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Word Meanings - URINE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

In mammals, a fluid excretion from the kidneys; in birds and reptiles, a solid or semisolid excretion. Note: In man, the urine is a clear, transparent fluid of an amber color and peculiar odor, with an average density of 1.02. The average amount

Additional info about word: URINE

In mammals, a fluid excretion from the kidneys; in birds and reptiles, a solid or semisolid excretion. Note: In man, the urine is a clear, transparent fluid of an amber color and peculiar odor, with an average density of 1.02. The average amount excreted in 24 hours is from 40 to 60 ounces (about 1,200 cubic centimeters). Chemically, the urine is mainly an aqueous solution of urea, salt , and uric acid, together with some hippuric acid and peculiar pigments. It usually has an acid reaction, owing to the presence of acid phosphates of soda or free uric acid. Normally, it contains about 960 parts of water to 40 parts of solid matter, and the daily average excretion is 35 grams (540 grains) of urea, 0.75 gram of uric acid, and 16.5 grams of salt. Abnormally, it may contain sugar as in diabetes, albumen as in Bright's disease, bile pigments as in jaundice, or abnormal quantities of some one or more of the normal constituents. (more info) water, to dive, Gr. var water, Icel. drizzling rain, AS. wær the

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    A vender of paints, etc. Simmonds.
    A small piece of money. Shak.
    In a clear manner.
    transparere to be transparent; L. trans across, through + parere to 1. Having the property of transmitting rays of light, so that bodies can be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; diaphanous; pellucid; as, transparent glass; a transparent
    A tool of which the hemp for lines and twines, used by sailmakers, is finished. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, clears. Gold is a wonderful clearer of the understanding. Addison.
    That service which a tenant owed his lord, to be done by the work beasts of the tenant, as the carriage of wheat, turf, etc. 2. Etym: A tariff or duty on goods, etc. Any charge in addition to the regular charge for freight of goods shipped.
    A tribe of ungulates which includes the horse, ass, and related species, constituting the family Equidæ.
    Colored. Ray.
    The quantitative determination of the depth of color of a substance. 2. A method of quantitative chemical analysis based upon the comparison of the depth of color of a solution with that of a standard liquid.
    The quality or state of being peculiar; peculiarity. Mede.
    Having a clear understanding; quick of perception; intelligent. "He was laborious and clear-headed." Macaulay. -- Clear"-head`ed*ness, n.
    A substance of the consistence of wax, found floating in the Indian Ocean and other parts of the tropics, and also as a morbid secretion in the intestines of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), which is believed to be in all cases its true
    Acute discernment.
    Having particles which easily move and change their relative position without a separation of the mass, and which easily yield to pressure; capable of flowing; liquid or gaseous.
    A yellowish beetle , with ten longitudinal, black, dorsal stripes. It has migrated eastwards from its original habitat in Colorado, and is very destructive to the potato plant; -- called also potato beetle and potato bug. See Potato beetle.
    To make solid or firm. Cowley.
    In a peculiar manner; particulary; in a rare and striking degree; unusually.
    The gigantic sugar pine of California and Oregon (Pinus Lambertiana). It has the leaves in fives, and cones a foot long. The timber is soft, and like that of the white pine of the Eastern States.
    Of the same color; of uniform color. "Concolor animals." Sir T. Browne.
    Lewdness. Rom. xiii. 13.
    Pertaining to, or like, the dasyures.
    A white, crystalline base, obtained indirectly from furfurol.
    1. One who attends in a chamber; a chambermaid. Chaucer. 2. A civilian; a carpetmonger.
    An ancient high court exercising jurisdiction in certain cases, mainly criminal, which sat without the intervention of a jury. It consisted of the king's council, or of the privy council only with the addition of certain judges. It could proceed
    Of or pertaining to the genus Taurus, or cattle.
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    Containing many nuclei.
    A brownish yellow color. (more info) Spanish princess Isabella, daughter of king Philip II., in allusion to the color assumed by her shift, which she wore without change from
    To organic cohesion of different circled in a flower; adnation. (more info) 1. The act or process of consolidating, making firm, or uniting; the state of being consolidated; solidification; combination. The consolidation of the marble and of the


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