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Word Meanings - PEPPERMINT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An aromatic and pungent plant of the genus Mentha (M. piperita), much used in medicine and confectionery. 2. A volatile oil distilled from the fresh herb; also, a well-known essence or spirit obtained from it. 3. A lozenge of sugar flavored

Additional info about word: PEPPERMINT

An aromatic and pungent plant of the genus Mentha (M. piperita), much used in medicine and confectionery. 2. A volatile oil distilled from the fresh herb; also, a well-known essence or spirit obtained from it. 3. A lozenge of sugar flavored with peppermint. Peppermint camphor. Same as Menthol. -- Peppermint tree , a name given to several Australian species of gum tree (Eucalyptus amygdalina, E. piperita, E. odorata, etc.) which have hard and durable wood, and yield an essential oil.

Related words: (words related to PEPPERMINT)

    A kind of candy or sweetneat made up in small balls or disks.
    1. Having the quality of spirit; tenuous in substance, and having active powers or properties; ethereal; immaterial; spiritual; pure. 2. Containing, or of the nature of, alcoholic spirit; consisting of refined spirit; alcoholic; ardent;
    Capable of being distilled; especially, capable of being distilled without chemical change or decomposition; as, alcohol is distillable; olive oil is not distillable.
    The separation of the volatile parts of a substance from the more fixed; specifically, the operation of driving off gas or vapor from volatile liquids or solids, by heat in a retort or still, and the condensation of the products as far as possible
    The state of being fresh. The Scots had the advantage both for number and freshness of men. Hayward. And breathe the freshness of the open air. Dryden. Her cheeks their freshness lose and wonted grace. Granville.
    1. A stream of fresh water. Milton. 2. A flood or overflowing of a stream caused by heavy rains or melted snow; a sudden inundation. Cracked the sky, as ice in rivers When the freshet is at highest. Longfellow.
    To extract spirit from; also, to convert into, or impregnate with, spirit. (more info) 1. To refine intellectiually or morally; to purify from the corrupting influence of the world; to give a spiritual character or tendency to; as, to spiritualize
    A subdivision of Carnivora having plantigrade feet. It includes the bears, raccoons, and allied species.
    The quality or state of being spirituous; spirituousness.
    The embryo which has begun its development in the act of germination.
    Walking on the sole of the foot; pertaining to the plantigrades. Having the foot so formed that the heel touches the ground when the leg is upright.
    Quality or state of being volatile; disposition to evaporate; changeableness; fickleness. Syn. -- See Levity.
    Having the mind set on spiritual things, or filled with holy desires and affections. -- Spir"it*u*al-mind`ed*ness, n.
    Capable of being obtained.
    Having a distinct flavor; as, high-flavored wine.
    Sweetened. "The sugared liquor." Spenser.
    In a fresh manner; vigorously; newly, recently; brightly; briskly; coolly; as, freshly gathered; freshly painted; the wind blows freshly. Looks he as freshly as he did Shak.
    Rum, whisky, brandy, gin, and other distilled liquors having much alcohol, in distinction from wine and malt liquors. (more info) 1. Air set in motion by breathing; breath; hence, sometimes, life itself. "All of spirit would deprive." Spenser.
    novice; one in the rudiments of knowledge; especially, a student during his fist year in a college or university. He drank his glass and cracked his joke, And freshmen wondered as he spoke. Goldsmith. Freshman class, the lowest of the four classes
    The act of displanting; removal; displacement. Sir W. Raleigh.
    heels, to throw down; sub under + planta the sole of the foot, also, 1. To trip up. "Supplanted, down he fell." Milton. 2. To remove or displace by stratagem; to displace and take the place of; to supersede; as, a rival supplants another in the
    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    Depressed in spirits; disheartened; daunted. -- Dis*pir"it*ed*ly, adv. -- Dis*pir"it*ed, n.
    That may be reobtained.
    Having the tarsus covered behind with a horny sheath continuous on both sides, as in most singing birds, except the larks.
    A subdivision of a genus, comprising one or more species which differ from other species of the genus in some important character or characters; as, the azaleas now constitute a subgenus of Rhododendron.
    Anew; again; once more; newly. They crucify . . . the Son of God afresh. Heb. vi. 6.


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