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Word Meanings - NIGHTINGALE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A small, plain, brown and gray European song bird (Luscinia luscinia). It sings at night, and is celebrated for the sweetness of its song. (more info) niht night + galan to sing, akin to E. yell; cf. D. nachtegaal, OS. nahtigala, OHG. nahtigala,

Additional info about word: NIGHTINGALE

A small, plain, brown and gray European song bird (Luscinia luscinia). It sings at night, and is celebrated for the sweetness of its song. (more info) niht night + galan to sing, akin to E. yell; cf. D. nachtegaal, OS. nahtigala, OHG. nahtigala, G. nachtigall, Sw. näktergal, Dan.

Related words: (words related to NIGHTINGALE)

    Going or traveling in the night. Gay.
    The pungent aromatic rhizome or tuber of certain East Indian or Chinese species of Alpinia and of the Kæmpferia Galanga), -- all of the Ginger family.
    The dowitcher or red-breasted snipe. See Dowitcher.
    One whose business is emptying privies by night.
    1. Repining; complaining; lamenting. Dryden. 2. Expressive of sorrow or melancholy; mournful; sad. "The most plaintive ditty." Landor. -- Plain"tive*ly, adv. -- Plain"tive*ness, n.
    Somewhat small. G. W. Cable.
    One who commences a personal action or suit to obtain a remedy for an injury to his rights; -- opposed to Ant: defendant. (more info) French equiv. to plaignant complainant, prosecutor, fr. plaindre. See
    1. To extol or honor in a solemn manner; as, to celebrate the name of the Most High. 2. To honor by solemn rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business; to observe duly; to keep; as, to celebrate a birthday.
    A songstress. Wyclif.
    Lasting all night.
    The act, process, or time of celebrating. His memory deserving a particular celebration. Clarendok. Celebration of Mass is equivalent to offering Mass Cath. Dict. To hasten the celebration of their marriage. Sir P. Sidney.
    The quality or state of being sweet (in any sense of the adjective); gratefulness to the taste or to the smell; agreeableness.
    A common name of many species of the genus Solanum, given esp. to the Solanum nigrum, or black nightshade, a low, branching weed with small white flowers and black berries reputed to be poisonous. Deadly nightshade. Same as Belladonna
    An imaginary good-natured spirit, who was supposed often to perform important services around the house by night, such as thrashing, churning, sweeping.
    A private memorial tendered to a court, in which a person sets forth his cause of action; the exhibiting of an action in writing. Blackstone. (more info) planctum , to beat, beat the breast, lament. Cf. 1. Audible expression of sorrow;
    In a plain manner; clearly.
    Having no night.
    The time from dusk to dawn; -- opposed to Ant: daytime.
    Speaking with plain, unreserved sincerity; also, spoken sincerely; as, plain-spoken words. Dryden.
    A man's garment for the hips and thighs; breeches. See Breeches.
    Unbecoming a knight. "Knightless guile." Spenser.
    Light, fuel, or food for the whole night. Bacon.
    To deprive of knighthood. Fuller.
    The sun shining at midnight in the arctic or antarctic summer.
    A week; any period of seven consecutive days and nights. See Sennight.
    The space of fourteen days; two weeks. (more info) nights, our ancestors reckoning time by nights and winters; so, also,
    In a dismal manner; gloomily; sorrowfully; uncomfortably.
    The middle of the night; twelve o'clock at night. The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve. Shak.
    A knight who carried a banner, who possessed fiefs to a greater amount than the knight bachelor, and who was obliged to serve in war with a greater number of attendants. The dignity was sometimes conferred by the sovereign in person on the field
    A subdivision of the Quaternary age immediately following the Glacial period; -- so named from beds near Lake Champlain. Note: The earlier deposits of this period are diluvial in character, as if formed in connection with floods attending
    out+plandare to make level or plain, planus plain: cf. OF. esplaner, 1. To flatten; to spread out; to unfold; to expand. The horse-chestnut is . . . ready to explain its leaf. Evelyn. 2. To make plain, manifest, or intelligible; to clear


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