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Word Meanings - PARENTAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Of or pertaining to a parent or to parents; as, parental authority; parental obligations. 2. Becoming to, or characteristic of, parents; tender; affectionate; devoted; as, parental care. The careful course and parental provision of nature. Sir

Additional info about word: PARENTAL

1. Of or pertaining to a parent or to parents; as, parental authority; parental obligations. 2. Becoming to, or characteristic of, parents; tender; affectionate; devoted; as, parental care. The careful course and parental provision of nature. Sir T. Browne.

Related words: (words related to PARENTAL)

    1. Of the nature of a parenthesis; pertaining to, or expressed in, or as in, a parenthesis; as, a parenthetical clause; a parenthetic remark. A parenthetical observation of Moses himself. Hales. 2. Using or containing parentheses.
    Pertaining to, or serving to constitute, the character; showing the character, or distinctive qualities or traits, of a person or thing; peculiar; distinctive. Characteristic clearness of temper. Macaulay.
    One of the curved lines which inclose a parenthetic word or phrase. Note: Parenthesis, in technical grammar, is that part of a sentence which is inclosed within the recognized sign; but many phrases and sentences which are punctuated by commas
    A vessel employed to attend other vessels, to supply them with provisions and other stores, to convey intelligence, or the like. 3. A car attached to a locomotive, for carrying a supply of fuel and water. (more info) 1. One who tends; one who takes
    Something done or said in honor of the dead; obsequies. Abp. Potter.
    In a tender manner; with tenderness; mildly; gently; softly; in a manner not to injure or give pain; with pity or affection; kindly. Chaucer.
    In a devotional manner; toward devotion.
    The quality or state of being tender (in any sense of the adjective). Syn. -- Benignity; humanity; sensibility; benevolence; kindness; pity; clemency; mildness; mercy.
    1. Hunted; as, a coursed hare. 2. Arranged in courses; as, coursed masonry.
    1. One who begets, or brings forth, offspring; a father or a mother. Children, obey your parents in the Lord. Eph. vi. 1. 2. That which produces; cause; source; author; begetter; as, idleness is the parent of vice. Regular industry is the parent
    1. The act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage. And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais. Acts xxi. 7. 2. THe ground or path traversed; track; way. The same horse also run the round course at Newmarket.
    Provisional. Burke.
    Of the nature of a provision; serving as a provision for the time being; -- used of partial or temporary arrangements; as, a provisional government; a provisional treaty.
    happen; akin to D. bekomen, OHG.a piquëman, Goth. biquiman to come 1. To pass from one state to another; to enter into some state or condition, by a change from another state, or by assuming or receiving new properties or qualities, additional
    A devotee. Dr. J. Scott.
    1. To appropriate by vow; to set apart or dedicate by a solemn act; to consecrate; also, to consign over; to doom; to evil; to devote one to destruction; the city was devoted to the flames. No devoted thing that a man shall devote unto the Lord
    In a careful manner.
    Disposed; inclined. Affectionated to the people. Holinshed.
    1. Having affection or warm regard; loving; fond; as, an affectionate brother. 2. Kindly inclined; zealous. Johson. Man, in his love God, and desire to please him, can never be too affectionate. Sprat. 3. Proceeding from affection; indicating
    Consecrated to a purpose; strongly attached; zealous; devout; as, a devoted admirer. -- De*vot"ed*ly, adv. -- De*vot"ed*ness, n.
    Not devoted. Bentley. Clarendon.
    Not becoming; unsuitable; unfit; indecorous; improper. My grief lets unbecoming speeches fall. Dryden. -- Un`be*com"ing*ly, adv. -- Un`be*com"ing*ness, n.
    transparere to be transparent; L. trans across, through + parere to 1. Having the property of transmitting rays of light, so that bodies can be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; diaphanous; pellucid; as, transparent glass; a transparent
    Having recurring flow and ebb; moving alternately. Drayton.
    To change the nature of; to invest with a different or contrary nature. A right heavenly nature, indeed, as if were unnaturing them, doth so bridle them . Sir P. Sidney.
    The act of devoting one's self, or the state of being self- devoted; willingness to sacrifice one's own advantage or happiness for the sake of others; self-sacrifice.
    Having half the nature of another. Shak.
    A sign at the beginning of a composition or movement, placed after the key signature, to indicate its time or meter. Also called rhythmical signature. It is in the form of a fraction, of which the denominator indicates the kind of note taken as
    The pretender , the son or the grandson of James II., the heir of the royal family of Stuart, who laid claim to the throne of Great Britain, from which the house was excluded by law. It is the shallow, unimproved intellects that are the confident


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