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Word Meanings - VOMITING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The spasmodic ejection of matter from the stomach through the mouth.

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    1. Of or pertaining to the stomach; gastric. 2. Helping the stomach; stomachic; cordial.
    Obstinate; sullen; haughty. A little, bold, solemn, stomachy man, a great professor of piety. R. L. Stevenson.
    1. As much as is usually put into the mouth at one time. 2. Hence, a small quantity.
    thuru, OFries. thruch, D. door, OHG. durh, duruh, G. durch, Goth. ; 1. From end to end of, or from side to side of; from one surface or limit of, to the opposite; into and out of at the opposite, or at another, point; as, to bore through a piece
    1. One who stomachs.
    Willfully obstinate; stubborn; perverse. -- Stom"ach*ful*ly, adv. -- Stom"ach*ful*ness, n.
    Stout; sullen; obstinate. With stern looks and stomachous disdain. Spenser.
    1. Furnished with a mouth. 2. Having a mouth of a particular kind; using the mouth, speech, or voice in a particular way; -- used only in composition; as, wide- mouthed; hard-mouthed; foul-mouthed; mealy-mouthed.
    A medicine that strengthens the stomach and excites its action.
    An opening affording entrance or exit; orifice; aperture; as: The opening of a vessel by which it is filled or emptied, charged or discharged; as, the mouth of a jar or pitcher; the mouth of the lacteal vessels, etc. The opening or entrance of any
    1. Not being, or having, matter; as, matterless spirits. Davies 2. Unimportant; immaterial.
    Of or pertaining to spasm; consisting in spasm; occuring in, or characterized by, spasms; as, a spasmodic asthma. 2. Soon relaxed or exhausted; convulsive; intermittent; as, spasmodic zeal or industry. Spasmodic croup , an affection of childhood
    Adhering to facts; not turning aside from absolute realities; not fanciful or imaginative; commonplace; dry.
    Thoroughly. Bacon. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity. Ps. li. 2. To dare in fields is valor; but how few Dare to be throughly valiant to be true Dryden.
    1. Generating or containing pus; purulent. 2. Full of substance or matter; important. B. Jonson.
    1. The part of a musical or other instrument to which the mouth is applied in using it; as, the mouthpiece of a bugle, or of a tobacco pipe. 2. An appendage to an inlet or outlet opening of a pipe or vessel, to direct or facilitate the inflow or
    Having the basal joints of the legs converted into jaws.
    The act or process of discharging anything from the body, particularly the excretions. 3. The state of being ejected or cast out; dispossession; banishment. (more info) 1. The act of ejecting or casting out; discharge; expulsion; evacuation. "Vast
    Spoken without sincerity; not heartfelt. "Mouth-made vows." Shak.
    1. A casting down; depression. Hallywell. 2. The act of humbling or abasing one's self. Adoration implies submission and dejection. Bp. Pearson. 3. Lowness of spirits occasioned by grief or misfortune; mental depression; melancholy. What besides,
    Having a loud voice; talking or sounding noisily; noisily impudent.
    Any one of several species of marine food fishes of the genus Diabasis, or Hæmulon, of the Southern United States, having the inside of the mouth bright red. Called also flannelmouth, and grunt.
    A wide mouth; a mouth stretched in derision. Dryden.
    Having a lofty spirit; haughty. Shak.
    Having broad, hangling lips. Shak.
    Headstrong. That hot-mouthed beast that bears against the curb. Dryden.
    Using language scurrilous, opprobrious, obscene, or profane; abusive. So foul-mouthed a witness never appeared in any cause. Addison.
    One of several species of Asiatic and East Indian birds of the genus Batrachostomus ; -- so called from their very broad, flat bills.
    Through which. "Wherethrough that I may know." Chaucer. Windows . . . wherethrough the sun Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee. Shak.
    A fish of the genus Aulostoma, having a much elongated tubular snout.
    Having the mouth open; gaping; hence, greedy; clamorous. L'Estrange.
    A wide-mouthed bottle with glass stopper for holding chemicals, especially crystallized salts.


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