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Word Meanings - SALIVA - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The secretion from the salivary glands. Note: In man the saliva is a more or less turbid and slighty viscid fluid, generally of an alkaline reaction, and is secreted by the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual glands. In the mouth the saliva is

Additional info about word: SALIVA

The secretion from the salivary glands. Note: In man the saliva is a more or less turbid and slighty viscid fluid, generally of an alkaline reaction, and is secreted by the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual glands. In the mouth the saliva is mixed with the secretion from the buccal glands. The secretions from the individual salivary glands have their own special characteristics, and these are not the same in all animals. In man and many animals mixed saliva, i.e., saliva composed of the secretions of all three of the salivary glands, is an important degestive fluid on account of the presence of the peculiar enzyme, ptyalin.

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    A reactionary. C. Kingsley.
    Situated under the tongue; as, the sublingual gland. Of or pertaining to the sublingual gland; as, sublingual salvia.
    To separate from the blood and elaborate by the process of secretion; to elaborate and emit as a secretion. See Secretion. Why one set of cells should secrete bile, another urea, and so on, we do not known. Carpenter. Syn. -- To conceal; hide. See
    Sticking or adhering, and having a ropy or glutinous consistency; viscous; glutinous; sticky; tenacious; clammy; as, turpentine, tar, gums, etc., are more or less viscid.
    secretari, Sp. & Pg. secretario, It. secretario, segretario) LL. secretarius, originally, a confidant, one intrusted with secrets, 1. One who keeps, or is intrusted with, secrets. 2. A person employed to write orders, letters, dispatches, public
    segreto), fr. L. secretus, p.p. of secrernere to put apart, to 1. Hidden; concealed; as, secret treasure; secret plans; a secret vow. Shak. The secret things belong unto the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us. Deut.
    1. As much as is usually put into the mouth at one time. 2. Hence, a small quantity.
    Having particles which easily move and change their relative position without a separation of the mass, and which easily yield to pressure; capable of flowing; liquid or gaseous.
    1. Having the lees or sediment disturbed; roiled; muddy; thick; not clear; -- used of liquids of any kind; as, turbid water; turbid wine. On that strong, turbid water, a small boat, Guided by one weak hand, was seen to float. Whittier.
    1. The state or quality of being secret, hid, or concealed. 2. Secretiveness; concealment. Donne.
    Pertaining to a fluid, or to its flowing motion. Fluidal structure , the structure characteristic of certain volcanic rocks in which the arrangement of the minute crystals shows the lines of flow of thew molten material before solidification; --
    1. Furnished with a mouth. 2. Having a mouth of a particular kind; using the mouth, speech, or voice in a particular way; -- used only in composition; as, wide- mouthed; hard-mouthed; foul-mouthed; mealy-mouthed.
    The act or process of salivating; an excessive secretion of saliva, often accompained with soreness of the mouth and gums; ptyalism. Note: It may be induced by direct chemical or mechanical stimulation, as in mastication of some tasteless substance
    See S
    An opening affording entrance or exit; orifice; aperture; as: The opening of a vessel by which it is filled or emptied, charged or discharged; as, the mouth of a jar or pitcher; the mouth of the lacteal vessels, etc. The opening or entrance of any
    Situated near the ear; -- applied especially to the salivary gland near the ear. Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the parotid gland. Parotid gland , one of the salivary glands situated just in front of or below the ear. It is the largest
    1. In general; commonly; extensively, though not universally; most frequently. 2. In a general way, or in general relation; in the main; upon the whole; comprehensively. Generally speaking, they live very quietly. Addison. 3. Collectively; as a
    Secreting; performing, or connected with, the office secretion; secernent; as, secretory vessels, nerves. -- n.
    Slight. Echard.
    A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury.
    Two small glands discharging into the male urethra.
    Having a loud voice; talking or sounding noisily; noisily impudent.
    Any one of several species of marine food fishes of the genus Diabasis, or Hæmulon, of the Southern United States, having the inside of the mouth bright red. Called also flannelmouth, and grunt.
    A wide mouth; a mouth stretched in derision. Dryden.
    Having broad, hangling lips. Shak.
    Headstrong. That hot-mouthed beast that bears against the curb. Dryden.
    Using language scurrilous, opprobrious, obscene, or profane; abusive. So foul-mouthed a witness never appeared in any cause. Addison.
    One of several species of Asiatic and East Indian birds of the genus Batrachostomus ; -- so called from their very broad, flat bills.
    See BELOW
    A fish of the genus Aulostoma, having a much elongated tubular snout.


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