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Word Meanings - SPORTULE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A charitable gift or contribution; a gift; an alms; a dole; a largess; a sportula. Ayliffe.

Related words: (words related to SPORTULE)

    Pertaining to, or furnishing, a contribution.
    The quality of being charitable; the exercise of charity.
    A plan of distributing surplus by giving to each policy the excess of premiums and interest earned thereon over the expenses of management, cost of insurance, and the policy value at the date of computation. This excess is called the contribution
    A gift; a present; a prize; hence, an alms; a largess. To feed luxuriously, to frequent sports and theaters, to run for the sportula. South.
    1. Full of love and good will; benevolent; kind. Be thy intents wicked or charitable, . . . . . . I will speak to thee. Shak. 2. Liberal in judging of others; disposed to look on the best side, and to avoid harsh judgment. 3. Liberal
    1. Liberality; generosity; bounty. Fulfilled of largesse and of all grace. Chaucer. 2. A present; a gift; a bounty bestowed. The heralds finished their proclamation with their usual cry of "Largesse, largesse, gallant knights!" and gold and silver
    Subsisting on alms or charitable contributions. Bp. Hall.
    An irregular and arbitrary imposition or tax leved on the people of a town or country. These sums, . . . and the forced contributions paid by luckless peasants, enabled him to keep his straggling troops together. Motley. (more info) 1. The act
    Foolish expenditure; waste. Chaucer.
    Uncharitable; unfeeling. Shak.
    Not charitable; contrary to charity; severe in judging; harsh; censorious; as, uncharitable opinions or zeal. Addison. -- Un*char"i*ta*ble*ness, n. -- Un*char"i*ta*bly, adv.


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