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Word Meanings - HIERATIC - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Consecrated to sacred uses; sacerdotal; pertaining to priests. Hieratic character, a mode of ancient Egyptian writing; a modified form of hieroglyphics, tending toward a cursive hand and formerly supposed to be the sacerdotal character,

Additional info about word: HIERATIC

Consecrated to sacred uses; sacerdotal; pertaining to priests. Hieratic character, a mode of ancient Egyptian writing; a modified form of hieroglyphics, tending toward a cursive hand and formerly supposed to be the sacerdotal character, as the demotic was supposed to be that of the people. It was a false notion of the Greeks that of the three kinds of writing used by the Egyptians, two -- for that reason called hieroglyphic and hieratic -- were employed only for sacred, while the third, the demotic, was employed for secular, purposes. No such distinction is discoverable on the more ancient Egyptian monuments; bur we retain the old names founded on misapprehension. W. H. Ward

Related words: (words related to HIERATIC)

    Pertaining to, or serving to constitute, the character; showing the character, or distinctive qualities or traits, of a person or thing; peculiar; distinctive. Characteristic clearness of temper. Macaulay.
    Violating sacred things; polluted with sacrilege; involving sacrilege; profane; impious. Above the reach of sacrilegious hands. pope. -- Sac`ri*le"gious*ly, adv. -- Sac`ri*le"gious*ness, n.
    1. The act or art of forming letters and characters on paper, wood, stone, or other material, for the purpose of recording the ideas which characters and words express, or of communicating them to others by visible signs. 2. Anything written or
    The act of modifying, or the state of being modified; a modified form or condition; state as modified; a change; as, the modification of an opinion, or of a machine; the various modifications of light. Bentley.
    Of or pertaining to priests, or to the order of priests; relating to the priesthood; priesty; as, sacerdotal dignity; sacerdotal functions. The ascendency of the sacerdotal order was long the ascendency which naturally and properly belongs
    1. A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol. It were much to be wished that there were throughout the world but one sort of character for each letter to express it to the eye. Holder. 2. Style of writing or printing; handwriting;
    Of or pertaining to the sacrum; in the region of the sacrum.
    Of or pertaining to the sacrum and that part of the vertebral column immediately anterior to it; as, the sacrovertebral angle.
    1. In the direction of; to. He set his face toward the wilderness. Num. xxiv. 1. The waves make towards'' the pebbled shore. Shak. 2. With direction to, in a moral sense; with respect or reference to; regarding; concerning. His eye shall be evil
    One who offers a sacrifice.
    The system, style, spirit, or character, of a priesthood, or sacerdotal order; devotion to the interests of the sacerdotal order.
    In a tender manner; with tenderness; mildly; gently; softly; in a manner not to injure or give pain; with pity or affection; kindly. Chaucer.
    In time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.
    1. The act of attending or waiting; attendance. Spenser. The breath Of her sweet tendance hovering over him. Tennyson. 2. Persons in attendance; attendants. Shak.
    The quality or state of being tender (in any sense of the adjective). Syn. -- Benignity; humanity; sensibility; benevolence; kindness; pity; clemency; mildness; mercy.
    See TOWARD
    The sin or crime of violating or profaning sacred things; the alienating to laymen, or to common purposes, what has been appropriated or consecrated to religious persons or uses. And the hid treasures in her sacred tomb With sacrilege
    Inclined to much writing; -- correlative to talkative. Pope.
    1. The offering of anything to God, or to a god; consecratory rite. Great pomp, and sacrifice, and praises loud, To Dagon. Milton. 2. Anything consecrated and offered to God, or to a divinity; an immolated victin, or an offering of any kind, laid
    Employed in sacrifice. Johnson.
    A vessel employed to attend other vessels, to supply them with provisions and other stores, to convey intelligence, or the like. 3. A car attached to a locomotive, for carrying a supply of fuel and water. (more info) 1. One who tends; one who takes
    To deprive of sacramental character or efficacy; as, to unsacrament the rite of baptism.
    To write again. Young.
    To deprive of sacredness; to secularize. -- De*con`se*cra"tion, n.
    Consecrated; devoted; dedicated; sacred. They were assembled in that consecrate place. Bacon.
    The act or art of using a typewriter; also, a print made with a typewriter.
    In a decursive manner. Decursively pinnate , having the leaflets decurrent, or running along the petiole; -- said of a leaf.
    One who recognizes three sacraments, and no more; -- namely, baptism, the Lord's Supper, and penance. See Sacrament.
    A writer of plays; a dramatist; a playwright. Lecky.
    1. One who writes short stories, as for magazines. 2. An historian; a chronicler. "Rathums, the story-writer." 1 Esdr. ii. 17.


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