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Word Meanings - HOGCHOKER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An American sole , related to the European sole, but of no market value.

Related words: (words related to HOGCHOKER)

    Quality of being marketable.
    The state of being related by kindred, affinity, or other alliance. Mason.
    The process of Americanizing.
    One who attends a market to buy or sell; one who carries goods to market.
    A market place. Drayton.
    1. Of or pertaining to America; as, the American continent: American Indians. 2. Of or pertaining to the United States. "A young officer of the American navy." Lyell. American ivy. See Virginia creeper. -- American Party , a party, about 1854,
    1. Attachment to the United States. 2. A custom peculiar to the United States or to America; an American characteristic or idea. 3. A word or phrase peculiar to the United States.
    1. To estimate the value, or worth, of; to rate at a certain price; to appraise; to reckon with respect to number, power, importance, etc. The mind doth value every moment. Bacon. The queen is valued thirty thousand strong. Shak. The king must
    In a relative manner; in relation or respect to something else; not absolutely. Consider the absolute affections of any being as it is in itself, before you consider it relatively. I. Watts.
    In hotels, aplan upon which guests pay for both room and board by the day, week, or other convenient period; -- contrasted with European plan.
    1. To bring back; to restore. Abate your zealous haste, till morrow next again Both light of heaven and strength of men relate. Spenser. 2. To refer; to ascribe, as to a source. 3. To recount; to narrate; to tell over. This heavy act with heavy
    The state of being relative; as, the relativity of a subject. Coleridge.
    A female relator.
    1. Having relation or kindred; related. We might be tempted to take these two nations for relational stems. Tooke. 2. Indicating or specifying some relation. Relational words, as prepositions, auxiliaries, etc. R. Morris.
    1. Fit to be offered for sale in a market; such as may be justly and lawfully sold; as, dacayemarketable. 2. Current in market; as, marketable value. 3. Wanted by purchasers; salable; as, furs are not marketable in that country.
    One who values; an appraiser.
    To render American; to assimilate to the Americans in customs, ideas, etc.; to stamp with American characteristics.
    See 4 (more info) 1. Allied by kindred; connected by blood or alliance, particularly by consanguinity; as, persons related in the first or second degree. 2. Standing in relation or connection; as, the electric
    A private person at whose relation, or in whose behalf, the attorney-general allows an information in the nature of a quo warranto to be filed. (more info) 1. One who relates; a relater. "The several relators of this history." Fuller.
    A policy in which the value of the goods, property, or interest insured is specified; -- opposed to open policy.
    One who supports of advocates prelacy, or the government of the church by prelates; hence, a high-churchman. Hume. I am an Episcopalian, but not a prelatist. T. Scott.
    Prelacy; episcopacy.
    To bring under the influence of prelacy. Palfrey.
    Erroneous relation or narration. Abp. Bramhall.
    A long, closely fitting cloak.
    Not relative; without mutual relations; unconnected. -- Ir*rel"a*tive*ly, adv. Irrelative chords , those having no common tone. -- Irrelative repetition , the multiplication of parts that serve for a common purpose, but have no mutual dependence
    Quality of being correlative.
    The quality or state of being irrelative; want of connection or relation.
    1. To value, rate, or estimate below the real worth; to depreciate. 2. To esteem lightly; to treat as of little worth; to hold in mean estimation; to despise. In comparison of it I undervalued all ensigns of authority. Atterbury. I write not this
    Prelacy. Milton.
    To have reciprocal or mutual relations; to be mutually related. Doctrine and worship correlate as theory and practice. Tylor.
    Prelacy. Milton.


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