Word Meanings - MINERALOGIST - Book Publishers vocabulary database
A carrier shell . (more info) 1. One versed in mineralogy; one devoted to the study of minerals.
Related words: (words related to MINERALOGIST)
, a. Having no shell. J. Burroughs. - VERSET
A verse. Milton. - VERSEMAN
Versability. - DEVOTIONALLY
In a devotional manner; toward devotion. - VERS DE SOCIETE
One who, or that which, shells; as, an oyster sheller; a corn sheller. - VERST
A Russian measure of length containing 3,500 English feet. - VERSAL
Universal. Shak. - VERSUTE
Crafty; wily; cunning; artful. - DEVOTO
A devotee. Dr. J. Scott. - DEVOTE
1. To appropriate by vow; to set apart or dedicate by a solemn act; to consecrate; also, to consign over; to doom; to evil; to devote one to destruction; the city was devoted to the flames. No devoted thing that a man shall devote unto the Lord - SHELL
The hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of mollusks, crustaceans, and some other invertebrates. In some mollusks, as the cuttlefishes, it is internal, or concealed by the mantle. Also, the hard covering of some vertebrates, - VERSOR
The turning factor of a quaternion. Note: The change of one vector into another is considered in quaternions as made up of two operations; 1st, the rotation of the first vector so that it shall be parallel to the second; 2d, the change of length - SHELLAPPLE
Familiar; conversant. Men not versant with courts of justice. Sydney Smith. - SHELLPROOF
Capable of resisting bombs or other shells; bombproof. - VERSATILITY
The quality or state of being versatile; versatileness. - DEVOTED
Consecrated to a purpose; strongly attached; zealous; devout; as, a devoted admirer. -- De*vot"ed*ly, adv. -- De*vot"ed*ness, n. - VERSABLE
Capable of being turned. - GOROON SHELL
A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell . - CONTROVERSER
A disputant. - DIVERSIFORM
Of a different form; of varied forms. - INDEVOTE
Not devoted. Bentley. Clarendon. - REVERSED
Annulled and the contrary substituted; as, a reversed judgment or decree. Reversed positive or negative , a picture corresponding with the original in light and shade, but reversed as to right and left. Abney. (more info) 1. Turned side for side, - VALVE-SHELL
Any fresh-water gastropod of the genus Valvata. - UNIVERSITY
universitas all together, the whole, the universe, a number of persons associated into one body, a society, corporation, fr. 1. The universe; the whole. Dr. H. More. 2. An association, society, guild, or corporation, esp. one capable of having - AVERSENESS
The quality of being averse; opposition of mind; unwillingness. - OVERSHOT
From Overshoot, v. t. Overshot wheel, a vertical water wheel, the circumference of which is covered with cavities or buckets, and which is turned by water which shoots over the top of it, filling the buckets on the farther side and acting chiefly - SPOUTSHELL
Any marine gastropod shell of the genus Apporhais having an elongated siphon. See Illust. under Rostrifera. - REVERSION
The returning of an esttate to the grantor or his heirs, by operation of law, after the grant has terminated; hence, the residue of an estate left in the proprietor or owner thereof, to take effect in possession, by operation of law, after - ESTOVERS
Necessaries or supples; an allowance to a person out of an estate or other thing for support; as of wood to a tenant for life, etc., of sustenance to a man confined for felony of his estate, or alimony to a woman divorced out of her husband's - DIVERS
directions, different, p. p. of divertere. See Divert, and cf. 1. Different in kind or species; diverse. Every sect of them hath a divers posture. Bacon. Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds. Deut. xxii. 9. 2. Several; sundry; various; - CONTROVERSAL
1. Turning or looking opposite ways. The temple of Janus, with his two controversal faces. Milton. 2. Controversal. Boyle. - TERGIVERSATOR
One who tergiversates; one who suffles, or practices evasion. - SLIT-SHELL
Any species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of beautiful, pearly, spiral gastropod shells having a deep slit in the outer lip. Many fossil species are known, and a few living ones are found in deep water in tropical seas. - RENVERSEMENT
A reversing.