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Word Meanings - TOWNSHIP - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The district or territory of a town. Note: In the United States, many of the States are divided into townships of five, six, seven, or perhaps ten miles square, and the inhabitants of such townships are invested with certain powers

Additional info about word: TOWNSHIP

1. The district or territory of a town. Note: In the United States, many of the States are divided into townships of five, six, seven, or perhaps ten miles square, and the inhabitants of such townships are invested with certain powers for regulating their own affairs, such as repairing roads and providing for the poor. The township is subordinate to the county. 2. In surveys of the public land of the United States, a division of territory six miles square, containing 36 sections. 3. In Canada, one of the subdivisions of a county.

Related words: (words related to TOWNSHIP)

    Having the manner or wisdom of statesmen; becoming a statesman.
    The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research; study; inquiry, esp. patient or thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of the judge,
    Not iterable; incapable of being repeated. "To play away an uniterable life." Sir T. Browne.
    An instrument for dividing lines, describing circles, etc., compasses. See Compasses. Note: The word dividers is usually applied to the instrument as made for the use of draughtsmen, etc.; compasses to the coarser instrument used by carpenters.
    A number or quantity which is to be divided. (more info) 1. A sum of money to be divided and distributed; the share of a sum divided that falls to each individual; a distribute sum, share, or percentage; -- applied to the profits as appropriated
    A week; any period of seven consecutive days and nights. See Sennight.
    Given to investigation; inquisitive; curious; searching.
    Having the toe square. Obsolete as fardingales, ruffs, and square-toed shoes. V. Knox.
    Of or pertaining to Miletus, a city of Asia Minor, or to its inhabitants.
    Having the power of uniting; causing, or tending to produce, union. Jer. Taylor.
    In a square form or manner.
    Covering; clothing. Woodward.
    The doctrines of Unitarians.
    To change or turn to Unitarian views.
    Having the sails extended upon yards suspended horizontally by the middle, as distinguished from fore-and-aft sails; thus, a ship and a brig are square-rigged vessels.
    Repeated seven times; having seven thicknesses; increased to seven times the size or amount. "Sevenfold rage." Milton.
    Livery of seizin. The grant of land or a feud was perfected by the ceremony oinvestiture, or open delivery of possession. Blackstone. 3. That with which anyone is invested or clothed; investment; clothing; covering. While we yet have on Our gross
    Divided; dividual. He so often substantiates distinctions into dividuous, selfsubsistent. Coleridge.
    Rigorous; stringent; harsh. Punishing with the rod of district severity. Foxe.
    A woman concerned in public affairs. A rare stateswoman; I admire her bearing. B. Jonson.
    Having a cross section in the form of an equilateral triangle; -- said especially of a kind of file.
    A division of that which is individual. An individual can not branch itself into subindividuals. Milton.
    See T
    The act of ascertaining; a reducing to certainty; a finding out by investigation; discovery. The positive ascertainment of its limits. Burke.
    That may be ascertained. -- As`cer*tain"a*ble*ness, n. -- As`cer*tain"a*bly, adv.
    To divide into new districts.
    One who individualizes.
    To divide the parts of into more parts; to part into smaller divisions; to divide again, as what has already been divided. The progenies of Cham and Japhet swarmed into colonies, and those colonies were subdivided into many others. Dryden.
    Of or pertaining to tribunes; befitting a tribune; as, tribunitial power or authority. Dryden. A kind of tribunician veto, forbidding that which is recognized to be wrong. Hare.
    A metal covering plate which passes over the trunnions of a cannon, and holds it in place.


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