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Word Meanings - SWEETMEAT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A boat shell of the American coast. (more info) 1. Fruit preserved with sugar, as peaches, pears, melons, nuts, orange peel, etc.; -- usually in the plural; a confect; a confection. 2. The paint used in making patent leather.

Related words: (words related to SWEETMEAT)

    A kind of candy or sweetneat made up in small balls or disks.
    Any apparatus for making and breaking an electric circuit; a circuit breaker.
    , a. Having no shell. J. Burroughs.
    The pulpy, edible seed vessels of certain plants, especially those grown on branches above ground, as apples, oranges, grapes, melons, berries, etc. See 3. (more info) enjoyment, product, fruit, from frui, p. p. fructus, to enjoy; akin 1. Whatever
    1. Fruit, collectively; fruit, in general; fruitery. The trees . . . ambrosial fruitage bear. Milton. 2. Product or result of any action; effect, good or ill.
    A drink made of orange juice and water, corresponding to lemonade; orange sherbet.
    Open; expanded; evident; apparent; unconcealed; manifest; public; conspicuous. He had received instructions, both patent and secret. Motley. 2. Open to public perusal; -- said of a document conferring some right or privilege; as, letters patent.
    A tool somewhat like a chisel with a groove in it, used by calkers of ships to finish the seams after the oakum has been driven in.
    The process of Americanizing.
    Eujoying; possessing. Boyle.
    One who, or that which, shells; as, an oyster sheller; a corn sheller.
    A small branching shrub , with a white, soft wood, and a tough, leathery bark, common in damp woods in the Northern United States; -- called also moosewood, and wicopy. Gray.
    Sweetened. "The sugared liquor." Spenser.
    A soft solid made by incorporating a medicinal substance or substances with sugar, sirup, or honey. Note: The pharmacopoeias formerly made a distinction between conserves and electuaries , but the distinction is now abandoned and all are called
    1. Of or pertaining to America; as, the American continent: American Indians. 2. Of or pertaining to the United States. "A young officer of the American navy." Lyell. American ivy. See Virginia creeper. -- American Party , a party, about 1854,
    The work of the painter; also, any work of art in which objects are represented in color on a flat surface; a colored representation of any object or scene; a picture. 3. Color laid on; paint. Shak. 4. A depicting by words; vivid representation
    1. Attachment to the United States. 2. A custom peculiar to the United States or to America; an American characteristic or idea. 3. A word or phrase peculiar to the United States.
    1. Resembling or containing sugar; tasting of sugar; sweet. Spenser. 2. Fond of sugar or sweet things; as, a sugary palate.
    A rope at the bow of a boat, used to fasten it to anything. Totten. (more info) panthera, L. panther a hunting net, fr. Gr. ; painteir a net, gin,
    Relating to, or containing, more than one; designating two or more; as, a plural word. Plural faith, which is too much by one. Shak. Plural number , the number which designates more than one. See Number, n., 8.
    A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell .
    One who makes dresses, cloaks, etc., for women; a dressmaker.
    Any fresh-water gastropod of the genus Valvata.
    Any marine gastropod shell of the genus Apporhais having an elongated siphon. See Illust. under Rostrifera.
    One who makes boots. -- Boot"mak`ing, n.
    Any species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of beautiful, pearly, spiral gastropod shells having a deep slit in the outer lip. Many fossil species are known, and a few living ones are found in deep water in tropical seas.
    To paint anew or again; as, to repaint a house; to repaint the ground of a picture.
    One whose occupation is to make bricks. -- Brick"mak*ing, n.
    Not producing fruit or offspring; unproductive; infertile; barren; sterile; as, an unfruitful tree or animal; unfruitful soil; an unfruitful life or effort. -- Un*fruit"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*fruit"ful*ness, n.
    Any spiral marine shell of the genus Persona, having a curiously twisted aperture.


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