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Word Meanings - ATTAIN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

atteindre, fr. L. attingere; ad + tangere to touch, reach. See 1. To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts; to gain; to compass; as, to attain rest. Is he wise who hopes to attain the end without the means Abp. Tillotson. 3. To get

Additional info about word: ATTAIN

atteindre, fr. L. attingere; ad + tangere to touch, reach. See 1. To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts; to gain; to compass; as, to attain rest. Is he wise who hopes to attain the end without the means Abp. Tillotson. 3. To get at the knowledge of; to ascertain. Not well attaining his meaning. Fuller. 4. To reach or come to, by progression or motion; to arrive at. "Canaan he now attains." Milton. 5. To overtake. Bacon. 6. To reach in excellence or degree; to equal. Syn. -- To Attain, Obtain, Procure. Attain always implies an effort toward an object. Hence it is not synonymous with obtain and procure, which do not necessarily imply such effort or motion. We procure or obtain a thing by purchase or loan, and we obtain by inheritance, but we do not attain it by such means.

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    A state of union; mass.
    Composedly; coolly.
    1. Capable of being strained. 2. Violent in action. Holinshed.
    atteindre, fr. L. attingere; ad + tangere to touch, reach. See 1. To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts; to gain; to compass; as, to attain rest. Is he wise who hopes to attain the end without the means Abp. Tillotson. 3. To get
    One who exposes or discloses.
    The white whey, or that which is last pressed out of the curd press, as for pressing curd in making cheese. (more info) 1. The act of pushing with force. The act of squeezing curd with the hand, to expel the whey. pl.
    Capable of being collected.
    The doctrine that land and capital should be owned by society collectively or as a whole; communism. W. G. Summer.
    1. Acquisition beyond expenditure; excess of value received for producing, keeping, or selling, over cost; hence, pecuniary gain in any transaction or occupation; emolument; as, a profit on the sale of goods. Let no man anticipate uncertain
    1. To seize and hold by clasping or embracing with the fingers or arms; to catch to take possession of. Thy hand is made to grasp a palmer's staff. Shak. 2. To lay hold of with the mind; to become thoroughly acquainted or conversant with;
    from Strain. Straining piece , a short piece of timber in a truss, used to maintain the ends of struts or rafters, and keep them from slipping. See Illust. of Queen-post.
    In an understanding manner; intelligibly; with full knowledge or comprehension; intelligently; as, to vote upon a question understandingly; to act or judge understandingly. The gospel may be neglected, but in can not be understandingly disbelieved.
    A society or association formed for mutual insurance, as among tradesmen or in labor unions, to provide for relief in sickness, old age, and for the expenses of burial. Usually called friendly society in Great Britain.
    linon, for lirnon, OHG. lirnen, lernen, G. lernen, fr. the root of AS. l to teach, OS. lerian, OHG.leran, G. lehren, Goth. laisjan, also Goth lais I know, leis acquainted ; all prob. from a root meaning, to go, go over, and hence, to learn; cf.
    Unlimited extension. An . . . extendlessness of excursions. Sir. M. Hale.
    Yielding or bringing profit or gain; gainful; lucrative; useful; helpful; advantageous; beneficial; as, a profitable trade; profitable business; a profitable study or profession. What was so profitable to the empire became fatal to the emperor.
    To gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own; as, to acquire a title, riches, knowledge, skill, good or bad habits. No virtue is acquired in an instant, but step by step. Barrow. Descent is the title whereby a man, on the death of
    In a mass, or body; in a collected state; in the aggregate; unitedly.
    Capable of being obtained.
    Attainder is often erroneously referred to F. teindre tie stain. See 1. The act of attainting, or the state of being attainted; the extinction of the civil rights and capacities of a person, consequent upon sentence of death or outlawry; as, an
    To surpass in preaching. And for a villain's quick conversion A pillory can outpreach a parson. Trumbull.
    One of a family of extinct edentates found in America. The family includes the megatherium, the megalonyx, etc.
    To advance or gain upon; -- said of a vessel that gains upon another when sailing closehauled.
    Capable of being restrained; controllable. Sir T. Browne.
    To penetrate between or within; to penetrate mutually. It interpenetrates my granite mass. Shelley.
    Imperfectly learned.
    To attain again.
    Half-bred; imperfect. "A half-strained villain." Dryden.
    That may be reobtained.
    One who collects taxes or revenues. -- Tax"gath`er*ing, n.


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