A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstract idea is represented as animated, or endowed with personality; prosopopas, the floods clap their hands. "Confusion heards his voice." Milton. (more info) 1. The act of personifying; - BUSINESS
The position, distribution, and order of persons and properties on the stage of a theater, as determined by the stage manager in rehearsal. 7. Care; anxiety; diligence. Chaucer. To do one's business, to ruin one. Wycherley. -- To make one's - UNDERDELVE
To delve under. - UNDERSTOOD
imp. & p. p. of Understand. - UNDERDO
To do less than is requisite or proper; -- opposed to overdo. Grew. - UNDERCOAT
1. A coat worn under another; a light coat, as distinguished from an overcoat, or a greatcoat. 2. A growth of short hair or fur partially concealed by a longer growth; as, a dog's undercoat. - PLUNDERER
One who plunders or pillages. - DUNDERHEAD
A dunce; a numskull; a blockhead. Beau. & Fl. - TEN-POUNDER
A large oceanic fish found in the tropical parts of all the oceans. It is used chiefly for bait.