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Word Meanings - FAIR-NATURED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Well-disposed. "A fair-natured prince." Ford.

Related words: (words related to FAIR-NATURED)

    Disposal. Goodwin.
    Without a prince. Fuller.
    The belief or doctrine that attributes everything to nature as a sanative agent.
    1. The act of disposing; power to dispose of; disposal; direction. Give up My estate to his disposure. Massinger. 2. Disposition; arrangement; position; posture. In a kind of warlike disposure. Sir H. Wotton.
    1. One versed in natural science; a student of natural history, esp. of the natural history of animals. 2. One who holds or maintains the doctrine of naturalism in religion. H. Bushnell.
    The jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince. Thrones, princedoms, powers, dominions, I reduce. Milton.
    Steel made by the direct refining of cast iron in a finery, or, as wootz, by a direct process from the ore.
    Disposed. Glanvill.
    The planet which is lord of the sign where another planet is. Crabb. (more info) 1. A disposer.
    The state of being disposed or inclined; inclination; propensity.
    To put out of possession; to deprive of the actual occupancy of, particularly of land or real estate; to disseize; to eject; -- usually followed by of before the thing taken away; as, to dispossess a king of his crown. Usurp the land, and dispossess
    1. Of or relating to a prince; regal; royal; of highest rank or authority; as, princely birth, character, fortune, etc. 2. Suitable for, or becoming to, a prince; grand; august; munificent; magnificent; as, princely virtues; a princely fortune.
    1. Inclined; minded. When he was disposed to pass into Achaia. Acts xviii. 27. 2. Inclined to mirth; jolly. Beau. & Fl. Well disposed, in good condition; in good health. Chaucer.
    Princeliness. E. Hall.
    Belonging to, to be taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1; -- said or certain functions or numbers; as, natural numbers, those commencing at 1; natural sines, cosines, etc., those taken in arcs whose radii are 1. (more info)
    In a manner to dispose.
    One who dispossesses. Cowley.
    One who believes in, or conforms to, the theory of naturism. Boyle.
    A term applied to a lady's long, close-fitting dress made with waist and skirt in one.
    The putting out of possession, wrongfully or otherwise, of one who is in possession of a freehold, no matter in what title; -- called also ouster. (more info) 1. The act of putting out of possession; the state of being dispossessed. Bp. Hall.
    The quality or state of being supernatural.
    Preternaturalness. Dr. John Smith.
    To change the nature of; to invest with a different or contrary nature. A right heavenly nature, indeed, as if were unnaturing them, doth so bridle them . Sir P. Sidney.
    Etym: 1. To distribute and put in place; to arrange; to set in order; as, to dispose the ships in the form of a crescent. Who hath disposed the whole world Job xxxiv. 13. All ranged in order and disposed with grace. Pope. The rest themselves in
    Having half the nature of another. Shak.
    A sign at the beginning of a composition or movement, placed after the key signature, to indicate its time or meter. Also called rhythmical signature. It is in the form of a fraction, of which the denominator indicates the kind of note taken as
    To bestow beforehand. King James had by promise foredisposed the place on the Bishop of Meath. Fuller.


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