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Word Meanings - NEEDLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One of the needle-shaped secondary leaves of pine trees. See Pinus. 5. Any slender, pointed object, like a needle, as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc. Dipping needle. See under Dipping. -- Needle bar, the reciprocating

Additional info about word: NEEDLE

One of the needle-shaped secondary leaves of pine trees. See Pinus. 5. Any slender, pointed object, like a needle, as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc. Dipping needle. See under Dipping. -- Needle bar, the reciprocating bar to which the needle of a sewing machine is attached. -- Needle beam , to shoring, the horizontal cross timber which goes through the wall or a pier, and upon which the weight of the wall rests, when a building is shored up to allow of alterations in the lower part. -- Needle furze , a prickly leguminous plant of Western Europe; the petty whin . -- Needle gun, a firearm loaded at the breech with a cartridge carrying its own fulminate, which is exploded by driving a slender needle, or pin, into it. -- Needle loom , a loom in which the weft thread is carried through the shed by a long eye-pointed needle instead of by a shuttle. -- Needle ore , acicular bismuth; a sulphide of bismuth, lead, and copper occuring in acicular crystals; -- called also aikinite. -- Needle shell , a sea urchin. -- Needle spar , aragonite. -- Needle telegraph, a telegraph in which the signals are given by the deflections of a magnetic needle to the right or to the left of a certain position. -- Sea needle , the garfish. (more info) nadel, OHG. nadal, nadala, Icel. nal, Sw. nål, Dan. naal, and also to G. nähen to sew, OHG. najan, L. nere to spin, Gr. snare: cf. Gael. & 1. A small instrument of steel, sharply pointed at one end, with an eye to receive a thread, -- used in sewing. Chaucer. Note: In some needles the eye is at the pointed end, but in ordinary needles it is at the blunt end. 2. See Magnetic needle, under Magnetic. 3. A slender rod or wire used in knitting; a knitting needle; also, a hooked instrument which carries the thread or twine, and by means of which knots or loops are formed in the process of netting, knitting, or crocheting.

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    One who underdoes; a shirk.
    Not thoroughly bred; ill-bred; as, an underbred fellow. Goldsmith.
    A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury.
    1. A series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it. Dryden. 2. A clandestine scheme; a trick. Addison.
    A want of niceness; indelicacy; impropriety.
    The soil beneath the surface; understratum; subsoil.
    p. p. of Underdelve.
    1. To receive; to perceive. He the savor undernom Which that the roses and the lilies cast. Chaucer. 2. To reprove; to reprehend. Piers Plowman.
    To prop from beneath; to put a prop under; to support; to uphold. Underprop the head that bears the crown. Fenton.
    To support as a crest; to bear. Shak.
    Objectivity. Is there such a motion or objectiveness of external bodies, which produceth light Sir M. Hale
    Wildcat insurance.
    To say by way of derogation or contradiction. Spenser.
    In a sharp manner,; keenly; acutely. They are more sharply to be chastised and reformed than the rude Irish. Spenser. The soldiers were sharply assailed with wants. Hayward. You contract your eye when you would see sharply. Bacon.
    Assistant to a tapster.
    The act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and sructure of a crystal, or becomes crystallized. 2. The body formed by crystallizing; as, silver on precipitation forms arborescent crystallizations. Note: The systems of
    To delve under.
    imp. & p. p. of Understand.
    To do less than is requisite or proper; -- opposed to overdo. Grew.
    1. A coat worn under another; a light coat, as distinguished from an overcoat, or a greatcoat. 2. A growth of short hair or fur partially concealed by a longer growth; as, a dog's undercoat.
    To happen ill or unluckily. Spenser.
    Crystal-like; transparent like crystal.
    One who plunders or pillages.
    Thickest in the middle, and tapering to both ends; fusiform; -- applied chiefly to roots. (more info) 1. Having the shape of a spindle.
    A dunce; a numskull; a blockhead. Beau. & Fl.
    A large oceanic fish found in the tropical parts of all the oceans. It is used chiefly for bait.


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