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Word Meanings - GARTH - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A close; a yard; a croft; a garden; as, a cloister garth. A clapper clapping in a garth To scare the fowl from fruit. Tennyson. 2. A dam or weir for catching fish.

Related words: (words related to GARTH)

    The pulpy, edible seed vessels of certain plants, especially those grown on branches above ground, as apples, oranges, grapes, melons, berries, etc. See 3. (more info) enjoyment, product, fruit, from frui, p. p. fructus, to enjoy; akin 1. Whatever
    German origin; cf. OHG. garto, G. garten; akin to AS. geard. See Yard 1. A piece of ground appropriates to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables. 2. A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country. I am arrived from fruitful
    1. Fruit, collectively; fruit, in general; fruitery. The trees . . . ambrosial fruitage bear. Milton. 2. Product or result of any action; effect, good or ill.
    Eujoying; possessing. Boyle.
    Land of superior quality, on which successive crops are raised. Jamieson.
    Covetous; penurious; stingy; closefisted. -- Close"hand`ed*ness, n.
    claustra, bar, bolt, bounds, fr. claudere, clausum, to close. See 1. An inclosed place. Chaucer. 2. A covered passage or ambulatory on one side of a court; the series of such passages on the different sides of any court, esp. that
    A work or artificial watercourse for throwing water on lands that lie on the slopes of hills; a catchdrain.
    The player who stands behind the batsman to catch the ball. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, catches.
    The first word of any page of a book after the first, inserted at the right hand bottom corner of the preceding page for the assistance of the reader. It is seldom used in modern printing. 3. A word or phrase caught up and repeated for effect; as,
    Covetous; niggardly. Bp. Berkeley. "Closefisted contractors." Hawthorne.
    A short expressive title used for abbreviated book lists, etc.
    Use or possession of anything, especially such as is accompanied with pleasure or satisfaction; pleasure derived from possession or use. "Capacity of fruition." Rogers. "Godlike fruition." Milton. Where I may have fruition of her love. Shak.
    The art of occupation of laying out and cultivating gardens; horticulture.
    1. Dwelling in cloisters; solitary. "Cloistered friars and vestal nuns." Hudibras. In cloistered state let selfish sages dwell, Proud that their heart is narrow as their cell. Shenstone. 2. Furnished with cloisters. Sir H. Wotton.
    1. Lacking, or not bearing, fruit; barren; destitute of offspring; as, a fruitless tree or shrub; a fruitless marriage. Shak. 2. Productive of no advantage or good effect; vain; idle; useless; unprofitable; as, a fruitless attempt; a fruitless
    Made or contrived for getting small sums of money from the ignorant or unwary; as, a catchpenny book; a catchpenny show. -- n.
    The black tern. (more info) 1. Anything set up to frighten crows or other birds from cornfields; hence, anything terifying without danger. A scarecrow set to frighten fools away. Dryden. 2. A person clad in rags and tatters. No eye hath seen such
    1. To attain possession. Have is have, however men do catch. Shak. 2. To be held or impeded by entanglement or a light obstruction; as, a kite catches in a tree; a door catches so as not to open. 3. To take hold; as, the bolt does not catch. 4.
    A kind of bit for the bridle of a horse; -- called also scatchmouth. Bailey.
    1. To open; to separate the parts of; as, to unclose a letter; to unclose one's eyes. 2. To disclose; to lay open; to reveal.
    To inclose. See Inclose.
    A screen separating a chapel from the body of the church. Hook.
    A small flat curl worn on the temple by women.
    Not producing fruit or offspring; unproductive; infertile; barren; sterile; as, an unfruitful tree or animal; unfruitful soil; an unfruitful life or effort. -- Un*fruit"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*fruit"ful*ness, n.
    To deceive; to cheat; to trick. Take heed, Signor Baptista, lest you be cony-catched in the this business. Shak.
    One who cavils at words.
    The tree itself, which is one of considerable size, with large, lobed leaves. Cloth is made from the bark, and the timber is used for many purposes. Called also breadfruit tree and bread tree. (more info) 1. The fruit of a tree found
    A small fast vessel for pursuing and destroying torpedo boats.
    One who, or that which, incloses; one who fences off land from common grounds.


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