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: The new spirit in India by Nevinson Henry Woodd - India Description and travel; India Politics and government 1765-1947
Summary of recent events--Lord Curzon appointed Viceroy, 1898--The currency--Calcutta Municipality--Famine of 1900--Punjab Land Alienation Act--Commission on Expenditure--Lord Kitchener as Commander-in-Chief--Delhi Durbar--Reduction of Salt Tax--Official Secrets Act--Universities Act--Alleged exclusion of Indians from office--National Congress in Bombay, 1904--Lord Curzon's Convocation Speech--Partition of Bengal, October 16, 1905--Swadeshi movement--Lord Curzon's resignation--Lord Minto appointed Viceroy--Mr. John Morley appointed Secretary of State for India--Trouble in Eastern Bengal--Sir Bampfylde Fuller resigns--"Coronation" of Mr. Banerjea--Disturbances in Eastern Bengal and the Punjab--Prosecution of Indian papers--Riot at Rawal Pindi--Arrest of six lawyers--Deportation of Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh--Public Meetings Ordinance--The Risley Circular--Appointment of two Indians to Indian Council--Proposed scheme of Reforms--Opium Agreement with China--Anglo-Russian Agreement--Seditious Meetings Act--Mr. Morley's speech at Arbroath--Cases of supposed failure of justice--Mr. Dadabhai Naoroji retires to India 1
Festival of Diwali at Poona--The plague--Mr. Gokhale's Society of "Servants of India"--His past history--Member of the Viceroy's Legislative Council--Rules of the Society--Social and political aims--The British connection--Indians and Anglo-Indians--Criticism of proposed reforms--Mr. Gokhale's suggestions--A Society dinner 31
Plague and rats--Previous attempts to check plague--The rat-flea--War on rats--Plague mortality--A plague hospital--Symptoms of plague--Course of the sickness--Descriptions of former plagues--Inoculation--A Government inoculator 48
The custom of garlanding--The fortress of Singarh--Mr. Tilak--Religion and scholarship--Theory of the Vedas--His past history--Breach at Nagpur--His statement of his party's aims and methods--"Self-reliance, not mendicancy"--The boycott--Growth of Indian unity--Quotations from Mr. Tilak's speeches--His arrest and sentence in 1908 62
Mr. Junshi on family worship--His passion for statistics--"Statistical abstract"--Finance and population--Expenditure on Army, Education, and official Christianity--The Land Settlement--Its origin and proportion--Is it tax or rent?--Lord Salisbury's opinion--How the amount is fixed--Mr. Vaughan Nash on the Settlement--The cultivator's income--How he clings to the land, even without profit--The money-lender and the Government--Collection of assessment--Ryots and zemindars--Permanent Settlement of Bengal--Suburbs of Poona--Character of the Ryot--Government as protector of the poor--Forest Department--Grazing and timber--Arms Act and wild beasts--The tiger as scarecrow--A village petition--A sacrifice to education 78
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