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Word Meanings - BESPEAK - Book Publishers vocabulary database

besprecan, to speak to, accuse; pref. be- + sprecan to speak. See 1. To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a favor. Concluding, naturally, that to gratify his avarice was

Additional info about word: BESPEAK

besprecan, to speak to, accuse; pref. be- + sprecan to speak. See 1. To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a favor. Concluding, naturally, that to gratify his avarice was to bespeak his favor. Sir W. Scott. 2. To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate. bespoke dangers . . . in order to scare the allies. Swift. 3. To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or appearances. When the abbot of St. Martin was born, he had so little the figure of a man that it bespoke him rather a monster. Locke. 4. To speak to; to address. He thus the queen bespoke. Dryden.

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    1. Mentioned or comprised in a proverb; used as a proverb; hence, commonly known; as, a proverbial expression; his meanness was proverbial. In case of excesses, I take the German proverbial cure, by a hair of the same beast, to be the worst. Sir
    The glandular stomach of birds, situated just above the crop.
    Capable of being supported, maintained, or endured; endurable. -- Sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- Sup*port"a*bly, adv.
    1. To infold or involve; to wrap up. "His head in curls implied." Chapman. 2. To involve in substance or essence, or by fair inference, or by construction of law, when not include virtually; as, war implies fighting. Where a mulicious act is
    Maintenance; support. Chaucer. Bacon.
    One who suggests. Beau. & Fl.
    1. To introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of, usually by the agency of other objects. Some ideas . . . are suggested to the mind by all the ways of sensation and reflection. Locke. 2. To propose with difference or modesty;
    In an affirmative manner; on the affirmative side of a question; in the affirmative; -- opposed to negatively.
    self, claim, maintain; ad + serere to join or bind together. See 1. To affirm; to declare with assurance, or plainly and strongly; to state positively; to aver; to asseverate. Nothing is more shameful . . . than to assert anything to
    The state of being involved.
    Of or pertaining to Provence or its inhabitants.
    One who suppresses.
    A woman who suggests. "The suggestress of suicides." De Quincey.
    Affirming; maintaining. Arguments . . . assertory, not probatory. Jer. Taylor. An assertory, not a promissory, declaration. Bentham. A proposition is assertory, when it enounces what is known as actual. Sir W. Hamilton.
    Information without oath; an entry of a material fact or circumstance on the record for the information of the court, at the death or insolvency of a party. (more info) 1. The act of suggesting; presentation of an idea. 2. That which is suggested;
    To interrupt the continuance of; to intermit, as a practice or habit; to put an end to; to cause to cease; to cease using, to stop; to leave off. Set up their conventicles again, which had been discontinued. Bp. Burnet. I have discontinued school
    One who bespeaks.
    Abounding with support. Chapman.
    An ancient geometrical method in which an exhaustive process was employed. It was nearly equivalent to the modern method of limits. Note: The method of exhaustions was applied to great variety of propositions, pertaining to rectifications
    A solemn assertion.
    Want of evidence; obscurity. Barrow.
    So as to secure approbation; in an approved manner.
    The act of avouching; positive declaration. Milton.
    1. To pass unfavorable judgment upon; to condemn by an act of the judgment; to regard as wrong, unsuitable, or inexpedient; to censure; as, to disapprove the conduct of others. 2. To refuse official approbation to; to disallow; to decline
    In an overthwart manner;across; also, perversely. Peacham.


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