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Word Meanings - RATIOCINATIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Characterized by, or addicted to, ratiocination; consisting in the comparison of proportions or facts, and the deduction of inferences from the comparison; argumentative; as, a ratiocinative process. The ratiocinative meditativeness of

Additional info about word: RATIOCINATIVE

Characterized by, or addicted to, ratiocination; consisting in the comparison of proportions or facts, and the deduction of inferences from the comparison; argumentative; as, a ratiocinative process. The ratiocinative meditativeness of his character. Coleridge.

Related words: (words related to RATIOCINATIVE)

    The process of reasoning, or deducing conclusions from premises; deductive reasoning.
    In a consistent manner.
    Proceeding; advancing. Because it is language, -- ergo, processive. Coleridge.
    One who goes or marches in a procession.
    1. To stand firm; to be in a fixed or permanent state, as a body composed of parts in union or connection; to hold together; to be; to exist; to subsist; to be supported and maintained. He is before all things, and by him all things consist. Col.
    Pertaining to a Presbyterian consistory; -- a contemptuous term of 17th century controversy. You fall next on the consistorian schismatics; for so you call Presbyterians. Milton.
    The modification, by inflection or otherwise, which the adjective and adverb undergo to denote degrees of quality or quantity; as, little, less, least, are examples of comparison. (more info) 1. The act of comparing; an examination of two or more
    Pertaining to a procession; consisting in processions; as, processionary service. Processionary moth , any moth of the genus Cnethocampa, especially C. processionea of Europe, whose larvæ make large webs on oak trees, and go out to feed in regular
    1. The condition of standing or adhering together, or being fixed in union, as the parts of a body; existence; firmness; coherence; solidity. Water, being divided, maketh many circles, till it restore itself to the natural consistence. Bacon. We
    The spiritual court of a diocesan bishop held before his chancellor or commissioner in his cathedral church or elsewhere. Hook. (more info) consistorium a place of assembly, the place where the emperor's council met, fr. consistere: cf.
    Addicted; devoted.
    1. Consisting of, or characterized by, argument; containing a process of reasoning; as, an argumentative discourse. 2. Adductive as proof; indicative; as, the adaptation of things to their uses is argumentative of infinite wisdom in the Creator.
    1. Possessing firmness or fixedness; firm; hard; solid. The humoral and consistent parts of the body. Harvey. 2. Having agreement with itself or with something else; having harmony among its parts; possesing unity; accordant; harmonious; congruous;
    1. To make distinct and recognizable by peculiar marks or traits; to make with distinctive features. European, Asiatic, Chinese, African, and Grecian faces are Characterized. Arbuthot. 2. To engrave or imprint. Sir M. Hale. 3. To indicate the
    A proceeding prescribed by statute for ascertaining and fixing the boundaries of land. See 2d Procession. Bouvier.
    Of or pertaining to a consistory. "Consistorial laws." Hooker. "Consistorial courts." Bp. Hoadley.
    A plate prepared by a mechanical process, esp. a photomechanical process. A very slow photographic plate, giving good contrasts between high lights and shadows, used esp. for making lantern slides.
    Of or pertaining to a procession; consisting in a procession. The processional services became more frequent. Milman.
    The quality or state of being addicted; attachment.
    1. One who takes part in a procession. 2. A manual of processions; a processional. Fuller.
    That variety of either the Bessemer or the open-hearth process in which the converter or hearth is lined with acid, that is, highly siliceous, material. Opposed to basic process.
    A process of extracting gold or silver by treating the ore in a revolving barrel, or drum, with mercury, chlorine, cyanide solution, or other reagent.
    To characterize falsely or erroneously; to give a wrong character to. They totally mischaracterize the action. Eton.
    A Bessemer or open-hearth steel-making process in which a lining that is basic, or not siliceous, is used, and additions of basic material are made to the molten charge during treatment. Opposed to acid process, above. Called also Thomas process.
    In an inconsistent manner.
    Mutual comparison of corresponding parts.
    A process for preserving timber and rendering it incombustible by impregnating it successively with solutions of sulphate of iron and calcium chloride in vacuo. --Payn"ize, v. t.
    A process of separating the substances contained in pulverized ore or the like by depositing the mixture on the surface of a flowing liquid, the substances that are quickly wet readily overcoming the surface tension of the liquid and sinking, the
    1. The quality or state of being inconsistent; discordance in respect to sentiment or action; such contrariety between two things that both can not exist or be true together; disagreement; incompatibility. There is a perfect inconsistency between


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