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Word Meanings - REGRATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To remove the outer surface of, as of an old hewn stone, so as to give it a fresh appearance. 2. To offend; to shock. Derham.

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    Being on the outside; external; farthest or farther from the interior, from a given station, or from any space or position regarded as a center or starting place; -- opposed to inner; as, the outer wall; the outer court or gate; the outer stump
    An offender. Holland.
    A subsoil made up of small stones or finely-broken rock; brash.
    A woman who offends. Shak.
    The weight supported per square unit of surface; the quotient obtained by dividing the gross weight, in pounds, of a fully loaded flying machine, by the total area, in square feet, of its supporting surface.
    The state of being fresh. The Scots had the advantage both for number and freshness of men. Hayward. And breathe the freshness of the open air. Dryden. Her cheeks their freshness lose and wonted grace. Granville.
    1. A stream of fresh water. Milton. 2. A flood or overflowing of a stream caused by heavy rains or melted snow; a sudden inundation. Cracked the sky, as ice in rivers When the freshet is at highest. Longfellow.
    A North American plant having a very hard root; horse balm. See Horse balm, under Horse.
    See 1
    In a fresh manner; vigorously; newly, recently; brightly; briskly; coolly; as, freshly gathered; freshly painted; the wind blows freshly. Looks he as freshly as he did Shak.
    1. Utterly; entirely. Chaucer. 2. Toward the outside. Grew.
    As still as a stone. Shak.
    novice; one in the rudiments of knowledge; especially, a student during his fist year in a college or university. He drank his glass and cracked his joke, And freshmen wondered as he spoke. Goldsmith. Freshman class, the lowest of the four classes
    1. Of, pertaining to, or living in, water not salt; as, fresh-water geological deposits; a fresh-water fish; fresh-water mussels. 2. Accustomed to sail on fresh water only; unskilled as a seaman; as, a fresh-water sailor. 3. Unskilled;
    As blind as a stone; completely blind.
    Having a thick and bushy head of hair.
    The state of being a freshman.
    A lot consisting of sixty pieces; -- a term applied in some Baltic ports to loose goods. (more info) quantity, threescore, MHG. schoc, Sw. skok, and also G. hocke a heap 1. A pile or assemblage of sheaves of grain, as wheat, rye, or the like, set
    A calculous concretion, especially one in the kidneys or bladder; the disease arising from a calculus. 5. One of the testes; a testicle. Shak. (more info) sten, D. steen, G. stein, Icel. steinn, Sw. sten, Dan. steen, Goth. 1. Concreted earthy or
    AS. fersc; akin to D. versch, G. frisch, OHG. frisc, Sw. frisk, Dan. frisk, fersk, Icel. fr frisky, brisk, ferskr fresh; cf. It. fresco, OF. fres, freis, fem. freske, fresche, F. frais, fem. fra, which are 1. Possessed of original life and vigor;
    An igneous rock of semiglassy nature, having a luster like pitch.
    A fossil echinus of the genus Cannulus; -- so called from its supposed resemblance to a cap.
    An igneous rock of feldspathic composition, lamellar in structure, and clinking under the hammer. See Phonolite.
    A flat, circular stone, revolving on an axle, for grinding or sharpening tools, or shaping or smoothing objects. To hold, pat, or bring one's nose to the grindstone, to oppress one; to keep one in a condition of servitude. They might be ashamed,
    A stone for scouring or rubbing; a whetstone; a rub.
    A species of English granite, used as a building stone.
    A grindstone.
    One who shouts.
    A shoemaker; a cobbler. Chaucer. There is no work better than another to please God: . . . to wash dishes, to be a souter, or an apostle, -- all is one. Tyndale.
    Eye agate. See under Eye. (more info) 1. A small, lenticular, calcareous body, esp. an operculum of a small shell of the family Tubinid, used to remove a foreign sub stance from the eye. It is rut into the inner corner of the eye under the lid,
    Any species of limicoline birds of the genera Strepsilas and Arenaria, allied to the plovers, especially the common American and European species . They are so called from their habit of turning up small stones in search of mollusks and
    A concretion, or calculus, formed in the gall bladder or biliary passages. See Calculus, n., 1.
    A concretionary nodule of clay ironstone, of the size of a walnut or larger, so called by the ancients, who believed that the eagle transported these stones to her nest to facilitate the laying of her eggs; aƫtites.


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