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Word Meanings - FLOURED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Finely granulated; -- said of quicksilver which has been granulated by agitation during the amalgamation process. Raymond.

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    The heartwood of an exogenous tree.
    1. The act of agitating, or the state of being agitated; the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular action; commotion; as, the sea after a storm is in agitation. 2. A stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquillity; disturbance
    A fruit tree of the Indian Archipelago. It bears the durian.
    1. To form into grains or small masses; as, to granulate powder, sugar, or metal. 2. To raise in granules or small asperities; to make rough on the surface.
    Proceeding; advancing. Because it is language, -- ergo, processive. Coleridge.
    One who goes or marches in a procession.
    During; as, durante vita, during life; durante bene placito, during pleasure.
    Duration. Dr. H. More.
    A kind of millet, cultivated throughout Asia, and introduced into the south of Europe; a variety of Sorghum vulgare; -- called
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
  • DUR
    Major; in the major mode; as, C dur, that is, C major.
    The state or quality of being durable; the power of uninterrupted or long continuance in any condition; the power of resisting agents or influences which tend to cause changes, decay, or dissolution; lastingness. A Gothic cathedral raises ideas
    Pertaining to a procession; consisting in processions; as, processionary service. Processionary moth , any moth of the genus Cnethocampa, especially C. processionea of Europe, whose larvæ make large webs on oak trees, and go out to feed in regular
    In a fine or finished manner.
    1. The act or process of forming or crystallizing into grains; as, the granulation of powder and sugar. 2. The state of being granulated. One of the small, red, grainlike prominences which form on a raw surface , and are the efficient agents in
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    The metal mercury; -- so called from its resemblance to liquid silver. Quicksilver horizon, a mercurial artificial horizon. See under Horizon. -- Quicksilver water, a solution of mercury nitrate used in artificial silvering; quick water.
    The state or quality of lasting; continuance in time; the portion of time during which anything exists. It was proposed that the duration of Parliament should be limited. Macaulay. Soon shall have passed our own human duration. D. Webster.
    A small, nocturnal, South American monkey (Nyctipthecus trivirgatus).
    To cover again with verdure. Ld. Berners.
    Any small leaping thysanurous insect of the genus Podura and related genera; a springtail. Podura scale , one of the minute scales with which the body of a podura is covered. They are used as test objects for the microscope. (more info) podo`s,
    A hardening of the heart; hardness of heart.
    1. Dung; excrement; fæces. Shak. 2. Defect; imperfection; fault. Holland.
    A border one fifth the width of the shield, surrounding the field. It is usually plain, but may be charged.
    Capable of enduring fatigue, pain, hunger, etc. The ibex is a remarkably endurant animal. J. G. Wood.
    Either of two compounds, a chlorine derivative and bromine derivative, of hydroquinone, used as developers.
    That variety of either the Bessemer or the open-hearth process in which the converter or hearth is lined with acid, that is, highly siliceous, material. Opposed to basic process.
    A process of extracting gold or silver by treating the ore in a revolving barrel, or drum, with mercury, chlorine, cyanide solution, or other reagent.
    Endurance. South.


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