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Word Meanings - GAUD - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Trick; jest; sport. Chaucer. 2. Deceit; fraud; artifice; device. Chaucer. 3. An ornament; a piece of worthless finery; a trinket. "An idle gaud." Shak.

Related words: (words related to GAUD)

    One who trinkets.
    A military mechanic, as a blacksmith, carpenter, etc.; also, one who prepares the shells, fuses, grenades, etc., in a military laboratory. Syn. -- Artisan; artist. See Artisan. (more info) 1. An artistic worker; a mechanic or manufacturer; one
    Serving to ornament; characterized by ornament; beautifying; embellishing. Some think it most ornamental to wear their bracelets on their wrists; others, about their ankles. Sir T. Browne.
    Given to tricks; artful in making bargains; given to deception and cheating; knavish. -- Trick"ish*ly, adv. -- Trick"ish*ness, n.
    The art of dressing up; artifice; stratagem; fraud; imposture.
    1. One who pieces; a patcher. 2. A child employed in spinning mill to tie together broken threads.
    Without sport or mirth; joyless.
    Full of, or characterized by, deceit; serving to mislead or insnare; trickish; fraudulent; cheating; insincere. Harboring foul deceitful thoughts. Shak.
    Of pertaining to, or engaging in, sport or sporrts; exhibiting the character or conduct of one who, or that which, sports. Sporting book, a book containing a record of bets, gambling operations, and the like. C. Kingsley. -- Sporting house, a house
    Full of devices; inventive. A carpet, rich, and of deviceful thread. Chapman.
    Tending to, engaged in, or provocate of, sport; gay; froliscome; playful; merry. Is it I That drive thee from the sportive court Shak. -- Sport"ive*ly, adv. -- Sport"ive*ness, n.
    Free from deceit. Bp. Hall.
    An old game resembling backgammon.
    Ornaments of dress; trinkets, collectively. No trinketry on front, or neck, or breast. Southey.
    Divided into pieces.
    Of or pertaining to sports; used in sports. "Sportal arms." Dryden.
    1. To make, enlarge, or repair, by the addition of a piece or pieces; to patch; as, to piece a garment; -- often with out. Shak. 2. To unite; to join; to combine. Fuller. His adversaries . . . pieced themselves together in a joint opposition
    The quality of being tricky.
    One who tricks; a deceiver; a tricker; a cheat.
    1. In pieces; in parts or fragments. "On which it piecemeal brake." Chapman. The beasts will tear thee piecemeal. Tennyson. 2. Piece by piece; by little and little in succession. Piecemeal they win, this acre first, than that. Pope.
    Play; sport; pastime; diversion; playfulness. Milton.
    The collar beam of a roof; the spanpiece. Gwilt.
    To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion. Bp. Hall.
    That transports; fig., ravishing. Your transporting chords ring out. Keble.
    An upright or curved piece of timber connecting the plank sheer with the gunwale; also, a scroll terminating a rail.
    A part of male dress in front of the breeches, formerly made very conspicuous. Shak. Fosbroke.
    Transportation; the act of removing from one locality to another. "The transportal of seeds in the wool or fur of quadrupeds." Darwin.
    The whole number of cards played in one round, and consisting of as many cards as there are players. On one nice trick depends the general fate. Pope. (more info) draw; akin to LG. trekken, MHG. trecken, trechen, Dan. trække, and 1. An artifice
    The quality or state of being transportable.
    To deprive of some right, interest, or property, by a deceitful device; to withhold from wrongfully; to injure by embezzlement; to cheat; to overreach; as, to defraud a servant, or a creditor, or the state; -- with of before the thing
    Uncommonly nice and exact; precise; particular. You are rather point-devise in your accouterments. Shak. Thus he grew up, in logic point-devise, Perfect in grammar, and in rhetoric nice. Longfellow. (more info) + point point, condition + devis
    An instrument used for smoothing the surface of a core. (more info) 1. An instrument to strike grain to a level with the measure; a strike. 2. An instrument for whetting scythes; a rifle.
    Conveyed from one place to another; figuratively, carried away with passion or pleasure; entranced. -- Trans*port"ed*ly, adv. -- Trans*port"ed*ness, n.
    Given to tricks; tricky. Sir W. Scott.


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