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Word Meanings - TRIPLET - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Three verses rhyming together. (more info) 1. A collection or combination of three of a kind; three united.

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    Having a cross section in the form of an equilateral triangle; -- said especially of a kind of file.
    Not iterable; incapable of being repeated. "To play away an uniterable life." Sir T. Browne.
    The art or habit of making rhymes; rhyming; -- in contempt.
    Of or pertaining to three miles; as, the three-mile limit, or the limit of the marine belt of three miles included in territorial waters of a state.
    An old name for the finest and most costly kind of velvet, having a fine, thick pile. I have served Prince Florizel and in my time wore three-pile. Shak.
    A vessel of war carrying guns on three decks.
    Having three sides, especially three plane sides; as, a three- sided stem, leaf, petiole, peduncle, scape, or pericarp.
    Having three prominent longitudinal angles; as, a three- cornered stem. (more info) 1. Having three corners, or angles; as, a three-cornered hat.
    Having the power of uniting; causing, or tending to produce, union. Jer. Taylor.
    Having three ports; specif.: Designating a type of two-cycle internal-combustion engine in which the mixture enters the crank case through a port uncovered by the piston near the end of its stroke.
    The doctrines of Unitarians.
    Consisting of three distinct webs inwrought together in weaving, as cloth or carpeting; having three strands; threefold.
    Divided into, or consisting of, three parts; tripartite. Three- parted leaf , a leaf divided into three parts down to the base, but not entirely separate.
    Bearing three flowers together, or only three flowers.
    To change or turn to Unitarian views.
    The act or process of uniting by chemical affinity, by which substances unite with each other in definite proportions by weight to form distinct compounds. 4. pl. (more info) 1. The act or process of combining or uniting persons and things. Making
    Costing or worth three pence; hence, worth but little; poor; mean.
    Consisting of three, or thrice repeated; triple; as, threefold justice. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. Eccl. iv. 12.
  • UNIT
    The least whole number; one. Units are the integral parts of any large number. I. Watts. 3. A gold coin of the reign of James I., of the value of twenty shillings. Camden. 4. Any determinate amount or quantity (as of length, time, heat,
    Capable of union by growth or otherwise. Owen.
    Of or pertaining to tribunes; befitting a tribune; as, tribunitial power or authority. Dryden. A kind of tribunician veto, forbidding that which is recognized to be wrong. Hare.
    The quality of being jejune; jejuneness.
    The quality or state of being triune; trinity. Dr. H. More.
    fortification, fr. munire to fortify, defend with a wall; cf. moenia walls, murus a wall, and Skr. mi to fix, make firm. Cf. 1. Fortification; stronghold. His place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks. Is. xxxiii. 16. 2. Whatever materials


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