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Word Meanings - HOMOPOLIC - Book Publishers vocabulary database

In promorphology, pertaining to or exhibiting that kind of organic form, in which the stereometric ground form is a pyramid, with similar poles. See Promorphology.

Related words: (words related to HOMOPOLIC)

    The act of administering a remedy. (more info) 1. The act of exhibiting for inspection, or of holding forth to view; manifestation; display. 2. That which is exhibited, held forth, or displayed; also, any public show; a display of works of art,
    1. Polaris, or the north star. See North star, under North. 2. A guide or director.
    That which forms the foundation or support of anything; the basis; the essential or fundamental part; first principle. Dryden.
    The quality or state of being organic.
    One who has a pension or allowance granted for support. A youth who had as an exhibitioner from Christ's Hospital. G. Eliot.
    p. p. of Grind. Chaucer.
    The small pyramid which crowns or completes an obelisk.
    The fruit of the Arachis hypogæa ; the peanut; the earthnut. A leguminous, twining plant , producing clusters of dark purple flowers and having a root tuberous and pleasant to the taste. The dwarf ginseng . Gray. A European plant of the genus
    Similar. Rhyming cadences of similarly words. South.
    Without ground or foundation; wanting cause or reason for support; not authorized; false; as, groundless fear; a groundless report or assertion. -- Ground"less*ly, adv. -- Ground"less*ness, n.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    Of or pertaining to stereometry; performed or obtained by stereometry. -- Ste`re*o*met"ric*al*ly, adv.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    One who exhibits.
    stretch out, reach, pertain; per + tenere to hold, keep. See Per-, 1. To belong; to have connection with, or dependence on, something, as an appurtenance, attribute, etc.; to appertain; as, saltness pertains to the ocean; flowers pertain to plant
    Crystallography of organic forms; -- a division of morphology created by Haeckel. It is essentially stereometric, and relates to a mathematical conception of organic forms. See Tectology.
    In an organic manner; by means of organs or with reference to organic functions; hence, fundamentally. Gladstone.
    In a similar manner.
    One who exhibits; one who presents a petition, charge or bill. Shak.
    See NUMBERS (more info) 1. Of or pertaining to a pyramid; in the form of a a pyramid; pyramidical; as, pyramidal cleavage. The mystic obelisks stand up Triangular, pyramidal. Mrs. Browning.
    To found erroneously. "Misgrounded conceit." Bp. Hall.
    Wildcat insurance.
    A piece of ground used for recreation; as, the playground of a school.
    Inorganic. Locke.
    In a dissimilar manner; in a varied style. With verdant shrubs dissimilarly gay. C. Smart.
    On a painting, and sometimes in a bas-relief, mosaic picture, or the like, that part of the scene represented, which is nearest to the spectator, and therefore occupies the lowest part of the work of art itself. Cf. Distance, n., 6.
    The space which is behind and subordinate to a portrait or group of figures. Note: The distance in a picture is usually divided into foreground, middle distance, and background. Fairholt. 3. Anything behind, serving as a foil; as, the statue had
    The place or space beneath the surface of the ground; subterranean space. A spirit raised from depth of underground. Shak.


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