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Word Meanings - INTEGRATOR - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That which integrates; esp., an instrument by means of which the area of a figure can be measured directly, or its moment of inertia, or statical moment, etc., be determined.

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    Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, esp. a musical instrument; as, instrumental music, distinguished from vocal music. "He defended the use of instrumental music in public worship." Macaulay. Sweet voices mix'd with instrumental
    Used in, or adapted for, ascertaining measurements, or dividing by measure. Measuring faucet, a faucet which permits only a given quantity of liquid to pass each time it is opened, or one by means of which the liquid which passes can be measured.
    Every moment; from moment to moment. Shenstone.
    That property of matter by which it tends when at rest to remain so, and when in motion to continue in motion, and in the same straight line or direction, unless acted on by some external force; - - sometimes called vis inertiæ. 2. Inertness;
    One who measures; one whose occupation or duty is to measure commondities in market.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    Of moment or consequence; very important; weighty; as, a momentous decision; momentous affairs. -- Mo*men"tous*ly, adv. -- Mo*men"tous*ness, n.
    In a statical manner.
    1. Capable of being measured; susceptible of mensuration or computation. 2. Moderate; temperate; not excessive. Of his diet measurable was he. Chaucer. -- Meas"ur*a*ble*ness, n. -- Meas"ur*a*bly, adv. Yet do it measurably, as it becometh
    The quality or condition of being instrumental; that which is instrumental; anything used as a means; medium; agency. The instrumentality of faith in justification. Bp. Burnet. The discovery of gunpowder developed the science of attack and defense
    1. The act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or combination of instruments; means; agency. Otherwise we have no sufficient instrumentation for our human use or handling of so great a fact. H. Bushnell. The arrangement of a musical
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    Without measure; unlimited; immeasurable. -- Meas"ure*less*ness, n. Syn. -- Boundless; limitless; endless; unbounded; unlimited; vast; immense; infinite; immeasurable. Where Alf, the sacred river ran, Through canyons measureless to man, Down to
    One who, or that which, determines or decides.
    One who believes in determinism. Also adj.; as, determinist theories.
    The doctrine that the will is not free, but is inevitably and invincibly determined by motives. Its superior suitability to produce courage, as contrasted with scientific physical determinism, is obvious. F. P. Cobbe.
    Having power to determine; limiting; shaping; directing; conclusive. Incidents . . . determinative of their course. I. Taylor. Determinative tables , tables presenting the specific character of minerals, plants, etc., to assist in determining the
    1. In a determinate manner; definitely; ascertainably. The principles of religion are already either determinately true or false, before you think of them. Tillotson. 2. Resolutely; unchangeably. Being determinately . . . bent to marry. Sir P.
    The quality of being determinable; determinableness. Coleridge.
    1. By means of an instrument or agency; as means to an end. South. They will argue that the end being essentially beneficial, the means become instrumentally so. Burke. 2. With instruments of music; as, a song instrumentally accompanied. Mason.
    In an immeasurable manner or degree. "Immeasurably distant." Wordsworth.
    Immeasurable. Spenser.
    Not determinable; impossible to be determined; not to be definitely known, ascertained, defined, or limited. -- In`de*ter"mi*na*bly, adv.
    To determine the proper share of, or the proper apportionment; as, to admeasure dower; to admeasure common of pasture. Blackstone. 2. The measure of a thing; dimensions; size. (more info) 1. To measure.
    Not momentous; unimportant; insignificant. A. Seward.
    Determination by one's self; or, determination of one's acts or states without the necessitating force of motives; -- applied to the voluntary or activity.
    To measure again; to retrace. They followed him . . . The way they came, their steps remeasured right. Fairfax.
    To exceed in measure or extent; to measure more than. Sir T. Browne.
    Not determinable; indeterminable. Locke.
    To arrange or dispose in a certain form, figure, or shape. Bentley.
    Certain figures appearing on etched meteoric iron; -- so called after A. B. Widmanstätten, of Vienna, who first described them in 1808. See the Note and Illust. under Meteorite.
    The act of previous determination; a purpose formed beforehand; as, the predetermination of God's will. Hammond.


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