Word Meanings - FOSSILIST - Book Publishers vocabulary database
One who is versed in the science of fossils; a paleontologist. Joseph Black.
Related words: (words related to FOSSILIST)
A verse. Milton. - BLACK LETTER
The old English or Gothic letter, in which the Early English manuscripts were written, and the first English books were printed. It was conspicuous for its blackness. See Type. - BLACKEN
Etym: 1. To make or render black. While the long funerals blacken all the way. Pope 2. To make dark; to darken; to cloud. "Blackened the whole heavens." South. 3. To defame; to sully, as reputation; to make infamous; as, vice blackens - VERSEMAN
Nebraska; -- a nickname alluding to the dark color of the water of its rivers, due to the presence of a black vegetable mold in the soil. - VERSABLENESS
Versability. - VERS DE SOCIETE
An organization composed originally of Chinese rebels that had been driven into Tonkin by the suppression of the Taiping rebellion, but later increased by bands of pirates and adventurers. It took a prominent part in fighting the French during their - BLACK-JACK
A name given by English miners to sphalerite, or zinc blende; - - called also false galena. See Blende. 2. Caramel or burnt sugar, used to color wines, spirits, ground coffee, etc. 3. A large leather vessel for beer, etc. - BLACK LEAD
Plumbago; graphite.It leaves a blackish mark somewhat like lead. See Graphite. - VERST
A Russian measure of length containing 3,500 English feet. - BLACK HOLE
A dungeon or dark cell in a prison; a military lock-up or guardroom; -- now commonly with allusion to the cell in a fort at Calcutta, into which 146 English prisoners were thrust by the nabob Suraja Dowla on the night of June 20, 17656, and in which - VERSAL
Universal. Shak. - BLACK FRIDAY
Any Friday on which a public disaster has occurred, as: In England, December 6, 1745, when the news of the landing of the Pretender reached London, or May 11, 1866, when a financial panic commenced. In the United States, September 24, 1869, and - VERSUTE
Crafty; wily; cunning; artful. - BLACK BASS
1. An edible, fresh-water fish of the United States, of the genus Micropterus. the small-mouthed kind is M. dolomiei; the largemouthed is M. salmoides. 2. The sea bass. See Blackfish, 3. - BLACK-FACED
Having a black, dark, or gloomy face or aspect. - VERSOR
The turning factor of a quaternion. Note: The change of one vector into another is considered in quaternions as made up of two operations; 1st, the rotation of the first vector so that it shall be parallel to the second; 2d, the change of length - BLACKFOOT
Of or pertaining to the Blackfeet; as, a Blackfoot Indian. -- n. - BLACKLEG
1. A notorious gambler. 2. A disease among calves and sheep, characterized by a settling of gelatinous matter in the legs, and sometimes in the neck. - CONTROVERSER
A disputant. - DIVERSIFORM
Of a different form; of varied forms. - REVERSED
Annulled and the contrary substituted; as, a reversed judgment or decree. Reversed positive or negative , a picture corresponding with the original in light and shade, but reversed as to right and left. Abney. (more info) 1. Turned side for side, - UNIVERSITY
universitas all together, the whole, the universe, a number of persons associated into one body, a society, corporation, fr. 1. The universe; the whole. Dr. H. More. 2. An association, society, guild, or corporation, esp. one capable of having - FRANKFORT BLACK
. A black pigment used in copperplate printing, prepared by burning vine twigs, the lees of wine, etc. McElrath. - AVERSENESS
The quality of being averse; opposition of mind; unwillingness. - OVERSHOT
From Overshoot, v. t. Overshot wheel, a vertical water wheel, the circumference of which is covered with cavities or buckets, and which is turned by water which shoots over the top of it, filling the buckets on the farther side and acting chiefly - ESTOVERS
Necessaries or supples; an allowance to a person out of an estate or other thing for support; as of wood to a tenant for life, etc., of sustenance to a man confined for felony of his estate, or alimony to a woman divorced out of her husband's - REVERSION
The returning of an esttate to the grantor or his heirs, by operation of law, after the grant has terminated; hence, the residue of an estate left in the proprietor or owner thereof, to take effect in possession, by operation of law, after - DIVERS
directions, different, p. p. of divertere. See Divert, and cf. 1. Different in kind or species; diverse. Every sect of them hath a divers posture. Bacon. Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds. Deut. xxii. 9. 2. Several; sundry; various; - CONTROVERSAL
1. Turning or looking opposite ways. The temple of Janus, with his two controversal faces. Milton. 2. Controversal. Boyle. - TERGIVERSATOR
One who tergiversates; one who suffles, or practices evasion. - RENVERSEMENT
A reversing. - CONVERSIVE
1. Capable of being converted or changed. 2. Ready to converse; social. Feltham. - OVERSHOOT
1. To shoot over or beyond. "Not to overshoot his game." South. 2. To pass swiftly over; to fly beyond. Hartle. 3. To exceed; as, to overshoot the truth. Cowper. To overshoot one's self, to venture too far; to assert too much.