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Word Meanings - GENETICAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Pertaining to, concerned with, or determined by, the genesis of anything, or its natural mode of production or development. This historical, genetical method of viewing prior systems of philosophy. Hare.

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    1. One versed in natural science; a student of natural history, esp. of the natural history of animals. 2. One who holds or maintains the doctrine of naturalism in religion. H. Bushnell.
    Steel made by the direct refining of cast iron in a finery, or, as wootz, by a direct process from the ore.
    The state or office of prior; priorate.
    The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization. The act or process of changing or expanding an expression into another
    Classification; a mode or system of classifying natural objects according to certain common characteristics; as, the method of Theophrastus; the method of Ray; the Linnæan method. Syn. -- Order; system; rule; regularity; way; manner; mode; course;
    Belonging to, to be taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1; -- said or certain functions or numbers; as, natural numbers, those commencing at 1; natural sines, cosines, etc., those taken in arcs whose radii are 1. (more info)
    1. Literally, the love of, including the search after, wisdom; in actual usage, the knowledge of phenomena as explained by, and resolved into, causes and reasons, powers and laws. Note: When applied to any particular department of knowledge,
    1. To make natural; as, custom naturalizes labor or study. 2. To confer the rights and privileges of a native subject or citizen on; to make as if native; to adopt, as a foreigner into a nation or state, and place in the condition of
    One who holds to no particular creed or dogma.
    To reduce to method; to dispose in due order; to arrange in a convenient manner; as, to methodize one's work or thoughts. Spectator.
    In a concerned manner; solicitously; sympathetically.
    1. Arranged with regard to method; disposed in a suitable manner, or in a manner to illustrate a subject, or to facilitate practical observation; as, the methodical arrangement of arguments; a methodical treatise. "Methodical regularity." Addison.
    The art and principles of method.
    1. The quality or state of being prior or antecedent in time, or of preceding something else; as, priority of application. 2. Precedence; superior rank. Shak. Priority of debts, a superior claim to payment, or a claim to payment before others.
    The state or quality of being natural; conformity to nature.
    The dignity, office, or government, of a prior. T. Warton.
    One who, or that which, determines or decides.
    One who believes in determinism. Also adj.; as, determinist theories.
    The doctrine that the will is not free, but is inevitably and invincibly determined by motives. Its superior suitability to produce courage, as contrasted with scientific physical determinism, is obvious. F. P. Cobbe.
    One of a sect of Christians, the outgrowth of a small association called the "Holy Club," formed at Oxford University, A.D. 1729, of which the most conspicuous members were John Wesley and his brother Charles; -- originally so called from
    Reproduction by young or larval animals.
    The origin and development of blood. The transformation of venous arterial blood by respiration; hematosis.
    The quality or state of being supernatural.
    A view if one's self; specifically, carefulness or regard for one's own interests
    1. An opposite or opposing view; opposition; a posture in which two persons front each other. Within the gates of hell sat Death and Sin, In counterview. Milton M. Peisse has ably advocated the counterview in his preface and appendixx.
    Preternaturalness. Dr. John Smith.
    Of or pertaining to history, or the record of past events; as, an historical poem; the historic page. -- His*tor"ic*al*ness, n. -- His*to*ric"i*ty, n. There warriors frowning in historic brass. Pope. Historical painting, that branch of painting
    The state of being unconcerned, or of having no share or concern; unconcernedness. South.
    An instrument for producing curves by the combination of circular movements; -- called also kinescope.
    Etym: 1. To view or see again; to look back on "I shall review Sicilia." Shak. 2. To go over and examine critically or deliberately. Specifically: To reconsider; to revise, as a manuscript before printing it, or a book for a new edition. To go
    The vicegerent of a prior; a claustral officer who assists the prior.
    Sexual generation; amphigony.
    Not determinable; impossible to be determined; not to be definitely known, ascertained, defined, or limited. -- In`de*ter"mi*na*bly, adv.
    Reproduction without the union of parents of distinct sexes: asexual reproduction.
    Failure or lack of development.


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