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Word Meanings - SURPLUSAGE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Matter in pleading which is not necessary or relevant to the case, and which may be rejected. (more info) 1. Surplus; excess; overplus; as, surplusage of grain or goods beyond what is wanted. Take what thou please of all this surplusage. Spenser.

Additional info about word: SURPLUSAGE

Matter in pleading which is not necessary or relevant to the case, and which may be rejected. (more info) 1. Surplus; excess; overplus; as, surplusage of grain or goods beyond what is wanted. Take what thou please of all this surplusage. Spenser. A surplusage given to one part is paid out of a reduction from another part of the same creature. Emerson.

Related words: (words related to SURPLUSAGE)

    Having no want; abundant; fruitful.
    wanting , hence expressing negation + towen, p. p., AS. togen, p. p. of teón to draw, to educate, bring up; hence, 1. Untrained; undisciplined; unrestrained; hence, loose; free; luxuriant; roving; sportive. "In woods and wanton wilderness."
    1. That which remains when use or need is satisfied, or when a limit is reached; excess; overplus. 2. Specifically, an amount in the public treasury at any time greater than is required for the ordinary purposes of the government.
    Having tubercles or grainlike processes, as the petals or sepals of some flowers. (more info) 1. Having a grain; divided into small particles or grains; showing the grain; hence, rough. 2. Dyed in grain; ingrained. Persons lightly dipped,
    The mutual pleas and replies of the plaintiff and defendant, or written statements of the parties in support of their claims, proceeding from the declaration of the plaintiff, until issue is joined, and the question made to rest on some
    1. Such as must be; impossible to be otherwise; not to be avoided; inevitable. Death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come. Shak. 2. Impossible to be otherwise, or to be dispensed with, without preventing the attainment of a desired result;
    In a relevant manner.
    In a pleading manner.
    One destitute of wit or sense; a blockhead; a fool. Shak.
    One who rejects.
    One who pleases or gratifies.
    The quality or state of being wanton; negligence of restraint; sportiveness; recklessness; lasciviousness. Gower. The tumults threatened to abuse all acts of grace, and turn them into wantonness. Eikon Basilike. Young gentlemen would be as sad as
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    To present an answer, by allegation of fact, to the declaration of a plaintiff; to deny the plaintiff's declaration and demand, or to allege facts which show that ought not to recover in the suit; in a less strict sense, to make an allegation of
    re- + jacere to throw: cf. F. rejeter, formerly also spelt rejecter. 1. To cast from one; to throw away; to discard. Therefore all this exercise of hunting . . . the Utopians have rejected to their butchers. Robynson . Reject me not from among
    One who draws up or forms pleas; the draughtsman of pleas or pleadings in the widest sense; as, a special pleader. (more info) 1. One who pleads; one who argues for or against; an advotate. So fair a pleader any cause may gain. Dryden.
    1. On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than. Beyond that flaming hill. G. Fletcher. 2. At a place or time not yet reached; before. A thing beyond us, even before our death. Pope. 3. Past, out of the reach or
    The process of separating soap from spent lye, as with salt. (more info) 1. Indentation; roughening; milling, as on edges of coins. Locke. 2. A process in dressing leather, by which the skin is softened and the grain raised. 3. Painting
    Resembling grains; granular.
    That which remains after a supply, or beyond a quantity proposed; surplus. Shak. "The overplus of a great fortune." Addison.
    To plead the contrary of; to plead against; to deny.
    1. Dyed with grain, or kermes. 2. Dyed before manufacture, -- said of the material of a textile fabric; hence, in general, thoroughly inwrought; forming an essential part of the substance. Ingrain carpet, a double or two-ply carpet. --
    A small lemuroid mammal of Africa. It has only a rudimentary tail.
    1. Having the grain or fibers run diagonally, or more or less transversely an irregularly, so as to interfere with splitting or planing. If the stuff proves crossgrained, . . . then you must turn your stuff to plane it the contrary way. Moxon.
    See A
    , the grain of timber which is transverse to the annular rings or plates; the direction of the medullary rays in oak and some other timber. Knight.
    To please excessively.
    To institute and prosecute a suit against, in court; to sue or prosecute at law; hence, to accuse; to impeach.
    One who, or that which, dispenses; a distributer; as, a dispenser of favors.


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